Chapter 1675: Killer Relentless (8)

Chapter 1675 Killer is ruthless (8)

Only one of so many killers was left alive.

But the killer ran away.

Just wonder if people who don’t know them can follow them.

Qingli was a little worried.

After all, this opportunity is rare.

However, thinking about the girl who suddenly appeared, there is a medicine that can suppress the toxins in the prince's body, so I don't seem to think there is any problem.

Therefore, Qin Li became a little respectful to Cha Cha.


After Ying Wu escaped.

perceives that someone is stalking you.

She is a genius.

But even so, she couldn't get rid of the people who followed her.

There is no way, she can't go back to Tingfeng Pavilion, she is afraid of exposing Tingfeng Pavilion, and she doesn't dare to go back to the imperial city to connect with the people in Tingfeng Pavilion.

She couldn't even send the news that the assassination failed.

She could only escape while trying to get rid of the people who followed her.

It took a few hours.

ran into the deep mountains and woods, and leaned against the dense woods before throwing people away.

But, she couldn't find a way back because of this.

I walked around there in a big circle before leaving the woods...

By the time she returned to the imperial city, it was already night.

Just got back to the house.

A coldness came over him.

Ying Wu thumped and knelt down.

"Pavilion Master, Ying Wu is not doing well. The brothers who are on the mission this time are gone. Only I escaped. If someone hadn't come out to save Nangong Jin, I would never have been like this... It's useless to talk more, ask for help. You punish! Ying Wu is ashamed of her dead brother."

He lowered his eyelashes while listening to the wind, unable to see his emotions clearly.

He turned the wrench on his thumb, and after a long time, he raised his head, expressionless, "Do you know who the other party is?"

Ying Wu shook her head, "I don't know, that woman was killed in the middle of the road, and the weapon she used was an ordinary nine-section whip, without any special features, the whip was very good, and her skills were profound. Many brothers died in her. In hand..."

Except for Tianyi, she has never seen such a powerful person.

I don't know who is more powerful than Tianyi.

As soon as I had such an idea, I heard Ting Feng said, "Who do you think is more powerful between Tianyi and that person?"

"...Ying Wu doesn't know."

Ying Wu's weak answer, she couldn't be sure.

Because neither Tianyi nor that strange woman, she had never seen their true strength.

Martial arts are unfathomable.

She naturally cannot compare.

Listening to the wind, his slender fingers tapped on the table.

He lowered his head, seemingly lost in thought.

Slowly, the thin lips evoked a faint arc.

"Do you think she resembles Tianyi?"

Ying Wu was still kneeling in front of him.

After a long silence, she suddenly heard Tingfeng's words, she was stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted.

"Does the pavilion think that... that strange woman who came out is Tianyi?"

Ying Wu expressed her thoughts uncertainly.

also felt unlikely.

How could the pavilion master think like this?

Ting Feng did not answer, and looked at her with a half-smile.

Yingwu began to fall into memory.

"The woman used a whip, while Tianyi used a sword. The two of them have nothing in common..."

"What about the figure?" Ting Feng raised his brows.

"The figure... It seems to be quite similar. I have never seen the real face of the woman from beginning to end. She is covered with a veil."

Yingwu honestly confessed that she didn't dare to say anything else, and she didn't dare to frame Tianyi, such a major event could easily cause trouble.

If there is no evidence to say the wrong thing, then something big will happen, and she won't be able to eat it herself.

Therefore, telling the truth is the most correct choice.

Don't play tricks in front of the pavilion owner...

Hearing the wind smiled and sighed.

"The person I sent to assassinate Tianyi also died, by her sword, but the location was outside the imperial city, on the way to Xiangguo Temple...

I don't know if Tianyi has anything to do with the masked woman, but Tianyi must die! "

The calmness on his face could no longer be maintained.

He really has no evidence to prove that Tianyi and the masked woman are the same person.

But his intuition frantically flooded his mind with this idea.

Kill Tianyi!

Leave an uncontrollable killer behind!

He can control all the killers in the Wind Pavilion, but she...

So, she must die!

Want to be free?

Go to heaven to be free!

Yingwu felt a little bit of joy in her heart.

Once   Tian died, he would be one step closer to the pavilion master in the future.

Of course, sometimes I can’t help but sigh.

After all, Tianyi has been in Tingfeng Pavilion for many years. When Tingfeng Pavilion was established, Tianyi entered Tingfeng Pavilion. Now that I think about it, the pavilion owner wants Tianyi's life, and there is some sadness in his heart.

But this thought is only for a moment.

She will definitely become the new Tianyi in the future.

But she will never take the old path of Tianyi.

She will be loyal to the pavilion master, never betray her...

The killer of Tingfeng Pavilion suffered heavy losses.

Tingfeng didn't do anything to Ying Wu. It stands to reason that the mission failed and needs to be punished, but now Tingfeng Pavilion can't lose any more killers, so he didn't settle accounts with her.

First assassinate Tianyi, then assassinate King Jin.

For these two missions, he sent out several sky-level killers, as well as earth-level killers...

are the core killers of Tingfeng Pavilion.

As a result, it was so vulnerable.

This is the first time that the loss is so heavy.

Yingwu saw that his face was not very good-looking, and asked softly, "Pavilion Master, what should Yingwu do next?"

Listen to the wind and sit there.

Indifferent eyes swept over her.

"No rush, just wait and see what happens."

He squinted.

Next, he intends to give Tianyi another task.

If Tianyi still rejects him, it would be equivalent to openly disregarding the safety of Tingfeng Pavilion!


Stayed one night in Xiangguo Temple.

The next day.

Cha Cha touched his waist.

This bed...

She really couldn't sleep well.

Not quite used to it.

Although the furnishings are exquisite, the room may be unoccupied, so the bed is a bit shabby.

Breakfast is a few vegetarian dishes.

Cha Cha sighed slightly.

I ate vegetarian food yesterday, and it’s still vegetarian today...

In the important place of Buddhism, killing is not allowed.

Eating vegetarian food is normal, but for someone like her who puts food first, it's really a pain.

She wants to eat delicious food!

Qiqi meowed at this moment.

"Meow." There are fish in the small pond behind, and I can catch them.

Chacha, "...don't think about it, those fish must have been fed by the little master in the temple.

Qiqi, "..." I want to eat meat.

Cha Cha sighed.

threw Qiqi back into the space, bought some ingredients from the system store, and asked the robot she bought earlier to cook for Qiqi.

Of course.

If she is lucky.

She might be able to go back to the space and eat a few bites.

Delicious on earth!

Where can these vegetarian dishes be compared?

Thinking so, Cha Cha took the opportunity to go to the next room, King Jin's room, to take a look.

Oh, he also eats vegetarian food.


She has nothing to say.

Qingli respectfully bowed to her, "Girl, the lord invites you to have breakfast together."

Cha Cha, "...Oh, can I refuse?"

Who wants to go vegetarian with him?

She is waiting for the robot in her space to start cooking.

Beautiful and fragrant.

"Does the girl despise me as a sick child?"

King Jin's voice sounded faintly.

(end of this chapter)