Chapter 1808: Learning scum is not scum (22)

Chapter 1808 Learning scum is not scum (22)

Learning scum is not scum 22

After school in the evening.

Cha Cha found Li Wan and let the driver go first.

This is to let her take a taxi back to Li's house?

This is not a big deal either.

She wouldn't be able to stay at the Li family for a few days anyway.

If it goes well, Fengli should be going through the share transfer procedure.

was thinking, Chu Han's voice sounded, "I'll take you back."

Cha Cha turned around and saw Chu Han.

"I can take a taxi."

"It's not safe." Chu Han disagreed, it's not safe to go back alone at night.

Chu Han waved to the driver, then took Cha Cha and got on the bus together, "You help me with my homework, and I will send you home, even as a repayment to you."

Cha Cha, "...Are you serious about this repayment?"

Chuhan looked serious, "I don't think this repayment is very serious. Otherwise, I promise myself and give myself to you as a boyfriend."

Driver, "?" Young master, you are coaxing the ignorant little girl!

Chacha, "..." I also think you are lying to me.

Cha Cha turned his head and looked away, not wanting to deal with the early cold.

Didn't you see the driver here?

Don't you feel embarrassed to say this    so directly?

And there is no such thing as him!

Not serious! Too casual!

After Chu Han finished speaking, he began to regret it.

He also realized that this was inappropriate, and there was still a layer of window paper between the two that had not been pierced.

His words were immediately broken.

It was cold at the beginning, "..." was a little overwhelmed.

After a while, Chu Han embarrassedly changed the subject.

"By the way, what's the current situation in your family? Li Wan she..."

Cha Cha recovered and explained, "My parents are going through the divorce process, and it is estimated that they will be divorced soon. At that time, I will have nothing to do with the Li family, and it is better to draw a clear line."

She doesn't have any affection for Li Qingfeng at all.

I am afraid that Li Qingfeng will be confused by then.

Still, it's not a big deal.

Neither Fengli nor she is an indecisive person.

Thinking of this, Chacha sent another text message to Feng Li, afraid that Feng Li would be worried, so she specifically told Feng Li that her classmates would send her back to Li's house.

Chu Han was slightly startled, obviously a little surprised, "Divorce?"

This matter suddenly caused a divorce?

He fell silent.

I wanted to ask about her treatment in the Li family, but I didn't expect that it would actually lead to a divorce?

Chu Han faintly felt that there were still some things he didn't know.

He didn't ask, thinking to himself.

Chacha knows Chuhan's doubts, but after all, it's the Li family's business, and some things are hard to say, she whispered, "Don't worry about me, it's not a big deal, it doesn't have any impact on me."

Chu Han nodded, "Yeah." When he was arguing in the corridor that day, he could see that her relationship with Li Qingfeng was not very good.

Seeing that the elementary school scum was really unaffected and didn't mean any sadness, he was relieved.

"Tell me if you have anything. If I remember correctly, the Chu family and the Li family should still cooperate."

What he meant, Chacha understood in seconds.

"...I'm so embarrassed, look back."

As for Li Qingfeng, so far, there is still one person who has not appeared.

That is Li Qingfeng's first love.

I believe that first love will bring many surprises to Li Qingfeng.

When    was about to arrive at Li's house, Cha Cha asked Chu Han to stop the car, not wanting Li Qingfeng to see Chu Han, so that Li Qingfeng would not cause another incident.

Chu Han didn't say anything, silently watched her walk into Li's house before letting the driver drive away.

When   Cha Cha returned to Li's house, Li arrived at Li's house early.

Cha Cha glanced coldly at Li Wan.

Li Wan felt guilty and panicked, and went upstairs as if fleeing.

Li Qingfeng immediately began to question, "Are you bullying too late?"

Cha Cha gave him a speechless look, "Are you blind? Didn't you see that Li Wan asked the driver to bring her back in advance? She deliberately didn't wait for me to let me take a taxi, she was guilty!"

Li Qingfeng, "..."

Cha Cha turned his head and went upstairs.

went straight back to his room.

Fengli is packing his things at the moment.

As soon as    saw her, he smiled, "Didn't you invite your classmates in for a while?"

Chacha, "When we change to a new place, I'll invite him again."

"Yeah." Feng Li nodded. In this situation, it is most appropriate not to invite classmates to come in and sit down. If something happens to Li Qingfeng, it will be easy to be embarrassed.

"By the way, where did the process go?" Cha Cha asked.

Li Qingfeng can't wait to get a divorce.

Feng Li, "We will go to apply for the divorce certificate tomorrow, so we will pack up our things tonight. We haven't found a suitable place yet, so let's stay in a hotel first."

The new house needs to be selected. On Saturday, I will take my daughter to see the house.

"Well, then I'll pack my things first, and I'll take the important ones with me anyway." Cha Cha said, but after all, after living here for so many years, it's probably not easy to pack up.

Valuables won't stay here anyway.

Almost an hour passed.

Chacha's phone rang.

comes from the early cold.

Chuhan: I'm home.

Cha Cha replied to him with his mobile phone: I'm packing my things, my mother will apply for a divorce certificate tomorrow.

Chu Han was stunned when he saw it.

Immediately called Chacha.

Cha Cha glanced at Feng Li, silently took the phone and went to the balcony.

Fengli laughed immediately.

Chacha, "Why are you calling now? I'm really fine!"

Chu Han, "I just want to ask, where do you live?"

Chacha, "My mother said to stay in a hotel first, and then look at the house in two days." The house is not cabbage, so I have to choose it anyway.

was not settled so quickly.

Chuhan continued, "There is an vacant villa next to my house, you can bring your aunt to see it."

Chacha, "...isn't the price cheap?"

The place where you live in the early cold must be a villa area with a good location.

Chuhan, "Fortunately, I have photos on my phone, I will send them to you later."

"Okay." Take a look at the photos first, and if you are satisfied, then you can become neighbors with Chuhan.

Chu Han hung up the phone, and when he turned around, he found that his own mother was watching him.

Chu Han, "? What are you doing standing here?"

The first mother looked at him suspiciously, "The vacant villa next to our house? Isn't that the same place? Opposite our house?"

Chu Han, "Yeah, I'm talking about the villa across from us."

The first mother was even more confused, "But the villa has been bought by your father, didn't you promise to give him old age when your second uncle returns home?"

Chuhan said confidently, "Didn't you give it to the second uncle? And the second uncle just said to find a place close to our house to live, but he didn't say to live across from us! You can find another place for him."

First mother, "...?"

Chu Han continued, "The opposite will be your in-laws. Do you think the daughter-in-law is more important, or the second uncle?"

Hearing this, the first mother nodded without hesitation, "Of course it's my daughter-in-law who is important!" At this point, there's nothing left to understand.

"Although you and your future daughter-in-law won't be childhood sweethearts, you are only in the third year of high school, and you are still several years away from getting married. Get back first, so as not to be abducted by others! I'll go to the villa with your father!" The first mother was elated Went to the master bedroom.

The second uncle who is far abroad, "...?"

(end of this chapter)