Chapter 1777: And the pro princess (19)

Chapter 1777 and the pro-princess (19)

and pro princess 19

Father Fang also didn't know why Xiao Zhuzi, who has always been honest and obedient, suddenly came out and said these words.

But his intuition told him that something big was going to happen.

Yan Qinghuan looked at the little bamboo with a heavy face.

For some reason, a bad premonition suddenly rose in my heart.

She couldn't articulate the feeling.

However, I vaguely sensed something was wrong.

The new emperor took Yan Qinghuan with a kind attitude, let her sit down, and slowly comforted her, "Huaner, don't panic, I naturally believe in you, let me interrogate first."

Xindi gave Yan Qinghuan a look.

Yan Qinghuan calmed down and breathed a sigh of relief.

It doesn't matter, Mo Lan is her person, even if she calls Mo Lan, she is not afraid.

Guess that it was arranged by His Majesty and wanted to push the matter on Yanqingcha, but why did it involve Mo Lan?

Moran does not need sacrifice.

can also solve Yanqing tea.

And Mo Lan only came to Leng Palace once to deliver poison.

Mo Lan is thoughtful and has some martial arts skills, so there is no reason to be seen by Xiao Zhuzi.

Therefore, Yan Qinghuan thought that His Majesty wanted to solve Mo Lan, the only one who knew the truth, just in case.

Even though he had guessed what he was thinking, Yan Qinghuan was still not very happy.

Mo Lan is her person after all, even if he wants to deal with it, he should tell her first, right? This was too unpredictable.

Thinking room.

Mo Lan has already knelt down.

The new emperor interrogated vigorously, "You are Concubine Yan's personal maid, what are you doing in the cold palace?"

Mo Lan said cautiously, "The slaves and slaves obeyed the mother's orders and came to see the second prince and concubine, and have no other thoughts."

"Then how many times have you been to the cold palace? Do you remember? Every time you visit, do you have a conversation with the second princess?" The new emperor asked slowly and clearly.

Moran paused and looked at Yan Qinghuan in a panic.

Yan Qinghuan, "?" What do you see me doing?

At this time, when Mo Lan looked at it, Yan Qinghuan reprimanded with an unpleasant expression, "Your Majesty's question, your answer is, what do you want to do with this palace? Could it be that this palace can give you the answer? ?"

"..." Moran trembled and didn't dare to say a word.

seemed to be greatly frightened.

looks like this, it is really suspicious.

The new emperor reprimanded unhappily, "You have been by Concubine Yan's side for a long time, and you should know my temper. Bullying the king is a death penalty. If you have some words, you can think about it before answering!"

Mo Lan shook into a ball.

Still reluctant to say anything.

The new emperor was furious, as if he had lost his patience.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

"Come here, drag it down, and punish fifty with the rod!"

As soon as the new emperor's voice fell, a guard came to attack Mo Lan, pulling her outside the cold palace and punishing her for fifty.

Mo Lan was dragged, tears streaming down her face.

When    was about to leave the sight of the new emperor, Mo Lan collapsed and cried, "Your Majesty, spare your life! Your Majesty Mo Lan is willing to tell the truth! Your Majesty spare your life."

Xindi sat upright and raised his hand to signal the guards to stop.

Soon, Mo Lan was pulled back.

Mo Lan knelt in front of the new emperor, tears falling.

Yan Qinghuan couldn't bear to look directly.

A girl who is usually very careful, why is she so reckless this time?

She snorted coldly, her eyes disdainful.

"Speak." The new emperor was impatient and instructed lightly.

Mo Lan glanced at Yan Qinghuan, and then confessed, "It's Concubine Yan! It's Concubine Yan who let the slaves poison the second prince!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Yan Qinghuan was stunned and looked at Mo Lan in shock, "You? You bitch, dare to frame this palace?"

She didn't have time to think about why Molan would suddenly testify against her and pull her into the water. It was obvious that Molan was her confidant. At this time, it was absolutely impossible to involve her in this matter.

Yan Qinghuan's mind was a mess, and he couldn't find an exit.

The new emperor said calmly, "Concubine Yan, don't worry, listen to Mo Lan first."

Yan Qinghuan looked at the new emperor in surprise.

Seeing his expression as usual, she was very puzzled.

"?" Why wasn't he surprised?

Mo Lan continued, "The slaves did not frame Concubine Yan, it was Concubine Yan who asked the slaves to observe the second prince secretly, and also asked the slaves to find an opportunity to poison the second prince, and the poison was hidden under the second prince's pillow. Sleeping, toxins will enter the body, so the imperial doctor can't find out the source of the second prince's poisoning!

I also hope that Your Majesty will see clearly, the slave maid was forced by Concubine Yan! If the slaves are not obedient, the empress will kill the slaves and the whole family.

The slave is from the country of Yan, and she cannot return to the country of Yan again in this life, so she cannot take care of her parents, but the empress is different, she is the princess of the country of Yan, and she can take the life of the slave's family with just a letter..."

Mo Lan's words shocked everyone.

Yan Qinghuan seemed to have lost all her strength at the moment.

She tilted her head and looked at the new emperor laboriously.

If she still didn't understand something just now, now she has completely understood it.

He wants her to die?

He actually plotted against her?

Wanted her life?

She paid so much for Yunhai to help him ascend to the throne, and he arranged such a calculation backhand?

This plan, only she and Yunhai knew about it from the beginning.

Now Mo Lan suddenly poured all the dirty water on her, never mentioning Yanqing tea, and the little bamboo...


She was tricked by Yunhai?

Yan Qinghuan looked at Yunhai angrily, her eyes full of anger and hatred.

"Your Majesty, you are really good!" Yan Qinghuan spoke sarcastically, and his heart was desolate.

Yunhai looked at her sadly, "What Mo Lan said was the truth? Huan'er, how could you do this? You and Yun Yu have no grievances or enmity, why did you kill Yun Yu?

He has entered the cold palace, and he is a waste. Why do you do this? You are so disappointed in me! "

"Your Majesty is in such a hurry to convict the concubine. Where's the evidence? Based on the words of Mo Lan alone, can it be concluded that it was the concubine's hand?" Yan Qinghuan sneered, now she can't wait to kill Yunhai and fight him desperately.

knew that she had spent so much time helping him ascend to the throne, he would backhand her, and she would definitely choose another prince to help her ascend to the throne.

Yunhai calmly brought the topic back to Mo Lan.

Since he dared to plot against Yan Qinghuan.

Nature has all the evidence ready.

Cha Cha and Xiaoyue stood in the corner beside them, quietly watching all this happen. It was unexpected that things changed so quickly.

Xiaoyue looked confused.

This...has become the emperor and Yan Qinghuan calculating each other?

is really a big play!

No wonder the princess was not in a hurry at all, and told her mysteriously that she could go to the theatre.

It turned out to be such a reversal?

The two watched the play with high interest, and then they saw Mo Lan present evidence.

"Your Majesty can go to Zhaoyang Palace to search, there must be poison in her hands, but she has hidden it deep, and you need to send more people to search."

Yan Qinghuan, "..." I was so angry that I collapsed!

Too angry to keep sane.

She stared at Yunhai, "Your Majesty is determined to take the life of his concubine?" In today's scene, he has been calculating for a long time, right?

is by no means an impromptu idea.

The layout was so fast and cruel, she was the one who planted it.

was planted in the hands of Yunhai!

(end of this chapter)