Chapter 1707: The return of a daughter (4)

Chapter 1707 The return of the daughter (4)

Because there was Chacha, I took out the handbag and let people check it in front of the public.

The other wives also cooperated.

Open the handbag and take a look without losing a piece of meat.

And you can show off your beautiful handbags and beautiful jewelry. In short, the progress is very fast.

A good investigation eventually turned into a large live event for the wives to show off their wealth.

This bizarre trend, no one could have expected.

After a circle, we soon arrived at Xu's mother and Xu Xiangmeng.

Mother Xu opened the bag indifferently. Inside was a set of spare jewelry and a few cards.

Many wives are envious.

Although they are also rich, it is quite rare for Mrs. Xu to casually go out with a set of expensive spare jewelry.

However, I don’t know why.

This scene subconsciously reminds people of Baicha's handbag.

That handbag looks like a big brand, but the handbag is outdated, and the contents inside are also surprising.

Not a single valuable thing.

It seems that Mrs. Xu is just doing superficial work.

Recognize a righteous daughter and gain a good reputation.

Next, it was Xu Xiangmeng's turn to take out his handbag.

Zhao Yang was a little unhappy on the side, and immediately defended Xu Xiangmeng.

"Xiang Meng is my younger sister. My mother grew up watching her. She doesn't look like some people... She doesn't look like a good person."

Zhao Yangming said Baicha, but no one answered.

These wealthy wives are also powerful people. They can all cooperate. Why can't it be Xu Xiangmeng's turn to cooperate?

Xu Xiangmeng has a good relationship with you, don't we have a bad relationship with the Zhao family?

If it wasn't for Mrs. Zhao's face, who would cooperate?

Zhao Yang didn't realize that what he said offended people.

Xu Xiangmeng reacted quickly, seeing that the wives' faces were wrong, she quickly took out her handbag.

Xu Xiangmeng's handbag, like Mrs. Xu, has a set of spare jewelry and a few cards, which is indeed the pearl of the Xu family.

At this moment, everyone has different thoughts.

This is the difference between a biological daughter and a foster daughter.

Tsk tsk.

That's it?

In the future, there will be another material for gossip in the ladies circle.

Xu Xiangmeng's eyes flickered, he closed his handbag, pointed at the things he took out, and said with a smile, "That's all."

Originally, this matter would be over soon.

Suddenly, a lady laughed and joked.

"Oh, don't close your handbags. We just opened our handbags for everyone to see clearly. Of course, the relationship between Xiang Meng and Zhao Yang is not comparable to us."

is just a few jokes.

But he didn't want Xu Xiangmeng to hold the handbag and didn't mean to open it.

Things that could have been laughed off, made people feel a little embarrassed.

Keen people smelled the unusual breath early and waited quietly for a good show to unfold.

Xu Xiangmeng was very embarrassed.

Mother Xu frowned, "Xiangmeng, open the bag and show them, so as not to let others talk about it behind their backs in the future."

You are welcome.

The face of the lady who made the joke changed.

The giants have a big circle.

So many people are not all sisters.

Even if some wives look like sisters, they may be plastic sisters.

Besides, Mother Xu was not familiar with the wife.

Xu Xiangmeng held her handbag and looked at Xu's mother in a panic. She just found a diamond necklace in her handbag...

If she opens it now, she doesn't know how to explain it at all.

Unfortunately, Mother Xu didn't see that something was wrong with Xu Xiangmeng. Seeing her dawdling, she directly reached out and grabbed the handbag, opened it and poured it out.

Mother Xu didn't look up at all, and said in an unhappy voice, "Have you seen it? Have you?"

Looking at the wife who poured the necklace out of her handbag, "..." I saw it! really have!

The hall was dead silent, and everyone was embarrassed and silent.

Mother Xu realized something was wrong.

looked down and saw that the diamond necklace was lying on the table.

Look at the expressions of everyone.

Xu's mother groaned in her heart.

turned his head and looked at Xu Xiangmeng in astonishment, his first reaction was, "Who framed you?"

Xu Xiangmeng's tears fell with a slap.

"I don't know, I really don't know why the necklace is in my bag."

The    reversal is too fast, and the slap in the face is like a tornado.

So unpredictable.

Zhao Yang froze in place, comforting at a loss.

Even if the necklace appeared in Xu Xiangmeng's handbag, these people would still not doubt her, but would feel that she was framed, and the original owner, who did nothing, was suspected by everyone.

That's the difference.

But that's okay, she'll make it happen.

Cha Cha said lightly, "Why don't you adjust the monitoring?"

Her voice was not high, but the Mrs. Wang heard it earlier.

Mrs. Wang immediately strongly suggested, "Mrs. Zhao, the best way now is to adjust the monitoring, so that Miss Xu can be innocent, otherwise it will be easy to be pointed at in the future."

"That's true. I was sent to monitor me before, and they should be brought back soon." Mrs. Zhao responded.

Mother Xu and Zhao Yang naturally thought that Xu Xiangmeng would not steal, but the others started to watch the play.

Want to say framed?

Who is going to frame you when you have nothing to eat?

Maybe it was because the necklace looked good, so I stole it?

According to the relationship between the Xu family and the Zhao family, they are very close, and they are indeed suspected of stealing!

is also easier to get started with.

Xu Xiangmeng kept crying.


Surveillance will definitely not capture her holding the necklace.

However, if she is photographed putting the necklace in the cypress bag, then she is finished.

She cried and anxiously thought about what to do.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on her, and she couldn't wink at Mother Xu.

At this time, the hotel manager came with a computer and monitor.

"Mrs. Zhao, I'm really sorry for delaying your time. I've already brought the surveillance camera. Should I send it to the police station or take it back to see?"

Chacha sounded leisurely.

"Of course the surveillance is here. Xiang Meng is the daughter of the Xu family. How can she be slandered? The surveillance must be used to prove her innocence!"

Xu Xiangmeng, "..." I killed you!

Mother Xu, "..." She always felt that this incident was strange, and her daughter would not be so careless.

Mrs. Wang took the lead to agree, "I brought it all, just to prove Xiang Meng's innocence, otherwise, if this matter spreads, it will have a great impact on Xiang Meng's reputation in the future."

Mrs. Zhao thought about it and nodded in agreement.

The way things are now, it is impossible to end it perfectly.

A video was first put on the computer.

But from this point of view, there is a blind spot, so you can't see what's inside.

Xu Xiangmeng breathed a sigh of relief.

But he got nervous again. The place where Bai Cha sat before should also be a blind spot, right?

Just thinking about it, I heard the manager say, "I'm sorry Mrs. Zhao, there is a blind spot in this surveillance. A few days ago, our hotel specially checked it and installed the blind spot. I will find another surveillance video. Everything should be clearly visible."

Xu Xiangmeng's heart slammed down, his face pale.

(end of this chapter)