Chapter 1738: The return of a daughter (35)

Chapter 1738 The return of the daughter (35)

The other party was obviously speechless at Manager Yang's proposal.

dropped a word coldly.

"If you get hooked up, then get out of here!"

Manager Yang, "..." He didn't have the guts, and his heart was full.

hung up the phone, Manager Yang looked sad.

After a while, he ran out to show his affection to others.



Mrs. Xu, Xu Xiangmeng and Mr. Xu went to the agreed restaurant to eat seafood.

Manager Yang looked at the environment of the restaurant and then looked at the menu.

Oh wow!

Death is expensive!

Since Mrs. Xu invited me.

Then he is welcome!

Of course, you still have to be a little bit reserved...

During this dinner, Mr. Xu asked a few questions from time to time, always trying to find some news from Manager Yang's mouth.

But how could Manager Yang not be able to guess what he meant?

The two of them were playing Tai Chi, but they didn't let Mr. Xu tell any useful news. Instead, they asked Mr. Xu to order a lot of seafood.

After the meal, Manager Yang left gracefully.

Mr. Xu, "???" Is this gone?

Why did he feel like he was being fooled?

Mrs. Xu couldn't intervene, but she also knew that she didn't get any useful information. She asked, "How about I go and give Manager Yang some money to find out?"

Mr. Xu pondered for a while, "It's not impossible, it's just that we can't determine what kind of person Manager Yang is. If he bribes him and makes him unhappy, then it's over?"

Mrs. Xu was very speechless, "Are you stupid? Who doesn't like money? If you don't like it, it can only be because the money you gave is not in place, just double it!"

These words were justified, and Mr. Xu looked at her in shock, "Even if you give him money, it has to be controlled within a certain range!"

"……I see."

Mrs. Xu responded impatiently. Of course, the more money, the better.

Mrs. Xu did not say a word, and directly transferred a sum of money to Manager Yang on WeChat.

Manager Yang almost dropped his phone when he saw the transfer record.

This ride...

Really no brains.

Who directly bribes with such an aboveboard?

Manager Yang took a screenshot and sent it to Shiyan. He didn't dare to accept the money.

Don't say one hundred thousand, it is one million, and he will not accept it!

He was always loyal to them!

Shiyan, who was dating Chacha, looked at the message from Manager Yang, and reached out and handed the phone to her.

Cha Cha glanced at it and said lightly, "Tell him not to close it, I'll close the net soon." Her plans are almost the same.

If Manager Yang collects the money, then Manager Yang will be finished, and the people of the Xu family will rely on him.

Shi Yan replied.

Manager Yang understands in seconds that money cannot be collected.

If he accepted it, he would not be able to tell.

In fact, he mainly wanted to tell Mr. Shi that he is not the kind of person who sees money.

Although he loves money, he would rather work hard!

instead of taking the money from Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu waited for a while and felt a little uneasy when she saw that Manager Yang had not received the money for a long time.

"Mengmeng, do you think he is too little?"

Xu Xiangmeng's eyes were complicated, "..." I always feel that this is not good, then Manager Yang looks like a good person, maybe he doesn't want to go to their troubled waters.

"You told Manager Yang that the transfer was transferred to the wrong person." She sighed, that's all, anyway, things have come to this stage, and she has nothing to regret.

Baicha is no longer a spokesperson.

Even if it was someone else, she would be happy, but... a little distressed about the liquidated damages.

Mrs. Xu snorted reluctantly, and then sent a message to Manager Yang, saying that she had transferred the wrong transfer. When the time came, Manager Yang confirmed the receipt, and the money would naturally be returned to her account.

Manager Yang is too lazy to talk to Mrs. Xu now.

Anyway, his task has been completed, and it has nothing to do with Mrs. Xu.


two days in a row.

The    termination of the contract was not mentioned on the official blog by the Shi Group.

Xu Xiangmeng couldn't help it.

Started to take a trumpet and found a marketing account to talk about it.

The marketing account saw the news and thought it was very popular. After all, on the day of the press conference, things were very noisy.

An Heng fans still miss Baicha!


Marketing account to send out this news.

Anheng fans immediately watched.

【oh! Terminated hhh! 】

【The spokesperson who terminated the contract the fastest in history! 】

【do you know? Although this Baicha looks good-looking, she seems to be from the countryside! 】

【Sisters upstairs, make it clearer! What the **** is going on, isn't Baicha a very deep background? How could she be a country girl? 】

An Heng's fans keenly sensed the unusual aura, and quickly ran to privately poke this Weibo account that might know some news.

This account is a small account, just registered a few days ago.

However, this does not affect their desire to know about Baicha.


That account gave An Heng’s fans popular science.

【Bai Cha is a country girl, do you know what her relationship is with Xu Xiangmeng? Xu Xiangmeng is the daughter of the Xu family, and Bocha is a distant relative of the Xu family. The Xu family took pity on her and adopted her as a righteous daughter. As a result, she changed hands and robbed Xu Xiangmeng's endorsement. This has long been known in our circle. opened. 】

An Heng fans, "???"


Shocking melon!

Fortunately, they had a clear mind and didn't cooperate with the Shi Group to make a video, otherwise wouldn't it be over?

If they are entangled by that wild girl in the future, they will be **** off!

Fortunately, I got rid of it!


A bunch of people scolded Baicha.

There are also fans of Xu Xiangmeng. When they saw the news, they began to feel crazy for Xu Xiangmeng again.

It must be the Shi Group and Bai Cha who joined hands to bully their Mengmeng!

Of course, there are also people who eat melons who have questioned, [Who knows if it is a lie? Who wouldn't say such unsubstantiated news?

I also said that I know Xu Xiangmeng! I have a mine in Bai Fumei's house, do you believe it? 】

But this kind of questioning voice was very small, and was soon ridiculed by An Heng fans, chased and scolded by Xu Xiangmeng fans, and then drowned in the scolding of many fans...

And the account that broke the news was actually sent to the hot search after an afternoon.

Eat melon and eat Qin Wei of Shi Group again, a question mark slowly popped up in his head, "?"

Who the **** is this **** who insists on holding on to the Shi Group?

She also watched the press conference that day.

The one called Bai Cha clearly fits his image and temperament.

Tsk, are you not responsible for spreading rumors?

Qin Wei followed the click and found that the account was a trumpet, and couldn't help but be a little speechless.

She opened a large size and went directly to Aite's size.

Qin Wei V: @Little Rabbit, hello, do you have the ability to make a big one to fight me? What the heck is a trumpet and messing around with news?

No matter who you are, can you stop dragging the Shi Group on horseback? The Shi Group is not blind, how could it possibly fall in love with Xu Xiangmeng? Or is the previous announcement of the Shi Group not true enough?

Don't be rude people, they all come to touch the Ci Shi Group, all day long saying that people are robbing Xu Xiangmeng for endorsement, what's the matter? Xu Xiangmeng told you? Or did Baicha tell you?

Oh, could it be that the senior management of the Shi Group told you?

(end of this chapter)