Chapter 1817: Learning scum is not scum (31)

Chapter 1817 Learning scum is not scum (31)

Learning scum is not scum 31

Zheng Liandi still wants to continue to hate people.

Mrs. Chu's eyes are sharp, how can she be offended?

After all, she was the wife of the Chu family. Even if Li Qingfeng was given ten courage, Li Qingfeng did not dare to sit idly by.

He hurriedly stopped Zheng Liandi. The quarrel just now has attracted the attention of many people. If they continue to entangle, I am afraid that the impact will not be very good.

Li Qingfeng stopped Zheng Liandi and pulled Li Wan with the other hand, "Late night! Let's go."

"Mrs. Chu, I'm really sorry for ruining your dining mood." Before leaving, Li Qingfeng didn't forget to apologize, for fear that Mrs. Chu would retaliate.

Chu's wife immediately laughed out loud.

is really useless!

One waste.

smiled, and Mrs. Chu talked with Feng Li for a while, for fear that Li Qingfeng would affect Feng Li.

As soon as he left the restaurant, Zheng Liandi began to attack Li Qingfeng.

"How can you do this? Who is that woman?" To be so humble towards that wife?

She was not planted in Feng Li's hands, but in the hands of Feng Li's friends?

Li Qingfeng quickly persuaded, "I can't help it, I really can't afford to offend, that lady, if you see it in the future, let's stay away.

If she moves, our Li family will be finished, Lian Di, you must forgive me. "

Zheng Liandi was full of question marks, "?" Is it so powerful?

She took a closer look at Li Qingfeng's expression, it really didn't look like a fake, if so, then the problem came.

"Why does Feng Li know such a powerful person?" With such a powerful person supporting Feng Li, wouldn't he want to step on her in the future?

Li Qingfeng sighed, "Let's go back to the car first, listen to me tell you slowly, come late, don't be sad."

The three got into the car.

Li Qingfeng explained the situation again.

Zheng Liandi looked at her excellent daughter.

"Wanwan, you are better than Licha, and you can completely **** Chuhan back." At that time, Mrs. Chu will be on her side.

Li Wan lowered her head, feeling down.

"I know what you mean, but... Chu Han didn't pay any attention to me at all."

If she could hook up, she would have hooked up long ago.

Otherwise, it would not have been until now, she and Chu Han have not made any progress.

Li Qingfeng suddenly said, "Wan Wan, why don't you take a look at Zhou Er, Zhou Er is also good, although the young master of the Zhou family is a little different from the Chu family, but for our Li family, it is also unattainable. exist."

Li Wan responded perfunctorily.

She doesn't like Zhou Er, Zhou Er always follows Chu Han, calling him "Big Brother Tea"... At first glance, he is a worthless waste.

She really can't see the upper ear.

at this time.

Zheng Liandi whispered something in Li Wan's ear.

Li Qingfeng didn't hear it.

Then I saw Li Wan's face was a little more joyful.

"Then I'll have a good relationship with Zhou Er tomorrow."

First hook up with Zhou Er, and then use Zhou Er to hook up with Chu Han.

This method is really good and realistic.

Li Qingfeng was very pleased.

I am more satisfied with the relationship between Zheng Liandi and Li Wan.

Although we just met not long ago, the mother and daughter get along very well, and I believe it will be better in the future.


The next day.

As soon as Zhou Er arrived at the school, he was stopped by Li Wan who was waiting at the school gate early.

Zhou Er looked confused.

He looked around subconsciously, shouldn't Li Wan be touching porcelain?

It's okay, there is surveillance at the school gate, don't be afraid!

Zhou Er looked at her displeasedly, "Miss Li has something to do with me?"

Li Wan glanced at him shyly, then lowered her head and walked slowly towards Zhou Er.

Zhou Er is like a big enemy, "!!" What are you going to do!

ah ah ah ah!

is simply frightening!

Li Wan gave him a small look, "I bought this breakfast specially for you."

Zhou Er's face was blank, "? Miss Li, poisoning and killing people also has to pay for your life."

Li Wan, isn't "..." a bad pen?

Li Wan said patiently, "It's to thank you, this breakfast represents my affection for you."

She didn't understand. She was such a beautiful girl who brought breakfast to Zhou Er, why didn't she hurry up and accept it?

Zhou Er still didn't take breakfast.

"I shouldn't have any affection with you, right? And I remember that I threatened you at the beginning, so you should hate me."

Thinking of this, Zhou Er continued to remain vigilant.

Li Wan said a lie casually, "You did threaten me, but you didn't do anything else to me at that time, and you didn't do anything to me, so I am very grateful that you showed mercy to me. ."

She looked at Zhou Er tenderly.

At this moment, many people happened to pass by.

looked at them curiously and watched the play as if they were watching a play.

Is Li Wan chasing Zhou Er?

is really weird!

Zhou Er scratched his head, he really couldn't understand which game Li Wan was going to play.


Zhou Er sighed deeply, "What exactly do you want?"

He didn't believe a word of those words just now.

Li Wan is not a good person at first glance.


Zhou Er thought about it carefully, and it seemed that Li Wan did not dare to poison in an open and honest way.

Li Wan looked at Zhou Er eagerly, "As long as you accept the breakfast, I will leave."

Zhou Er, "…"

He accepted the breakfast with a dark face.

Li Wan turned around happily and entered the school.

Zhou Er looked impatient.

He looked at the breakfast in his hand and fell into thought.

Is his charm so great?

Big enough to make Li Wan give up on him?

But it

He took out his mobile phone with the other hand and took a picture of the breakfast, and then sent it to the trio of him, Brother Cha and the eldest.

Zhou Er: Li Wan brought me breakfast at the school gate, what do you think?

Chuhan: Oh, you didn't wake up, you were dreaming!

Chacha: Here I suggest you grab Li Wan and beat him up!

Zhou Er looked helpless when he saw the reply.

Zhou Er: I'm not kidding, really!

Zhou Er: Li Wan really brought me breakfast, and many people saw it.

Chacha: Then take it, I'll be waiting for you in the classroom.

Chu Han: Waiting for you.

Zhou Er put away his phone and hurried to the teaching building.

As soon as he entered the classroom, he brought his breakfast to Chuhan and Chacha.

"Hey, that's all, Li Wan blocked me at the door and sent it to me! My first reaction was that she wanted to poison me, but thinking about it carefully, she would have to go to jail even if I died, so it shouldn't be so open and honest. Poisoned."

Chacha hummed, "You're right."

She reached out to take the breakfast and opened her eyes.

"Li Wan is very attentive. You have to queue for half an hour to buy this breakfast. It tastes very good. Let's eat it together."

Zhou Er, "..." Brother Cha is worthy of being Brother Tea.

Seeing that Brother Cha had breakfast, Zhou Er also ate breakfast.

Chu Han stared at Zhou Er with an unhappy expression.

What are you doing to provoke Li Wan?

Zhou Er was very aggrieved, and his eyes were full of accusations: I didn't provoke her, she came over by herself.

Chacha didn't care about this, and said to Chuhan, "You too, don't waste Li Wan's thoughts, after all, we have no grudges with breakfast."

early cold, "…"

Chacha, "And I guess, Li Wan may continue to deliver breakfast, hey, Master Zhou, Li Wan is going to chase you, are you happy?"

(end of this chapter)