Chapter 1686: Killer Relentless (19)

Chapter 1686 Killer is ruthless (19)

Nangong Jin stared at her face, his eyes darkened.

"It's okay if you don't agree, I think..."

Before he finished speaking, his warm palms covered him, Cha Cha's little face was firm, "No, you don't want to."

She reckoned that he must have nothing good to say.

So, let’s not talk about it.

Nangong Jin slowly pulled down her hand, a little smile in his eyes.

"I just wanted to ask you, what do you want for lunch?"

Chacha, "???" Do you think I'm stupid? Just wanted to ask this question like that?

She doesn't believe it!

However, this is not a big problem, he didn't say it anyway, as for now, what he said is what he said.

"The chef's specialty will do."

Chacha retracted his hand and poured himself a glass of water.

"Since things are going so well, I'll go to the next step tomorrow."

She briefly explained the situation.

Nangong Jin nodded cooperatively.

"I will cooperate with you unconditionally."

Even if there is an accident, there is still him!

Chacha heaved a sigh of relief.

Her plan, he never questioned.

believe in her unconditionally.

Therefore, she can't make mistakes.

The next day.

Cha Cha and Nangong Jin came to the restaurant again.

After dinner, when leaving the restaurant.

Cha Cha sent a message to Tian Er.

With the special potion secretly made by Tingfeng Pavilion, he wrote a few words on the table of the wing room, and it was necessary to sprinkle it with special medicine powder to see what the words were.

And so.

Even if the second child enters the wing to clean up the dishes, the information transmitted will not be discovered.

Tian Er after everyone left.

Sprinkle the powder on it, and then the font will appear.

There are only three words written on the table: Prepare poison.

Tian two seconds to understand, what she means is to pass the poison to her, and then she is trying to find a way to poison it.

King Jin is very strict in terms of diet.

Whether it is in a restaurant or in the palace, it is difficult to poison, and it is impossible to succeed.

Therefore, the method of poisoning has never been tried by Tingfengge.

Tian Er did not hesitate, and immediately returned to Tingfeng Pavilion to pass the news to the pavilion master.

Listening to the wind thoughtfully.

"We definitely won't be able to send the poison in. Don't worry about this, I'll go to the imperial city myself."

Tian Er exits Tingfeng Garden.

Yingwu looked at Tingfeng worriedly, "Pavilion Master, if you go to the imperial city yourself, will it be very dangerous?"

"It's okay, this time I'm going to see the person who gave me the task."

Ting Feng waved his hand indifferently, "You go with me." This time there will be no danger, he doesn't want to leave Ying Wu now.

He tilted his head and pinched her waist.

"Pavilion Master..." Ying Wu said with a smile.

She really doesn't have the power of Tianyi, but she has other means.

Now, isn't the pavilion owner still inseparable from her?

Hearing Feng said that he was going to the imperial city, he couldn't wait to take Ying Wu and left Tingfeng Pavilion.

simply packed some clothes.

As soon as the two arrived in the imperial city, someone showed up and took them to a different courtyard.

This courtyard looks unremarkable.

It wasn't until Ying Wu followed Tingfeng into the other courtyard, and then entered the secret passage of the other courtyard, that she knew that there was something special here.

The secret passage is very long, and the two walked about a stick of incense before stopping. There was a heavy stone gate in front of them.

It seems that the person who built this secret path should have spent a lot of effort.

"Wait a minute and don't talk."

Hearing Feng's command, he knocked on the stone door three times rhythmically.

Yingwu thought to himself: It should be a password.

is quite cautious.

After a while, the stone gate was opened.

Ting Feng pulled Ying Wu out of the Shimen, and walked a dozen steps, a faint light flashed in front of him.


Hear the wind stop.

Ying Wu was stunned.

"Is this a rockery?"

"Yes." Listen to the wind.

Here in the rockery, few people come here.

Even if you come, you will not find the secret passage, so it is very safe.

Ying Wu suppressed the surprise in her heart.

It seems that the person behind King Jin who is going to be killed is not only cautious, but also may be shocking in terms of identity.

Approximately, related to the royal family.

It's just that the pavilion owner has something to do with the royal family, which is really not a wise move.

No matter how powerful Tingfeng Pavilion is, it cannot be an enemy of the imperial court.

Immediately afterwards, someone came over.

"I don't know if there is something urgent, would you please go to the Pavilion Master personally?"

A man in brocade clothes and Chinese clothes appeared in front of the two of them.

Because the light was not very bright in the rockery, Ying Wu couldn't see the man's face.

only felt that the other party's voice sounded very warm.

Sure enough, nothing can be seen on the surface.

The royal family is best at disguise.

Listening to the wind and straight to the point, he said his intentions.

"King Jin was surrounded by masters like clouds, Tingfeng Pavilion assassinated several times, but he never succeeded. Therefore, he changed his strategy and used a trick to attract beauty to King Jin.

However, although this beauty plan was successful, the beauty received news that she needed poison. "

"No wonder the imperial city is spreading the news that King Jin has a crush on a girl. This incident has caused a lot of uproar. I didn't expect it to be the handwriting of the pavilion master." The man said slowly.

The deep eyes flickered.

"Prince Jin's mansion is heavily guarded, and it is difficult for poison to pass in." Ting Feng said calmly.

The two looked at each other.

The face is still calm and calm, but in fact, they are calculating.

Hearing Feng see the other party's delay in speaking, he shouted, "Is the second prince feeling embarrassed?"

Yingwu, "..." Second Prince, that is Nangong Jin's second brother, Nangong Lian.

According to rumors, the second prince and King Jin have a good relationship.

It seems that these two are also superficial brothers.

Actually, I want your life behind my back.

The second prince shook his head, "The pavilion owner is joking. Since the pavilion owner's people can spread the news, they can also pass the poison in, why did they come to this prince?"

listened to the wind without rushing, "It is already difficult to deliver a message once, how can the same method be used a second time?

King Jin is extremely vigilant. If he is discovered, wouldn’t his previous efforts be forfeited? Second prince, what do you think? "

The Second Prince smiled.

Good old fox.

clearly wanted him to get involved.

He was already the mastermind behind the scenes, but he never showed up.

If he helped deliver the poison now, he wouldn't be able to get rid of it.

He and Tingfeng Pavilion will be completely bound together...

This person is really...a sly and cunning man.

Seeing that the second prince has not responded.

Listening to the wind continued, "You know, King Jin is not close to beauty, but now he has been fascinated by it, maybe it's a novelty for a while, and maybe one day he won't be interested.

What's more, she was in more danger of being exposed when she was by King Jin's side for a day.

Lord, you must understand that this is the best time.

As long as you deliver the poison to Tianyi, Tianyi will be able to take out King Jin.

You are a smart person. To put it bluntly, I pulled you into the water for the safety of my Tingfeng Pavilion. After all, Tingfeng Pavilion has lost a lot of core killers. It is not like before. I need your protection, Lord. "

This is also very clear.

You, the second prince, keep my Tingfeng Pavilion safe, and the poisoning has nothing to do with the second prince.

If the second prince wants to silence and listen to the wind pavilion, then I'm sorry, the poison is the handle he holds in his hand.

The second prince's face darkened a bit, but he couldn't refuse Ting Feng's thoughts.

This opportunity is really too rare for him.

For so many years, he always wanted to kill Nangong Jin, but he never had a good chance.

Even Nangong Jin survived the poisoning that year.

Now that he has finally waited for this opportunity again, he does not want to miss it.

(end of this chapter)