Chapter 1813: Learning scum is not scum (27)

Chapter 1813 Learning scum is not scum (27)

Study scum is not scum 27

Chuhan brought people directly to the villa area.

Chujia and the villa Fengli wanted to buy were together, separated by a road a few meters wide.

Zhou Er glanced at Chu Han speechlessly, this thought was almost written on his face.

But it's good to live here.

Living here, the shameless Li Qingfeng didn't dare to pester the mother and daughter of Brother Cha again.

Chuhan directly invited Feng to leave Chu's house to rest for a while, and the luggage and other items he brought were unloaded at the villa opposite.

Fengli was a little stunned when he saw this.

I haven’t bought a villa yet, so move in directly?

is not suitable.

Chuhan's expression was gentle, "Aunt Feng, don't be polite. I believe in your character. When my mother comes back, I will give you the real estate certificate."

It's just a villa, even if he doesn't want money, he's happy.

Hearing this, Feng Li's gaze stayed on Cha Cha for a while longer.

Chacha, "...?" Chuhan and I haven't had anything happen yet!

Don't look at me like that...

Chacha was a little guilty at the sight of Feng Li, and silently glared at Chuhan, with a slight warning: Don't go too far!

Early cold, "..." Okay.

I restrained a bit.

Zhou Er is so happy when he watches a play.

Not long.

Mrs. Chu came back.

taught Li Qingfeng a lesson, saw his daughter-in-law again, and Mrs. Chu was in a good mood.

As soon as he saw someone, Chu Han immediately urged his wife to get the real estate certificate.

Mrs. Chu, "..." You are afraid that your in-laws won't see your thoughts, right?

She waved her hand speechlessly, "Chuhan, you take Chacha and Zhou Er to go out for a walk, I'll chat with your Aunt Feng slowly."

"Okay." Chu Han responded, realizing that he was not suitable here.

So, no one else.

When Mrs. Chu talks to Feng Li, it will be much more convenient...

Chuhan took tea to the small garden of the villa.

Zhou Er asked uncomfortably, "What do you say, what would Aunt Chu say to Aunt Feng?"

Chu looked at him coldly, "Don't you think it's inappropriate for you to be with us?"

Zhou Er, "?" He was stunned for a while, and then he realized that the "we" Chu Han said was referring to Chu Han himself and Brother Cha...

Zhou Er felt a little heartache, "Boss, you are going too far.

We have known each other for so many years, am I not even one of my own? "

Chu Han, "What do you think?"

Zhou Er pondered for a second, "..." I'm sorry to bother you, I shouldn't argue with a teenager who is in love.

He silently took a few steps back, then ran in the other direction.

Well, he wants to leave a separate space for the boss and brother tea.

As soon as Zhou Er left, Chu Han and Cha Cha were left.

Chu Han pointed to the villa opposite, "Look, we will be neighbors in the future. If we met earlier, we could all become childhood sweethearts."

It would be great to be a childhood sweetheart and accompany her until graduation and then to the wedding.

Cha Cha nodded, "Well, it's not too late now."

childhood sweetheart?

She remembered.

In the future, find a plane of childhood sweethearts and walk with him forever.

The little girl blinked, her eyes were serious, and her appearance was extremely well-behaved. The heart of Chu Han was broken.

should have met her sooner.

It’s okay, it’s not too late now.

Chu Han was about to reach out and pull her wrist when he heard Cha Cha suddenly say, "By the way, did I remember the formula I asked you to memorize yesterday?"

Chu Han’s face was full of shock, “???” At such a time, do you give me the formula?

You elementary school scum, are you trying to **** me off?

The early cold is like being poured a basin of cold water by someone.

is very sad...

After three seconds.

Chu Han honestly memorized the formula...

Chuhan: So sad, I want to cry.

Almost half an hour passed.

Fengli negotiated with Mrs. Chu and bought the villa opposite.



Chujia is very lively.

In addition to a few people from Chujia, Chacha, Fengli and Zhou Er are also in Chujia.

Chu's wife was too enthusiastic, and Feng Li couldn't refuse.

When Mr. Chu came back, he glanced at Cha Cha one more time.

Oh, the little girl is quite well-behaved.

is such a well-behaved little girl with his son... How could he think his son is not worthy of it?

I heard that he was very good, and he was the first in the grade.

Look at his son's appalling report card.

Mr. Chu sighed deeply.

Don't harm the little girl.

Little girl has a bright future!

How can    be bitten by a dog?

Mrs. Chu gave him a dissatisfied look: What kind of eyes do you have?

Mr. Chu:  …

Oh, pretending not to understand the meaning of his wife's eyes.

He lowered his head and continued to eat quietly.

Fengli was very grateful to Mrs. Chu for her hospitality, but also knew that the Chu family was obviously doing this for the sake of her daughter.

She is not a fool, she can still understand this little thing.

As for her daughter's feelings, she will not be overly concerned.

will give a certain amount of space, but at the same time, she will not let her daughter follow the same path as her. The person who will marry in the future must love her daughter very much...

In the beginning of the cold, there is always only Cha Cha in the eyes.

Of course, now is now and later is later.

Whether this will be the case in the future, I can't say for sure, and it depends on which step they can go in the future...

After dinner.

Zhou Er was cheeky and stayed.

Chu smiled coldly, "Are you afraid that Uncle Zhou will hit you? The grades shouldn't be settled with you."

Zhou Er, "There's no need to expose me. I just want to stay overnight. Anyway, there is a guest room in Chu's house."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look for Mrs. Chu.

"Aunt Chu, just let me stay at Chu's house for one night."

Mrs. Chu, "...But, your dad will be angry."

Zhou Er said with a smile on his face, "Aunt Chu, have you noticed that you have become beautiful again recently? I'll call you first sister in the future."

Mrs. Chu suddenly burst into laughter.

"You kid, you know how to coax me with nice nonsense."

Zhou Er, "No, I'm telling the truth."

Then, Zhou Er was pushed.

Chuhan glared at him displeased, "Could you call me sister Chu? Take advantage of me!"

Zhou Er, "Hi, nephew!"

Chu Han, "!!!" Believe it or not, I will kill you!

Oh, no.

The future mother-in-law is watching here and can't do anything.

He suspected that Zhou Er was deliberately taking advantage of him at such a time, knowing that he would not do it, and calling out his first sister shamelessly.

Ah! After leaving Chu's house, he let Zhou Er know how the four words regret were written.

Zhou Er said a few more words, and Mrs. Chu responded.

"Okay, I'll call your dad later."

"Ahhh! Aunt Chu, you are the best! I love you so much, why don't I be your son!"

Zhou Er said nice things, like he didn't want money, he was just a bunch of things at every turn.

quickly made Mrs. Chu's heart flutter.

Mrs. Chu, "Why don't you change with Chuhan, he goes to Zhou's house, you come to Chu's house, and change your son."

From now on, she is equivalent to having a new son!


The new son can talk and be filial!

After being happy for a few seconds, Mrs. Chu received a threat from Chu Han.

Mrs. Chu, "..." 嘤, her own son was disobedient and threatened her... It's really too much!

Change, must change!

But she dared not.

Mrs. Chu ran to find Mr. Chu.

A group of people with a headache at the beginning of the cold, only two words for his mother: drama elite.

(end of this chapter)