Chapter 1684: Killer Relentless (17)

Chapter 1684 Killer is ruthless (17)

Liu Qingyan was overjoyed when she saw Qinli.

"But the lord wants to see me?"

She recognized Qingli, who had been with the prince for many years and was even taller than the guards guarding the door.

Qingli didn't look at her, his eyes fell on Chacha not far away.

"My lord wants to invite this girl to have a talk."

The voice fell.

Liu Qingyan stared at Qingli.

"Qingli, are you wrong? The lord invited her? How is this possible!"

She questioned unwillingly.

As the daughter of the prime minister, she is the famous daughter of the imperial city.

But again and again, he lowered his stance in front of King Jin, but unfortunately, he never gave her a second look.


In front of her, he actually invited such a vixen who appeared out of nowhere?

is too deceiving!

If it was someone else, she might have rushed in angrily long ago, but the person inside is the current King Jin, and her status is not comparable to him... She can't act recklessly.

Qingli tilted his head and replied with a cold attitude, "Miss Liu, please be quiet, don't disturb the good mood of the prince, you can't take this responsibility."

These words are as arrogant as he is.

Liu Qingyan gritted her teeth and looked at the wing unwillingly, but she never dared to break in.

She stood where she was, and had no plans to leave.

seems to be waiting for Chacha to go in.

Cha Cha walked to the door of the wing without haste.

caught a glimpse of Liu Qingyan next to him.

suddenly became playful.

She said with a smile.

"Invite me into the wing together? What, your prince has taken a fancy to me?"

Qingli, "..." He remained silent.

He didn't dare to say nonsense.

Liu Qingyan's face changed and she sneered, "Are all the fox spirits who appear casually now so confident?

Your Highness is interested in you? What about daydreaming? "

She didn't believe that the prince would like such a vixen.

At first glance, it is designed to seduce men.

Cha Cha threw a provocative look at Liu Qingyan.

"Miss Liu, I'll go first. If the prince can't wait any longer, it won't be good, right?"

With a smiling voice, the excited Liu Qingyan's expression was extremely difficult to see.

Liu Qingyan watched her enter the wing, and then closed the door.

This made Liu Qingyan feel like an enemy.

"Why don't you go in and serve the prince?" she asked angrily.

Qingli, "Your Highness doesn't need me to serve you." There is Miss Xiao inside. If he stepped in at this time, wouldn't he be courting death for nothing?

Liu Qingyan's heart tightened.


Does this mean that the lord wants to share a room with that vixen?

No no no!

Liu Qingyan anxiously called the shopkeeper and asked the shopkeeper to invite the person next to this wing out.

The shopkeeper's complaints continued.

But he didn't dare to offend Liu Qingyan.

For fear that Liu Qingyan would overturn his restaurant in a rage.

Soon, Liu Qingyan got what he wanted and entered the next room.

The maid next to her followed, looking at her young lady's behavior in confusion.

This is lying on the wall, can't hear the conversation next door?

The maid whispered, "Don't worry, miss, the lord will not like that girl. Compared with the young lady, that girl is far behind!"

Liu Qingyan's expression softened slightly.

She snorted disdainfully, "Don't compare anyone to Miss Ben in the future! Is she worthy?"

The maid understood what she meant, and immediately agreed, "Not worthy, not worthy, just a vixen."

Liu Qingyan hummed proudly.

A mere vixen, how can she be compared with her?

Even if the lord is really emotional, it is impossible to take a fancy to that vixen.

However, Liu Qingyan was still full of jealousy.

Why is that person from unknown origin able to be in the same wing as the prince?

She must teach that vixen a lesson.

At that time.

A certain vixen, eating with peace of mind.

Next to   , Nangong Jin helped her with dishes from time to time, like feeding her.

Eat for a while.

Cha Cha reluctantly put down his chopsticks.

"My lord, I just met a lady Liu outside the wing, do you have anything to say?"

She blinked and looked at him innocently.

Nangong Jin suddenly thought of the conversation outside the wing.

He smiled and dragged the man into his arms.

"Vixen?" Thinking of this title, Nangong Jin smiled lowly.

He raised his hand and clasped her chin, stared at the small face that was close at hand, looked at it again, and sighed, "It doesn't look like a vixen at all, she is blind, don't bother with the blind."

Chacha, "???" Is that the question she asked?

She was asking him what he thought of himself provoking rotten peach blossoms...

As a result, he suddenly changed the subject.

"You know I didn't say that." Cha Cha frowned angrily.

Nangongjin was thoughtful.

With a smile on his face.

"You said just now that I might not be able to wait. I think you're right, I'm really a little anxious.

Since you agreed to use the beauty plan, you have to do something, right? For example: be more active? "

Cha Cha has black lines all over his head.

Oh, no wonder he agreed so readily when she proposed this plan.

Is he digging a hole here and waiting for her?

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"How do you feel about this, Lord?"

"No way." Nangong Jin's face was full of dissatisfaction, "I think you are perfunctory me."

Immediately, he sighed deeply.

"Forget it, let me teach you about this kind of thing."

The words fell, and the broad and powerful palm tightly clasped her head...

It was already half an hour after Cha Cha came out of the wing.

As soon as she opened the wing, Liu Qingyan, who had been waiting next door, rushed out immediately.

Angrily stared at Cha Cha who stepped out of the wing.

More than half an hour.

Lonely men and widows live in the same room.

Liu Qingyan just thought about it, and felt that her anger was uncontrollable.

heard footsteps.

Chacha looked back in panic.

This glance aroused all the anger in Liu Qingyan's heart.

Liu Qingyan clearly saw that her lips were red and swollen, and even the clothes at the neckline were a little messy.

"!!! You vixen! How dare you hook up with the prince! I'm going to kill you!"

Liu Qingyan's eyes were spitting fire, and he raised his hand to make tea.

There are so many daughters in the imperial city thinking of letting King Jin take a look, but now, this vixen has actually succeeded in hooking up? ? ?

In the past, King Jin was not close to women, although she did not get hooked up with Liu Qingyan, but other daughters also did not get it, and everyone could not get it. This is in a state of balance.

And now, this balance has been disturbed.

Liu Qingyan really wants to kill Chacha!

Unfortunately, before she got close, she was hit by a force, and she was knocked out a few meters away, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Liu Qingyan felt that his internal organs were about to be thrown out.

She stared at the wing.

I saw the cold and noble man come out from inside.

went straight to the vixen.

Then he took the person in his arms and comforted him.

Cha Cha was immediately possessed by the drama, and pulled King Jin's clothes with great cooperation, "My lord, I have no grievances or enmity with this Miss Liu, but she has murderous intentions towards me, you must decide for me!"

(end of this chapter)