Chapter 1726: The return of a daughter (23)

Chapter 1726 The return of the daughter (23)

Soon, Manager Yang got a reply.

Chacha, "Not yet, would Manager Yang introduce me to one?"

A faint voice came, and Manager Yang subconsciously tilted his head to look at Shiyan.

In a strange way, Manager Yang replied, "Yeah."

"I do have a very good candidate, handsome and rich. Miss Bo will think about it..." He stared at Shi Yan, wanting to reveal more information, but was afraid that if he was not careful, Miss Bo would guess. Who was he who came out.

Cha Cha smiled, "Then I'll thank Manager Yang here first. If there is a chance in the future, I'll ask Manager Yang to help arrange arrangements. Besides this matter, does Manager Yang have anything else to do?"

Manager Yang felt that Shi Yan's mood had suddenly changed.

He immediately answered, "That's right, because tomorrow is the time for the press conference, so we always want to check with you about the process. I don't know if it's inconvenient for Miss Bai? After all, for this jewelry endorsement, we always I attach great importance to it, and there can be no mistakes."

Chacha, "Okay, then I'll go to the company now."

Manager Yang, "Wait, Miss Bai is like this, because the candidate of the spokesperson is still in the confidential stage, it is not suitable for you to come to the company now, so Mr. Shi has arranged another place, and I will send the address to your mobile phone later. superior.

In addition, in order to make the future cooperation more pleasant, our company will arrange a car and driver for you, so that it will be more convenient for you to work. "

Cha Cha paused, but did not refuse.

Manager Yang is so considerate, she has no reason to refuse.

And it is really convenient after having a driver.

Manager Yang made a few more polite words, and then hung up the phone.

he said cautiously.

"Mr. Shi, do you think this arrangement is appropriate?"

Shi Yan hummed, "Very appropriate."

Arrange a driver for her. The driver must be from Shishi. For him, it is really convenient.

Shiyan glanced at Manager Yang, "Well done, an extra month's bonus."

"Don't worry, Mr. Shi, I'm a professional in chasing people." Manager Yang sold himself because he was so happy that he didn't have a clue.

He, "..." He never said that he wanted to chase after Bai Cha, is he nosy? If he guesses wrong, won't he be finished?

Hey, how can you be so irritating with your mouth!

Manager Yang didn't dare to speak any more, lowered his head and didn't dare to speak.

He killed himself perfectly.

Shiyan is the president and his boss.

How could he guess at his own discretion? He also said it inadvertently.

Don't ask him how he's feeling now. Asking is just annoyed, very annoyed, wishing he could slap himself twice.

A bonus will be issued, and before the bonus arrives, you will start to float on the horse! Let you float, let you talk shit...

Just when he thought he was finished.

He heard Shi Yan's indifferent voice, "After that, Manager Yang will work hard to impart more experience."

Manager Yang, "???"

Am I hearing it wrong or am I dreaming?

He looked up at Shi Yan in shock, then pinched himself silently, oh, it hurts.

"Don't worry, Mr. Shi, God knows this and you know me." After that, Manager Yang made a swearing gesture.

He promised that no one else would know about it.

Shi Yan hummed.

Then, Manager Yang left.

He pondered for a long time in the office alone...


In the evening, Cha Cha came to a villa according to the address.

She was standing outside the villa, and Manager Yang quickly invited her in.

This villa has taken a lot of thought to decorate it.

She asked, "Manager Yang, is this Mr. Shi's residence?"

Manager Yang wiped off his sweat and admired Bai Cha. After all, he didn't tell her that this was Mr. Shi's villa, so she just guessed it...

He nodded with a smile, "Yeah, this place is more convenient and won't be photographed."

Cha Cha nodded perfunctorily.

Really won't be photographed.

But, do you need to go to a place like a private residence for the process?

Manager Yang panicked, for fear that his purpose would be discovered, he tried to find other topics, but, with the clear eyes of the little girl, all his words could not be said.

"..." He could only smile awkwardly.

It's a bad feeling to be a thief.

Alas, this errand is too difficult.

almost killed him!

After finally leading the person into the villa, Manager Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and then he just made a random excuse to leave.

He can't disturb Shi Zong and Miss Bai's two-person world.

Shiyan walked out slowly.

Manager Yang raised his eyes and shivered a few times in shock.

Shizong changed a piece of clothes, not to mention deliberately wearing it, the key is... why do you wear a pair of gold-rimmed glasses when you ride a horse?

Are you nearsighted?

as decoration?

Manager Yang couldn't help but dare not laugh, he casually gave a reason, put down a document, and ran away directly.

Shi Yan sat on the sofa awkwardly.

"Don't be nervous, I'm looking for you to check the process of tomorrow's press conference."

His voice was soft and nice.

Cha Cha looked at Shi Yan, quite helpless, "...I'm not nervous." It's you who is nervous.

Seeing that he was too nervous, Cha Cha didn't break him.

She reached out, took the documents on the coffee table, and read it quickly, "I remember the process. Besides this, there should always be other things for Shishi to find me?"

"Yes, I told you before that I can contact some experts to treat your adoptive mother. I have already arranged it. When it is convenient for you, someone can pick up your adoptive mother and transfer it to another hospital."

came to her, except for the press conference process, this is the only thing.

Shi Yan estimated that the adoptive mother should be a very good key.

You can follow the adoptive mother to get along with Baicha more closely.

"The day after tomorrow. After the press conference is over tomorrow, I'll be fine the day after tomorrow." Cha Cha calculated the time and wanted to have the experts treat her foster mother as soon as possible.

Early treatment and early relief.

After the two settled on this matter, Shiyan asked the kitchen to prepare dinner early, and then took advantage of the trend to keep Chacha for dinner.

"..." No way, someone is too cunning, she has always been unable to resist food.


Shiyan's first date was successful.

Of course, in Shiyan's eyes, a one-sided date is also a date...

After the meal, Shiyan arranged for the driver to send people back, and everything was done very thoughtfully.

For a moment, Cha Cha was even a little confused, shouldn't Shi Yan like her?

This time, are you so proactive?

Chacha is a little skeptical, but it’s hard to say straight.

She intends to observe carefully to see if it is as she guessed.

If it was...then she would just wait quietly for Shiyan to chase after her.

Qiqi, [I think, he may be interested, you think, you didn't know each other for a few days, he was moved, didn't he just like your face? 】

Cha Cha, "...Actually, I also saw his face."

【…Oh, that must be Shiyan deliberately hooking and enticing you. 】

In a certain respect, Qiqi is also very good for double standards...


A new book will be opened tomorrow~ Now, hee hee, see you tomorrow, little cuties~

(end of this chapter)