Chapter 1719: Return of a daughter (16)

Chapter 1719 The return of the daughter (16)

"If you continue like this, get out of the Zhao family for me!

I don't know what ecstasy she used for you, but she was fascinated by you and didn't know the east, west, north and south!

I shouldn't have let you go so close to her in the first place, otherwise, the situation like today would not have happened! "

Mrs. Zhao never thought that things would come to this point, and she never thought that Xu Xiangmeng would have such a great influence on Zhao Yang.

If I had known this would happen.

She will definitely stop the relationship between Zhao Yang and Xu Xiangmeng.

But now it's too late, regret is not enough to express her feelings, Zhao Yang is like being fascinated by a ghost.

No matter what time or occasion, there is only one Xu Xiangmeng in his eyes, and he doesn't care about anything.

In this case, it is impossible for the Zhao family to be handed over to Zhao Yang in the future.

Mrs. Zhao looked at Zhao Yang worriedly, angry and complicated.

is his own son in the end, no matter how cruel you say, I still can't bear it.

But Zhao Yang didn't think Mrs. Zhao was doing it for him.

Instead, he looked at her angrily, "Mom, you just have a problem with Xiang Meng, I really don't understand, she's so perfect and kind, why can't you be nice to her? Why do you always use the worst thoughts? To guess her?"

Mrs. Zhao was stunned, and it took a long time to realize what Zhao Yang meant?

She looked at Zhao Yang in disbelief.

She raised her son for 20 years, and said such things to her for a woman?

Mrs. Zhao sneered and became angry, "Okay, since you think I'm the bad guy, then I'll be the bad guy!

Zhao Yang, I will give you two paths now.

One: From now on, from now on, make a clean break with Xu Xiangmeng and never communicate again.

2: From now on, you will make a clean break with the Zhao family, and you are not allowed to step into the Zhao family for half a step. From now on, you will no longer be the young master of the Zhao family, nor the heir of the Zhao family!

I'll give you three minutes to think about it slowly.

After thinking about it, let me know the answer. "

This is the first time that Mrs. Zhao has said such cruel words to Zhao Yang in her life.

Zhao Yang stood there, suddenly at a loss.

He didn't understand why his mother, who had always been very talkative, suddenly had such a big opinion on Xu Xiangmeng. It was clear that Xu Xiangmeng had done nothing wrong.

And he was just doing his best to protect Xu Xiangmeng, but he didn't expect that the development of things was completely different from his imagination.

Zhao Yang desperately wanted to continue explaining.

However, at this moment, Mrs. Zhao has no patience at all. She doesn't want to listen to Zhao Yang's explanation at all, because Zhao Yang is explaining everything for Xu Xiangmeng.

And she doesn't want to hear any topic about Xu Xiangmeng now.

Mrs. Zhao said lightly, "You still have two minutes. If you hesitate any more, I will acquiesce you to choose the first option and make a clean break with Xu Xiangmeng."

Zhao Yang looked at his mother deeply.

For the first time he saw Resolute on his mother's face.

has always loved his mother and forced him to make a choice.

Between his mother and his lover, one is his biological mother and the other is the person he swore to protect in this life.

If he had to make a choice between these two people, Zhao Yang felt that he might choose Xu Xiangmeng, he could not give up Xu Xiangmeng, he had to fulfill his promise: protect her for a lifetime.

He lowered his head, a little afraid to look at his mother.

"Three minutes are up."

Zhao Yang said his choice painfully, "I'm sorry! From now on, you will be regarded as not having my son."

Mrs. Zhao was not surprised by his choice.

"Since you have made your choice, you happen to be at Zhao's house again, you should go back to your room now, pack up your things, and don't show up at Zhao's house again.

Don't say that you are the young master of the Zhao family.

As for your father, I will tell him that before, neither my father nor I would interfere too much with your choice.

And now, we have nothing to do! What you want to do is none of our business.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention, my father and I are still very young and in good health. Without you, you can have another well-behaved son.

But I hope you don't regret the choice you made in the future. "

Zhao Yang stood there, not moving for a while.

He still couldn't accept that his mother would be so cruel.

He thinks that the Zhao family has only one son, no matter how angry or angry his mother is, she will not really give up on him.

However, when he inadvertently met the disappointment in his mother's eyes, his heart suddenly stabbed hard.

He pursed his lips.

There are so many things I want to say, but I don’t know where to start.

Mrs. Zhao has always been a resolute person. Seeing that Zhao Yang has not gone upstairs to pack up.

tilted his head and shouted, "Mom Liu, go and pack up Zhao Yang's things and throw them out!

By the way, please tell the servants in the villa that Zhao Yang will not be the young master of our Zhao family in the future. When he comes to this villa in the future, he must inform him and let him come in only after getting the opinions of my husband and me. "

Mother Liu's eyes widened in shock at the sudden news.


What direction is this, why can't she understand it?

Aren't you having a good chat?

Why did it suddenly become like this?

Liu Ma just wanted to say something nice for Zhao Yang when she met Mrs. Zhao's cold eyes.

Mrs. Zhao raised her eyebrows, "What are you doing here, why don't you hurry up, do you have to wait for me to go upstairs to clean up his things for him, and then sweep him out of the door?

I'll give you half an hour, I hope Zhao Yang and his things have disappeared when I reappear in the living room later! "

This was said to Liu Ma, but it was also a warning to Zhao Yang to leave Zhao's house within half an hour.

Liu Ma sighed and didn't dare to say anything, she hurried upstairs and followed the instructions to pack Zhao Yang's things.

Zhao Yang has a lot of things, and half an hour may not be enough.

Since he was swept out of the house, Zhao Yang felt that he still had a little backbone.

Zhao Yang gritted his teeth and went back to his bedroom.

Oh, no

From today onwards, this bedroom is not his, and the Zhao family is no longer his home.

The clothes in his bedroom, as well as various brand-name watches, shoes, etc., were all given by the Zhao family, so he only took a few clothes.

Watches, luxury car keys, etc., were not taken away.

Zhao's villa, Zhao Yang stood at the gate.

He looked at the road ahead and felt at a loss for the first time, his feet seemed to be filled with lead, unable to move in place.

After a long time, he turned his head and looked at the villa with sour eyes.

When he comes back later, he will be the guest of the Zhao family, not the master.

For Xu Xiangmeng, do you regret taking this step?

He thought, he will not regret it, because Xu Xiangmeng is worth it.

Zhao Yang was ruthless and thought about it again.

He now only has a bank card and a few clothes.

Since the relationship with the Zhao family has been severed, the previous apartment will definitely not be able to go back to live.

The world is so big, he suddenly felt that there was no place to stay.

Back to Xu's house?

Now when he returns to Xu's house, he can't help himself.

And when he returned to Xu's house, Han Chen would definitely take the opportunity to laugh at him, and Xu Xiangmeng would feel sorry for him, and might even blame himself.

So he can't go back to Xu's house for the time being.

He plans to find a hotel to stay at first, and then slowly think about the future.

(end of this chapter)