Chapter 1748: Return of a daughter (45)

Chapter 1748 The return of the daughter (45)

Xu Xiangmeng looked at the discussion on the Internet with some surprise.

I thought that An Heng deserved to be so good in the entertainment industry, the fact that the navy takes the rhythm is really quiet.

Even her, almost didn't see it.

If it wasn't for her cooperation with An Heng, she would still be at a loss for the attitude of these people at this moment.

With An Heng helping in secret.

Soon more and more people asked Bai Cha to come out and apologize.

The Shi Group was inexplicably ignored by these people.


Manager Yang received the report from his subordinates, and immediately came to the president's office with a computer.

"Mr. Shi, it's like this. These people are deliberately targeting Miss Hei Bai. After the public relations department has identified them, these people are all navy soldiers. They have come prepared and have a clear goal. It is obvious that they want to deal with Miss Bai."

"Kate's design, because there is an unfinished set of marine series, so he has not made a sound. These days, he is in retreat design. Do I need to have someone contact him immediately to clarify the matter?"

Manager Yang was a little flustered. If Kate had come out earlier and acknowledged the work, it probably wouldn't have been that much of a problem.

But as soon as Kate starts designing, it will automatically shut down, block everyone's news, not disturbed by anyone, and design with all his heart.

is the only way to design more perfect works.

So there is such a misunderstanding.

Shiyan made a gesture and pondered for a while, "No hurry, let's see who is behind the scenes and who wants to attack her."

When    mentioned this issue, Manager Yang thought of Xu Xiangmeng subconsciously.

"Could it be that Xu Xiangmeng still doesn't give up?" Is this a dog skin plaster?

You can't even kick it!

"Xu Xiangmeng is a key point, but this matter is obviously more skillful in planning, not like Xu Xiangmeng's handwriting.

seems to be someone who is familiar with various operations in the circle.

You go check An Heng! "

Shiyan's intuition is also very keen.

He still remembers what happened to An Heng before.

If he wasn't afraid that An Heng's popularity would steal the popularity of Bai Cha, he would give An Heng a hot search! ! !

Of course, it would be more interesting if this incident had something to do with An Heng.

You can have a good time.

"Okay, I'll send someone to check on Anheng." Manager Yang was about to exit holding the computer.

was suddenly stopped by Shi Yan.

Shiyan, "What will you prepare when you see your mother-in-law?"

Manager Yang, "?!!"

Wait, isn't this span a bit big?

Manager Yang looked at Shi Yan in confusion.

"Mr. Shi? Has your relationship with Miss Bai settled down?"

"Not yet..." It's just that layer of window paper!

Shi Yan made a contemplative state.

"..." The relationship hasn't been settled yet, so there should be a long way to go before seeing your mother-in-law, right?

Manager Yang looked at Shiyan uncertainly.

"If you go to see Miss Bai's adoptive mother, you must prepare well, see what her adoptive mother likes, and prepare some, but the most important thing is to be sincere.

No matter what mother, she hopes that the person her daughter will marry can be entrusted to her for life, and the most fearful thing is dishonesty.

Mr. Shi, as long as you are sincere, you will be fine. "

Shi Yan responded lightly, "Well, I understand, just nervous..."

Manager Yang, "..." I do see that you are nervous.

However, he always felt that before that, he still had to confirm the relationship with Miss Bai, otherwise, would it be impossible to meet Miss Bai's adoptive mother directly?

Tsk, that's not justified!


Shiyan thought about it, afraid of disturbing his adoptive mother Zheng Hong, so he didn't bring too many things, just some supplements and nutrients.

But he didn't expect that when he went to visit, Chacha was also there.

happened to meet, Shi Yan suddenly felt a little guilty.

I wanted to secretly visit her adoptive mother, but unexpectedly, I saw Cha Cha right here.

Zheng Hong looked up, "Chacha, this is your boss? Can you introduce me!" I saw it last time, but this time she came here on her own initiative. She is a visitor, how can she not see it?

Chacha looked at Zheng Hong solemnly, "So far, it's really my boss." As for the future, she still doesn't know.

So, let’s talk about the future.

Now, no matter how you ask her to introduce her, she is still her boss.

"Hello Auntie, I'm Shiyan, the boss of Chacha. She is suitable to be a brand spokesperson of our company and is still in the period of cooperation."

Shi Yan restrained his coldness and said as warmly as possible.

is a little out of tune with his stern face, and it looks very helpless.

Because of the expert visit, Zheng Hong's condition is much better now, and she is in a good mood. There is nothing messy. Several escorts chat with her from time to time to pass the time.

I don't know how many times stronger than the **** that Mr. Xu found before.

"Any photos? I want to see them too." Zheng Hong asked gently.


Shiyan took out his phone and turned to the album.

Finger paused, and suddenly realized something, and his expression changed unnaturally.

Oh, how to explain that her photo is in his phone album?

is embarrassing.

Shi Yan glanced at Cha Cha quietly, seeing that she didn't seem to care much, he was slightly relieved, he took the lead and said, "Auntie, look, this is the photo that the photography department sent to my mobile phone before, look, isn't it? very beautiful?"

Ocean series is very suitable for tea tea.

Even Zheng Hong was a little surprised when he first saw it.

This is her daughter!

So beautiful!

"Can I, can I watch it for a while?" Zheng Hong's eyes showed joy.

"If Auntie likes it, I'll have someone print it out and send it to you soon."

Shiyan dropped this sentence, took the mobile phone and sent a message to Manager Yang, and then transferred the mobile page to the album to show Zheng Hong the photos.

Zheng Hong felt moved.

seems kind of sweet?

She took a look at the photos on her mobile phone, then looked at Cha Cha, and the tall man who was half-squatting beside her. How could he just hide his noble aura?

also said that it wasn't for her daughter, she really didn't believe it.

Zheng Hong didn't say anything more, just waved his hands to chase people away, "Don't watch it, don't watch it, the two of you can talk somewhere else, I, a few small escorts are enough."

"Okay, the photos will be delivered later." Shi Yan warned again.

Cha Cha looked at Shi Yan in disbelief.

"Mr. Shi, take my photo to make my mother happy, what do you think?"

is too easy?

Shiyan thought for a while, and said seriously, "Then I... print out my photo for her to see?"

Chacha, "..." Can't talk, can't talk!

The two left the hospital.

Chacha said thanks, "Thank you for visiting my mother."

Shiyan, "You're welcome, just in time, I have other things to tell you."

Cha Cha, "Good."

Shiyan looked at the time and said, "I think you can talk while eating, what do you think?"

"...Yes." Cha Cha smirked, but felt that the number of paragraphs in Shiyan was too low-level, um, she must not have touched other girls, she was very satisfied.

Just...pretend you don't understand his routines.

Hey, she's such a clever little ghost.

Automatically drill into his routine, helpless~


Mid-Autumn Festival is here, sprinkle some sweet candy~

This plane is coming to an end, it's almost over.

(end of this chapter)