Chapter 1791: Learning scum is not scum (5)

Chapter 1791 Learning scum is not scum (5)

Learning scum is not scum 5

Lao Gu reluctantly took them out of the office.

looked at Chu Han with a headache.

He reminded, "You can fight by yourself, don't bring bad girls!"

early cold, "..."

"Such a dangerous thing, what should I do if I bump into it?" Lao Gu continued, with a sincere expression on his face, the little girl is delicate and soft, and should be taken care of.

Chu Han and Zhou Er looked at each other, "..."

You may not know that the little girl fights more fiercely than them!

Leng is a person who knocks down a bunch of people on the other side.

Zhou Er watched Lao Gu's eyes gradually becoming inaccurate.

Lao Gu glared at him angrily, cursing and cursing with a bad temper, and sooner or later he would be mad at them.

When he was talking to Cha Cha, his voice suddenly lowered and he was very gentle, "You will be in our class from now on, and the transfer procedures may not be completed until after the exam is over. After the exam, you don't have to go back to the previous one. class."

Chacha nodded obediently.

This teacher Gu is much more lovable than that teacher Chen.

said a few more words before Lao Gu left.

Zhou Er asked Chacha mysteriously, "Brother Cha, have you ever written a review? A thousand words, I have a lot of experience, let's add a WeChat, and I'll share my experience with you tonight!"

Chuhan raised his foot and kicked directly, "What did you call her?" Brother Cha? What is this called?

Zhou Er immediately explained, "Call her Brother Tea! Brother Tea said that he will cover me in the future, so if nothing else happens, I will be a member of the two families in the future. You are my eldest, and she is my Brother Tea. , covered by the two of you!"

seems to be on the pinnacle of life, I'm really arrogant!

Chu Han rolled his eyes, "Go away, it's pretty beautiful to think about." Still eating two meals?

Why don't you go to Baijia Restaurant?

Isn't she just not in the same exam room with her?

Zhou Er, this **** actually recognized her as Brother Cha so quickly?

Still want WeChat? So be patient, why don't you go to heaven?

Zhou Er flashed behind Cha Cha with a smile.

Then he took out his phone and motioned for Chacha to add a WeChat.

Cha Cha thought for a while, and it was obvious that she would have more interactions with Zhou Er in the future, so she nodded, "Then please share your experience with me~"

Chu Han frowned, a bit of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

He lifted his chin slightly, and came to Cha Cha with his mobile phone, "Hey, elementary school scum, add a friend."

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Chu Han, "...If you don't add it, you'll be a scumbag!" He actually called her elementary school scumbag? She is also petty.

Chu Han said in disbelief, "? Can you say it again?"

He was actually rejected?

Is the primary school scumbag so courageous?

Chacha, "If you don't add it, you won't add it!" The primary school scum just wants to attract your attention, why?

Cha Cha dropped those words, raised his legs and ran.

Chu Han, "..." The little short legs run quite fast!

He gritted his teeth, and the corners of his lips evoked an intriguing smile.

Chu Han looked back at Zhou Er, "Give me your phone."

Zhou Er didn't do what he thought, handed the phone over, and didn't forget to say a few words.

"Boss, I have more face than you. Brother Cha and my friends don't add you. You must be too fierce, scaring people away. You have to learn from me."

Chu Han ignored Zhou Er, his eyes dark and deep.

He first found Chacha's WeChat account on Zhou Er's mobile phone, took a picture with his mobile phone, and then stuffed his mobile phone back into his pocket.

Listening to Zhou Er's words.

Chuhan took his mobile phone and deleted Chacha's friends with an expressionless face.

Then, he lifted his slender fingers and gave the phone back to Zhou Er.

Zhou Er was holding his mobile phone and happily planned to check Brother Cha's circle of friends.

Then he was stunned.

"?" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

"Boss, why did you delete Brother Cha! What if Brother Cha is not happy!" It's really bald.

Chu Han replied casually, "Slippery hands."

Zhou Er, "!!!" If I knew earlier, I wouldn't show my boss the phone.

He had no choice but to re-add friends sadly, and he didn't know if Brother Cha would agree to his application this time.

Chuhan walked very fast, Zhou Er was a few steps behind, and trotted to catch up.

"By the way, boss, you said who would sue us about our fight this time?"

They fought this time in the alley behind the school.

That small alley is not monitored, and there are few people passing by, and it is still during the exam.

Not many people will run there.

This is very questionable.

Those who were beaten were not students, they were all ignorant young people.

Chu Han's expression paused, "You check it out."

He always felt that the person who sued them for fighting this time was not against him, but against the elementary school scum...

The scumbags in elementary school are so stupid, they shouldn't offend anyone in school.

But the person who complained obviously didn't know what was going on in the alley...

Otherwise, the grade director will not easily let go of the primary school scum.

Chuhan analyzed it rationally.

Finally came to the conclusion: The elementary school scum has enemies, um, he has to protect the elementary school scum from harm.

I don’t know how Chu Han came to this conclusion.

Anyway, he secretly made up his mind to protect the delicate elementary school scum.

Completely forgot the heroic deeds of the elementary school scum at noon.

Zhou Er immediately contacted to see if anyone could provide clues…


Cha Cha walked outside the school.

According to the original owner's memory, he found the car that took the original owner and Li to school at night.

When she opened the car door and walked in.

Li Wan is reading a book.

looks serious.

As soon as Cha Cha appeared, Li Wan asked her with a smile, "Did something happen? Why is it so late?"

Chacha looked at Li Wan carefully.

"It's nothing, it's just a delay." She said indifferently.

did not mention the fight.

Li Wan continued to ask, "Is it really okay? Did a teacher talk to you?"

Cha Cha raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Wan with interest, "How do you know that a teacher is talking to me?"

Li Wan was stunned for a while, the panic on her face was caught by Cha Cha.

"I think I saw it, but I'm not sure if that's the case." Li Wan replied, trying to pretend to be natural.

"Well, I talked to me and cared about my study." Cha Cha said casually.

The matter of the fight is unreasonable to be known so quickly.

That small alley, few people pass by.

Considering all the circumstances, even if someone saw it, it would not make sense to offend Chuhan.

Chuhan's reputation in the school is obvious to all.

Cha Cha has some suspicions that Li Wan secretly complained.

It was probably noon. When she ran to look for Chuhan, Li Wan also followed.

But Li Wan didn't know what happened.

guessed that as soon as he saw Chu Han going to fight, he ran away immediately.

Therefore, Li Wan didn't know that she was the best performer in this fight.

If you know, it is estimated that Li Wan will definitely not be as calm as she is now.

Li Wan didn't quite believe what Chacha said.

At the very least, Mr. Chen will reprimand him a few words, so he won't ask about Licha's study.

As far as chestnut tea is concerned, it is the last to the last time, it is strangely stable, there has never been ups and downs, which is very rare.

(end of this chapter)