Chapter 1746: The return of a daughter (43)

Chapter 1746 The return of the daughter (43)

Follow Qin Wei and Cha Cha to send a lottery Weibo.

That night.

The Shi Group also held a lucky draw.

After all, he is the gold owner, and his shots are even more generous and generous. The people who eat melons can't wait to rush up to hug their thighs and call Dad!

【Golden Master Dad, I really can! 】

【May you become a member of the Shi Group in the next life...】

The popularity of the    Shi Group has soared to the highest level for a while.

took the opportunity, and there was another wave of publicity.

After all, the 20th anniversary, everything is going well.


Xu Xiangmeng's story is also over.

The    spokesperson has been set, and there is no possibility of changing it.

Mr. Xu didn't go back to Xu's house for several days in a row, and the relationship between the Xu family members was extremely cold.

Xu Xiangmeng is lethargic every day, occasionally in a daze for a long time, it seems that he has been greatly stimulated.

Mrs. Xu had no choice but to call Han Chen and ask him to see Xu Xiangmeng, who is his fiancee?

Unfortunately, Han Chen was still answering the phone at the beginning.

When I got to the back, I didn’t even want to answer the phone.

Only Mrs. Xu was left to call Han Chen on the phone every day for being unconscionable and a scumbag.

Mrs. Xu tried to call Zhao Yang.

Naihe has been unable to get through.

It was as if he had completely lost contact with Zhao Yang.

This situation made Mrs. Xu more and more uneasy.

As if overnight, everything changed.

Until a certain day.

She met Mrs. Zhao at the beauty salon she frequented.

Before he could get up, he saw Mrs. Zhao's expression of disgust.

Mrs. Zhao, "Go away! Stay away from me from your Xu family, are you disgusting? Counting on my son, taking advantage of my son, a bunch of shameless people."

Mrs. Xu was stunned by the scolding.

What is the use of calculation Zhao Yang?

Isn't Mrs. Zhao willing to clarify for Xiang Meng?

Mrs. Xu asked inexplicably, "Mrs. Zhao, we used to have a very good relationship."

"Oh! Now go back and ask what your daughter did! I tell you, the Zhao family and the Xu family will be enemies in the future! Get away."

Mrs. Zhao touched her face unhappily. She came to maintain it, but she was so angry with Mrs. Xu, hey, her face~

As for Zhao Yang?

Excuse me.

has been sent abroad by her.

She also spoke harshly to Zhao Yang.

As long as he, Zhao Yang, dares to go back to China to contact Xu Xiangmeng, she will try her best to kill Xu Xiangmeng!

Isn't    a threat?

Xu Xiangmeng will threaten her with Zhao Yang, and she will also threaten Zhao Yang with Xu Xiangmeng, that idiot!

If it reaches this point, Zhao Yang will go back to China to contact Xu Xiangmeng, then it will really... completely cut off the relationship between mother and son.


She has to go back to her family, Mr. Zhao, and tell her about the recent man-making plan, she has to work harder!

Mrs. Zhao left with a blushing face.

Mrs. Xu was at a loss and confused.

She tried to say a few words to the other little sisters, but as a result, those people avoided her like a snake.

No one wants to pay attention to her.

Mrs. Xu gradually noticed something strange in Mrs. Zhao's words.

It seems that Mrs. Zhao had a big problem in clarifying the matter for Xu Xiangmeng...

Mrs. Xu hurried back to Xu's house.

Because she found that the eyes of those little sisters looking at her were not right, she panicked and wanted to find a crack to get in.

She didn't know what happened to Mrs. Zhao.

No one was willing to tell her.

In the end, it was okay to use a mobile phone to contact a plastic sister whose family situation was much worse than the Xu family, and sent a large red envelope to ask about the situation.

Mrs. Xu found out.

Xu Xiangmeng threatened Mrs. Zhao with Zhao Yang in order to get Mrs. Zhao to clarify for her, and touched Mrs. Zhao's inverse scale.

Mrs. Zhao's temper, how can she endure it?

A few days later, this matter was publicized to all the little sister groups.

Oh wow!

The wealthy wives in the circle almost all know what Xu Xiangmeng has done, and they are completely famous.

Not only that, Mrs. Zhao also contacted her family.

I have used all the contacts that can be used. It is forbidden to cooperate with the Xu family. The business of the Xu family is not very optimistic these days.

Mrs. Xu realized the seriousness of the matter.

No wonder Mr. Xu didn't go home for several days.

It wasn't that he was bored with the Xu family, but he was probably busy with work.

And these are all incidents caused by Xu Xiangmeng.

Mrs. Zhao's affairs, she doesn't know how much Mr. Xu knows, but at present, she probably knows more or less.

Otherwise, I wouldn't even make a phone call home.

Mrs. Xu regretted her actions for the first time.

If she hadn't paid the 20 million termination fee, would she still have this step?

Everything went smoothly according to the original development book.

instead of all kinds of extras...

She has no way of knowing.

Only full of remorse.

And this day.

Xu Xiangmeng suddenly regained his energy, as if he had been beaten with blood, and went downstairs in high spirits.

As soon as I saw Xu Xiangmeng.

Mrs. Xu's expression changed.

"Xiang Meng, where are you going?" she asked.

Attitude is not as close as before.

She asked these questions, not because she cared about Xu Xiangmeng, but simply because she was afraid that Xu Xiangmeng would cause new troubles.

The Xu family can no longer offend anyone.

Xu Xiangmeng didn't notice her strangeness.

said cheerfully, "Someone asked me to tell me something very important." If it goes well, she can kill Baicha again! ! !

Mrs. Xu's forehead jumped.

Intuition told her that it was not a good thing.

She hurriedly stopped.

"Xiang Meng, don't go there, okay? Just stay at home and don't go anywhere!" Mrs. Xu hurriedly pulled her wrist.

tries to keep people behind.

Xu Xiangmeng was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly changed.

The aura of the whole body exudes a chill.

"Mom! How can you stop me? How can you stop me? I'm all for the Xu family, for you, and for me! I want Bocha to be ruined, so that our family will still be a happy family in the future, and no one will steal it. Don't take my identity as Miss Xu!"

Mrs. Xu was shocked, "? You're crazy! Do you know what you're talking about? How can you think so? Bocha didn't offend you, so why do you have to make trouble with her?

Look, she hasn't returned to Xu's house now, and she won't go back to Xu's house again. Why do you insist on destroying her? "

She never knew that her daughter was so crazy and dark. Is this still the well-behaved and gentle daughter she raised?

"I'm not crazy, it's you! It's you who are wrong, you have to take her back to Xu's house, make me afraid, make me uneasy, and make me worry anytime and anywhere...

It's all your fault, my stable life has been broken, everything is fake, my identity is fake, my fiancé is fake, now you want me to give up, stop?

impossible! Impossible in this lifetime! "

Xu Xiangmeng fell into madness, and there was only one obsession left in his mind.

Mrs. Xu looked at her unfamiliar daughter and shed tears of remorse again.

It shouldn't be like this.

Which step started wrong?

Could it be that it was wrong to take her as his biological daughter and let her become Xu Xiangmeng more than ten years ago?

Xu Xiangmeng ran out of Xu's house like crazy.

Mrs. Xu still couldn't stop her, she was pushed and fell to the ground with tears streaming down her face.

(end of this chapter)