Chapter 1782: And the pro princess (24)

Chapter 1782 and the pro-princess (24)

and pro princess 24

Another three days passed.

Yan Qinghuan's injuries have healed.

The imperial doctor gave her the most precious medicine, as if she had regained her former glory.

In the palace, many concubines were worried.

Yan Qinghuan poisoned the second prince.

The emperor just let her out?

There is no explanation?

This is too casual.

After Yan Qinghuan was thrown into the prison, many of them went to the prison to make fun of them. If this allowed Yan Qinghuan to regain her favor, wouldn't it be the end for those who fell into trouble?

All the concubines hurried to find the queen.

The queen just hummed, "As long as there is a woman in the harem who can keep His Majesty's heart, he will not put his eyes on Yan Qinghuan again."

The concubines looked at each other.

Isn't that scolding them around the corner?

In fact…

Well, it’s true that they are incompetent.

Yan Qinghuan fell out of favor these days, but no one could make His Majesty like him.

The concubines returned to the palaces with a headache.

Your Majesty's preferences, how can they understand?

Fourth night.

The new emperor summoned Yan Qinghuan.

Then spend the night with Yan Qinghuan.

Concubine, "...!"

Damn, vixen!

Yan Qinghuan is a fox spirit! Otherwise, how could it be possible to turn over so quickly? Are they not working hard enough? Or did they not have Yan Qinghuan's means?

The concubines could not wait to crowdfund to kill Yan Qinghuan.

But, they are helpless.

He watched His Majesty send people to the side hall of Zhaoyang Palace. Although his position has not been restored, isn't it obvious?

And the Concubine Yan in Zhaoyang Palace had just entered the palace and had not experienced any training.

In her opinion, Zhaoyang Palace was originally hers alone.

Now, for no reason, you want to separate the side hall to a criminal who has been in prison?

How could she endure this?


On the day that Yan Qinghuan entered Zhaoyang Palace, Concubine Yan gave her a dismount.


Concubine Yan was expelled from Zhaoyang Palace by His Majesty.

Concubine became a concubine.

Concubines, "!!" Damn, vixen ah ah ah!

Yan Qinghuan is really a fox spirit!


Easy and easy, Zhaoyang Palace became her alone!

Everything is the same as before except that there is no seal.

When the minister of the Central Dynasty heard this, he just thought it was absurd.

But after what happened last time, no one dared to mention the harem again.

can only sigh helplessly.

Absurd, a Yan Qinghuan, let your Majesty act absurd next time.

This girl, a witch!

It will bring disaster to the country and the people in the future!


Zhaoyang Palace.

Yan Qinghuan looked at herself in the mirror with satisfaction.

She just played a little trick, and she became the bedside person of the sea of ​​​​clouds again.

These concubines in the harem, no one really understands Yunhai's mind.

Yunhai felt that she was arrogant, didn't take him seriously, and plotted against him everywhere, so she would be gentler and let him train herself to be docile and obedient, suppressing all her domineering and aloofness.

This sense of achievement is something that Yunhai cannot feel from others.

She lowered her eyebrows at Yunhai and let him do whatever he wanted.

Lightly, he held the sea of ​​clouds in his hands again.

And what about the sea of ​​clouds?

is still complacent.


Yan Kingdom.

Cha Cha looked at the news from Yue Feng and was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that Yan Qinghuan had such a means?

This lightly held the sea of ​​​​clouds in his hands again.

But that's okay.

In other words, Yan Qinghuan helped her and Yunyu.

It is estimated that Yunhai has not had time to check the situation of Yan Kingdom recently.

This is also a good time for the Yan Kingdom to become strong.

Training soldiers and forming formations.

At the same time, he was looking for the reason for the death of the previous emperor of the Kingdom of Clouds.

After    Yun Yu was deposed, the old emperor died.

The throne fell into the hands of Yunhai.

No matter from which point of view, the sea of ​​​​clouds is very suspicious.

The two aspects are proceeding in an orderly manner at the same time.


One month later.

Something happened in the country of Guiyun.

Xindi Yunhai suddenly became seriously ill.

The imperial physician was helpless.

When the news of    reached Yunyu and Chacha's ears, they only had one thought: Yan Qinghuan poisoned Yunhai.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Yunhai to suddenly become seriously ill.

Yun Yu's eyes darkened, "I'll take a trip myself to see what happened in Guiyun Country."

During this month, Yan Guo has made all-round preparations.

You can attack Guiyun Country at any time.

But now Yunhai is seriously ill, if he handles it properly, maybe he doesn't need to spend a single soldier.

"I will go with you."

Cha Cha blinked and reached out to grab Yun Yu's sleeve.

She found that every time she grabbed his clothes, he would obediently agree to her unreasonable demands.

Yunyu, "...too dangerous, I don't agree."

"I can protect you." Cha Cha raised her eyebrows and said confidently. "If you don't believe it, we can fight."

Yun Yu has never seen her skills, and it is normal not to believe her.

However, she can fight and convince him to lose.

Yun Yu's eyes were hesitant, "? Are you sure you want to fight me?"

"Sure!" Cha Cha is extremely confident, she can beat Yun Yu!

Yun Yu stared at her small body for a while, "Then you lose later, don't cry." If she cried, he had to coax her.

"Don't underestimate me, I won't cry casually!" Cha Cha looked at Yun Yu very upset. Although she looked soft, her fighting power was not weak at all.

Yun Yu really didn't take her words to heart, just let him pet the little girl, there's no need to take such a big risk with him.


After half a column of incense.

Yunyu fell into deep thought.

and fell into deep doubt about himself.

"...!?" He lost?

He actually lost?

He actually lost to his little wife?

Cha Cha clenched his fists with a proud face, "I said, you can't beat me, you still don't believe it! Do you believe it now? I can protect you."

Afraid of hitting Yun Yu's self-confidence.

Cha Cha quickly slapped a sweet jujube.

She jumped up and came to Yun Yu, reached out and poked his face.

"Ordinary people, you really can't beat me, you don't have to be sad."

Yun Yu's eyes darkened, looking even more sad.

He really is a waste.

Chacha, "...Then why don't I pretend to let you win?"

Yunyu, "…"

Late at night.

Yun Yu planned to leave secretly by himself to return to the cloud country.

Then, he was arrested as soon as he got up, "You lied to me! I'm not happy!"

Yunyu, "I didn't lie to you, it's dangerous."

Cha Cha has a serious face, "I really won't hold back! I'm not the kind of person who casually sells teammates, and I'm not a person to give away."

Yun Yu sighed helplessly, "Then you must listen to me when you are with me."

Cha Cha, "...good."

After the two made a happy decision, they set off directly to Guiyun Country.

When they were about to enter the territory of Guiyun Kingdom, the two of them disguised themselves. After the wind broke, they took a small group of people to guard outside Guiyun.

Once there are changes, do it at any time.

to ensure the safety of both of them.

In addition, Yun Yu also held the evidence of Yun Hai's usurping the throne.

The death of the old emperor has a great relationship with the sea of ​​clouds.

Once    is announced to the public, the throne of Yunhai will no longer be restless.

(end of this chapter)