Chapter 1775: And the pro princess (17)

Chapter 1775 and the pro-princess (17)

and pro princess 17

With a pretty and fair face, she looks well-behaved and quiet, her beautiful eyes are clean and clear, and her face is absolutely beautiful.

Yan Qinghuan compared her in front of her, and it was obvious that she was at a disadvantage.

Xindi Yunhai thought to himself.

It was the first time he had seen her since Yan Qingcha, the Princess of Yan Kingdom, was sent to marry her.

Her mind swayed slightly, she glanced at Yan Qinghuan beside her inadvertently, and soon understood what Yan Qinghuan was thinking, she was afraid that he would take Yan Qingcha and accept Yan Qingcha as his concubine.

That's why he deliberately stopped him again and again, let him see Yanqingcha, and even asked him to point Yanqingcha to Yunyu.

until today.

He just saw Yan Qingcha himself.

This feeling of being calculated is really bad.

It was as if every step was following Yan Qinghuan's calculations.

He stood still.

Others couldn't see what mood he was in right now, they only knew that the new emperor didn't move, and they didn't dare to make any move.


But Yan Qinghuan hooked her lips in satisfaction.

Sure enough, Yan Qingcha's face is good.

The first time I saw it, I let His Majesty take a few more glances.

Fortunately, she calculated a lot at the beginning.

I didn't let His Majesty see Yanqingcha in advance, otherwise, I'm afraid that now Yanqingcha will be on an equal footing with her.

It’s good to be in a cold palace, and you can’t see the emperor all year round.

If it wasn't for Yun Yu's death, Yan Qingcha would never want to see His Majesty!

Yan Qinghuan's eyes flashed with hatred.

She restrained her expression and hurried to Cha Cha, blocking His Majesty's sight.

"Sister, what happened to the second prince? Why is this happening?"

Cha Cha rubbed his eyes, raised his head, his eyes were full of tears, "Sister, I don't know why this happened. We had lunch together, and he suddenly fell down and became like this..."

Yan Qinghuan got up and looked at the imperial doctor, "Can you find out the cause of the second prince's death?"

She will not let Yanqingcha get rid of the relationship.

She wants to take advantage of this incident to solve Yanqingcha together.

The imperial physician saluted, then looked at His Majesty.

Seeing His Majesty nodding, he said, "Hui Niangniang, the second prince was poisoned and was poisoned, so he died. Since it is after lunch, why not let the old minister check whether there is any problem with the lunch?"

"What do you mean by that? Are you suspicious of Ben Gong's younger sister, the current second prince concubine?"

Yan Qinghuan was suddenly furious, "The conditions in the cold palace are difficult, who doesn't know that the meals in the cold palace are prepared by the people of the second prince concubine?

You want to check the meal, aren't you blatantly suspecting her? "

This is very interesting.

directly increased the suspicion of Yanqing Tea.

The imperial doctor hurriedly knelt down and explained, "Niangniang, this minister doesn't mean that."

Cha Cha wiped away her tears, "Sister doesn't have to do this, since the imperial doctor wants to check, let's check."

She knew what Yan Qinghuan was thinking.

Naturally, there will be countermeasures.

Yan Qinghuan waved his hand, signaling the imperial doctor to investigate.

From beginning to end, Yan Qinghuan called what the new emperor ignored as a thorough.

Xindi's face was a little unsightly.

He stood aside, silently watching Yan Qinghuan giving orders.

The moment when Cha Cha lowered her eyes.

keenly captured the strange atmosphere before the two.

She suddenly had a terrible idea.

The thought quickly swept through her mind…

The imperial doctor did not find any poison in the meal, but Yun Yu did indeed die of poisoning, without any evidence.

Yan Qinghuan frowned. I didn't expect that Yan Qingcha was quite smart?

Even the imperial doctor is not close to where the poison came from.

She said, "Sister, in order to prevent outsiders from saying that this palace is protecting you, I have to work hard for my sister to go to the prison for a few days, and then let you out after your suspicions are completely cleared."

The voice fell.

Cha Cha raised his head and looked at Yan Qinghuan with a half-smile.

Immediately, the conversation changed.

"Don't bother my sister.

However, my sister felt that it was better for His Majesty to handle this matter.

In this way, naturally no one will say that my sister is partial to me. Your Majesty is the king of a country and the younger brother of the second prince, so he will go to great lengths to find the real murderer..."

The neglected new emperor, when he met her gaze, suddenly seemed to have been stabbed in the heart.

pounding and jumping non-stop.

"Princess is right. This matter should be up to me, so I don't have to go to jail. After all, the princess is the princess of the Yan Kingdom. I will stay in this cold palace for a few days. After the matter is cleared up, I will give the princess an explanation."

When Xindi spoke, he looked at Cha Cha with burning eyes, and his eyes could not wait to stick to her.

Maybe this is called love at first sight?

Yan Qinghuan is too strong, not his type.

The queen is gentle and quiet, but she is too weak and doesn't care about anything.

The Princess of Yan Kingdom in front of her was just right.

He hadn't seen a girl with such clear eyes for a long time.

Quiet yet lively and well-behaved, just right between the queen and Yan Qinghuan, coupled with a beautiful face, Yunhai felt that his heart was in chaos.

If I could see Yanqing Tea earlier.

How could he be willing to let her suffer in the cold palace?

will not promise her to that trash Yun Yu.

The beauty was in his arms, maybe Yun Yu secretly laughed at him, and put such a beautiful beauty in his arms, instead of enjoying it himself, he sent it out?

Yunhai's eyes surged with anger.

But only in the blink of an eye.

He put back all his anger.

Yunyu is dead.

Next is Yan Qinghuan.

No one can tolerate a person calculating himself again and again!

He is the honor of Ninety-five, and the entire Guiyun Country belongs to him. What is she? Dare to give orders in front of him?

Yan Qinghuan had anger in his eyes.

She looked at Cha Cha with a cold face.

It was only the first time I saw her, but she refuted her for Yanqing Tea? Lose her face?

Is this worth it?

Even the queen is her stepping stone, so she will not give Yanqingcha a chance to turn over.

Yan Qinghuan said, "Your Majesty's thoughtful consideration, then work hard for the second prince and concubine, and don't walk around in the cold palace."

The four words of the second prince and concubine Yan Qinghuan almost said it through gritted teeth, deliberately suppressing her voice, just to remind the new emperor, Yan Qingcha's identity!

That is your second sister-in-law!

A woman who is married to another man!

is not innocent, and there are various problems with her identity. Could it be that you still want to bring such a woman into the harem? Aren't you afraid that the world will be ridiculed?

The new emperor came back to his senses and looked at Yan Qinghuan with a smile.

"Concubine Yan will make arrangements."

for a moment.

The two left the cold palace.

went back to Zhaoyang Palace together.

Along the way, Yan Qinghuan had a straight face, and his face was extremely embarrassing.

Zhaoyang Palace.

There are no outsiders now.

There are only two of them left.

Yan Qinghuan questioned the new emperor displeased, "What does your majesty mean? I think Yanqing tea looks good, so I like her? What about the concubine? What is it in your eyes?"

"Qing Huan, you misunderstood. I was just curious, so I just glanced at it, why are you so angry?"

Xindi pretended to be stupid and refused to admit it.

He didn't admit it, Yan Qinghuan couldn't hold on to this matter.

Yan Qinghuan was **** off immediately.

"Take one more look? Does that mean taking one more look? Your majesty, your eyes are almost sticking to her! Yes, the concubine knows that she is not as beautiful as her, but majesty, don't forget your identities, she is already Your royal sister-in-law!"

(end of this chapter)