Chapter 1754: Return of a daughter (51)

Chapter 1754 The return of the daughter (51)

Bai Fumei turned into a fake daughter, and various scenes of framing the real daughter attracted a lot of attention.

This kind of drama is rare.

This night, it is doomed that many people will not sleep because of eating melons.

is really interesting and reversible.

A lot of people even started guessing.

Did Han Chen break off the engagement because he knew Xu Xiangmeng's true identity? Of course, it was also possible that Han Chen understood Xu Xiangmeng's true face.

Anyway, let me mention Zhao Yang by the way, the bamboo horse who carried the pot.

Tsk, I wonder if he will wake up after seeing what Xu Xiangmeng did now?

At first glance, it is like a spare tire for others, but you are so willing? No wonder Mrs. Zhao was so angry that she tore up Xu Xiangmeng, but later clarified it?

Do you really think that people who eat melons are fools?

There are always a few people who can see through the truth.

And the girl who predicted the coming of the big drama before also got countless likes...

Immediately after, when the big drama was about to come to an end.

Kate, who is at the center of the matter, appears.

KateV: I’m sorry, I’ve been busy designing recently, and I’ve been in retreat. I didn’t expect the Ocean series to be so noisy, it wasted everyone’s time and took up public resources. The Ocean series is indeed my work, and there is no plagiarism from myself. It is said that this is a series, because there is still one set that has not been completed, so it has not been included in the collection for a long time.

Kate's voice brought things to a peak.

The top designers design for the spokesperson of Shi Group's jewelry, which is really a big deal!

Many celebrities are rushing to it.

was very emotional about the luck of Baicha.

I am afraid that I will become the darling of the fashion industry in the future.

How many people can't even dream.

While eating melons, netizens sighed again.

Some people's lives are destined to be extraordinary. Even if they have been lost for many years and come back, they can still become enviable existences.

On the other hand, Xu Xiangmeng, after struggling for so long, was finally ruined, and all the things he owned were taken back.

is really embarrassing.

Some people also said that Xu Xiang had a good life, and even if he was in bad luck, he had enjoyed more than ten years of brocade clothing and jade food. No matter how he counted it, it was not a loss.

Until late at night and early morning, the people who eat melon reluctantly put down their mobile phones.

It's not that they want to stay up late, it's really today's melon, too much fun.


Xu family.

Xu Xiangmeng watched with black eyes as his background was exposed.

She didn't understand how the Xu family could just abandon her when they said they were abandoned.

He clearly said that he would not abandon her, and the person he loves the most is her!

is their only daughter!

How can you turn your face and not recognize someone?

Xu Xiangmeng asked Mother Xu for an explanation regardless.

Father Xu was also there.

very calmly gave Xu Xiangmeng a card, "You hold this card. We won't take back the apartment we gave you before. We won't owe each other in the future, and we don't need you to retire for us."

Xu Xiangmeng was almost out of control, "? Retirement? You don't want me on the horse, and you still want me to retire for you? What are you dreaming about? How can you treat me like this? How can you give up when you say you give up!"

"I've done my best to you, what do you want?" Father Xu's expression changed and he was very unhappy.

He gave her a way to live, isn't that enough?

Even if it is his biological daughter, he can only do this.

Has a house and funds, and will not worry about food and clothing for the rest of his life, how could he treat her badly?

Did he abandon her on purpose? Obviously she was killed in various ways.

has come to this point.

If you can get along well, and don’t be a demon, it doesn’t count, how can this happen?

If he hadn't taken care of his long-term relationship, would he have given her money?

"What do I want? What do you want!

You brought me back from the orphanage, you gave me Xu Xiangmeng's identity, you took me as your own daughter, you gave me everything!

When you gave it, you didn't ask me, and now you want to take it away, you didn't ask me? am i a toy? I am human!

I made a mistake, I made a lot of mistakes, but from the beginning, you were the first to make mistakes! You are the one who brought me down this road of no return! "

Xu Xiangmeng roared hysterically.

No one could understand her fear, she was afraid that everything would be taken away.

She was afraid of losing everything.

The more you go, the more you go wrong, you can only keep going wrong!

Now, she lost.

nothing left.

But she doesn't regret it, she only resents that she is incompetent and that her skills are inferior to others!

If her calculations could be more perfect, everything would not be what it is now.

Father Xu was so angry that his face was ashen, "Yes, we did it, we were wrong from the beginning, and we shouldn't have brought you back in the first place!

You go now! Get out of the Xu family now!

I didn't expect you to take care of any kindness, but in the end I raised a white-eyed wolf like you! "

Who did the Xu family come this far?

Even if Bai Cha came back, why did they ever give up on her?

Wouldn't you rather ignore Bai Cha and take into account her feelings?

Now, such a result?

is indeed their fault, not only are they terribly wrong, they are also blind.

Xu Xiangmeng took the card with hatred and left Xu's house without looking back.

After   , she has nothing to do with the Xu family.

Even if the Xu family gave up on her, Bai Cha would not return to the Xu family because of this, the Xu family was destined to get nothing!

Now, she just wants to find Zhao Yang, her last support!


The next day.

Chacha wakes up, his first reaction is to take a look at Weibo with his mobile phone to see if there are any new melons.

Well, no melon.

She will accompany Shiyan to the hospital today.

Although being caught by Qiqi should be fine, but a few injections are better.

Cha Cha changed his clothes and walked out of the room after washing up, and he immediately smelled the aroma.

"I prepared breakfast, see if you like it."

Said like a feast for credit.

Although he didn't make the breakfast himself, he ordered it all by himself.

For these breakfasts, he spent more than half an hour.

Chacha blinked, "...I like everything you prepared."

Shiyan, "?" Don't tease him in the morning.

He couldn't stand it.

"By the way, I also prepared Qiqi's cat food." Shi Yan said, "Cats can't eat too many small snacks, or cat food, dried fish, and the like are more suitable for it."

I had a bad fight with Qiqi last night.

For future development, it is more appropriate to please.

Chacha, "..." You're done.

Qiqi may have to live with you!

As soon as Shiyan finished speaking, Qiqi was blown up!

"Meow Meow Meow!" Who wants to eat cat food!

"Meow!" It's unpalatable!

"Meow!" I want to eat meat!

chacha, “…”

Shi Yan looked blank, could he be wrong?

Kittens don't eat cat food?

doesn't make sense...

No matter how powerful this cat is, it has to obey the rules of eating cat food.

You can't eat like a human...

Shiyan thought and acted, took a cat pot, put cat food and dried small fish in it.

He put the cat basin in front of Qiqi.

The little milk cat looked at Chacha with a sad face.

, you don't love me anymore!

Why don't you speak for me?

snack! My little snack!

Seeing that Qiqi was about to cry, Cha Cha reminded helplessly, "Shiyan, our Qiqi is different from other cats. He... doesn't like cat food..."

(end of this chapter)