Chapter 1763: And the pro princess (5)

Chapter 1763 and the pro-princess (5)

and pro princess 5

Yun Yu's face suddenly turned cold, "Go away!"

She actually knocked down his window, you know, this window can block the wind, without a window, wouldn't he be swept away by the cold wind, this woman wants to freeze him to death?

His heart is sinister! Vicious mind!

Chacha didn't know that this dog man thought so much in the blink of an eye, she put down the paper bag, didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned her head and left.


What attitude?

If it wasn't for her man's sake, let alone the fragrant pastries, he wouldn't even be able to eat the paper packets wrapped in the pastries!

After eating a few cakes, Satsuki regained some strength.

"Princess." She called out, and glanced at Yun Yu.

Across the window, Xiaoyue was taken aback by the look in Yun Yu's eyes.

This waste prince is so scary!

Xiaoyue nervously tugged at Chacha's clothes, "Princess, are we like this?" Staying in the cold palace all the time? What should they do if the abolished prince dies one day?

Cha Cha patted her hand, "As soon as you come, you can rest assured, don't think too much, I'm here."

She speaks earnestly and looks firm.

The power that    carried instantly made Satsuki feel at ease.

Chacha, "Go and see how the room is being cleaned."

Satsuki walked over to check the room.

Although it is still simple, but at this moment, the room has been cleaned a lot, and finally it is not as dirty and messy as before.

Looking at the clean house, Satsuki breathed a sigh of relief.

"Princess, the room is cleaned." There is no place to live.

Chacha hummed, took out some pieces of silver and handed it to Xiaoyue.

Do not give gold leaves again after cleaning the room.

Today is also a housekeeping day!

Xiaozhuzi confiscated the money, "The princess saved the slave's life, and it's right for you to clean the room."

Chacha is also polite.

took out a packet of pastries and handed it over.

Xiaoyue, "?" How many cakes did the princess hide?


Xiaoyue stared at the princess for a while in shock, but didn't notice anything wrong.

After Xiaozhuzi and others left.

Chacha asked Xiaoyue to fetch a basin of water.

Open Xiaoyue, Chacha took out the roast chicken and roast duck prepared by the robot from the space.

The roast chicken wrapped in lotus leaves is fragrant and intoxicating, the meat is tender and delicious, and the tempting aroma is particularly noticeable in this cold palace.

Yun Yu put down the pastry in his hand and wiped the crumbs from his mouth.

followed the aroma and came over.

Seeing the clean and tidy room, Yun Yu's eyes paused, and then his eyes fell on the roast chicken.

Yun Yu's eyes were slightly cold, "???"

This woman gives her pastries, but she eats roast chicken here?

Ah! It's too much!

"You did it on purpose?" he asked, his face full of dissatisfaction, his thin lips pursed into a straight line, and his eyes stared at her coldly.

Chacha glanced at him, only to think that there was something wrong with his brain.

"What on purpose?" The dog man was really weird and asked some inexplicable questions.

Yun Yu stared at her and pointed out her question suspiciously, "You deliberately let me eat cakes just to hide and eat roast chicken."

"Oh, and roast duck!" Yun Yu added.

Cha Cha blinked and looked at him blankly, "What are you talking about?"


Roast chicken?

She keenly captured a message, "Don't you eat pastries? Why, you ate them secretly? Is it delicious?"

“…” Is this the key?

What the **** is going on in the head of a bad woman?

And when did he say he doesn't eat pastries?

It was she who broke his window and he let her get out!

He squinted and tried to pull the question back, "Don't change the subject!"

Chacha looked at the roast chicken speechlessly.

Then he looked at Yun Yu, "..."

That’s all, it’s just a roast chicken.

After all, he just got angry with her over a roast chicken...

Well, he must have not eaten meat for many days.

Very poor.

That’s why I’m so preoccupied with roasting chicken.

He was miserable.

She wants to take care of the poor little one.

Cha Cha picked up the roast chicken and handed it to Yun Yu, "I'll give it to you."

Anyway, she still has a roast duck, which is just right for two people to eat with Xiaoyue.

Yun Yu's complexion changed and changed.

"Who's going to eat your stuff? Who knows if you've been poisoned!"

He left a sentence unhappy, with resistance written all over his face, there must be something wrong with giving him the roast chicken so easily.

chacha, “…”

OK, he seems sensitive and suspicious.

Cha Cha tore off a small piece of meat and showed it to Yun Yu.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Chacha even thinks that Yun Yu will say that she has taken the antidote in the next second, "..."

Yun Yu didn't say anything, and continued to eat tea.

Although it is a robot, her custom-made robot makes roast chicken. The taste is really good and the craftsmanship is very good. If the timing is not right, she even wants to pull out her robot to clean up her room and cook for her.

Seeing that one chicken leg was about to be destroyed, Yun Yu grabbed the remaining roast chicken, and then he looked at another roast duck.

Cha Cha reminded with a sullen face, "Don't go too far."

After eating her roast chicken, do you still want roast duck?

Think beautifully!

Although she can spoil her, she is not the kind of person who will spoil him.

Roast duck, it's hers!

No robbing!

Yun Yu snorted and left with the roast chicken.

Xiaoyue walked in with the water, and was taken aback by the strange aura of the abolished prince.

She hurriedly walked to Cha Cha, "Princess, are you all right?"

"It's fine." Cha Cha responded.

then pointed to the roast duck, "Eat it."

Xiaoyue thought, "!" Could it be that the waste prince found out with conscience and gave food to her princess?

But... not quite right!

Even the cakes were sent by her princess, can the waste prince have something to eat?

"Princess, this food..."

Chacha didn't wait for her to finish, and put a duck leg in her mouth, "It should taste good, eat it quickly, there are other things to do after eating, don't ask too many questions in the future."

"Mmmm." Xiaoyue nodded, obediently.

Princess doesn't let her ask, she doesn't ask.

in space.

Qiqi licked his little paws.

Chacha is so good for it.

The robot also has its share of cooking, roasting chicken in the left hand and roasting duck in the right hand, which is delicious and delicious.


After half an hour.

Satsuki sat in the room, very sad.

Can’t just sit here forever!

There is no bed in this room, how can I rest?

Besides, they didn't bring much clothes for this trip. The cold palace at night will be colder than the daytime. If the princess gets cold, it will be bad.

"Don't worry, someone will bring it to us." Cha Cha sat there calmly, there was nothing in the cold palace.

In this case, Father Fang, who got the benefit and fell into the lake, will definitely not miss this opportunity to make money.

So, just wait and wait.

And this father-in-law is also the most suitable person.

As soon as he came, Eunuch Fang was the **** by the emperor's side, so it was easier to talk and do things.

Secondly, if you give a little benefit, it will be a little more convenient. Anything that can be solved with money is not a big deal.

And this money will not really fall into the hands of Mr. Fang.

In this regard, Chacha is very satisfied.

Qiqi shuddered suddenly, oh! Fang Gonggong has no money and money.

(end of this chapter)