Chapter 1820: Learning scum is not scum (34)

Chapter 1820 Learning scum is not scum (34)

Learning scum is not scum 34

So, the next whole day.

Li Wan didn't find a chance to talk to Zhou Er.

Li Wan, "..."

Not only that.

After school at night, she deliberately waited at the school gate.

As a result, she saw Chu Han, Li Cha, and Zhou Er left the school together, got into the car, and walked away.

Li Wan, "..." is very confusing.

What's the situation?

Li Wan didn't realize it at first, until the next few days, when she blocked Zhou Er in the morning, every time she saw the three of them together.

Li Wan only realized that the three of them might live together.

Li Wan hurriedly told Li Qingfeng what she knew.

Li Qingfeng's face was not very good-looking.

"This... may also mean that the three of them have a very good relationship. Wan Wan, do you think you can still hook up with Zhou Er?"

The three have a good relationship.

They don't have a good relationship with chestnut tea. Zhou Erna must be more concerned about chestnut tea.

also means that no matter what Li Wan does, as long as Li Cha said a few words to Zhou Er, it may be in vain.

Li Wan's eyes were full of anger.

"I think I can."

Originally, she didn't have much interest in Zhou Er.

Now, her anger is ignited.

Why did Zhou Er want to distance himself from her after a word from Chestnut Tea?

She wants Licha to know that she will get what she wants!

Zhou Er must be hers!

Li Wan's eyes were full of flames.

No one can stop her.

Li Wan didn't talk to Li Qingfeng anymore, turned her head and went back to the room.

From this day on, Li Wan did not go to all kinds of entanglement with Zhou Er.

Just like what Zheng Liandi said, let Zhou Er be cold for a few days first to let Zhou Er know that she is not obliged to him.


Zhou Er, who was forced to study hard, found that Li Wan had not pestered him for several days.

Zhou Er, "!!!" So happy!

ah ah ah ah! Brother Cha and Boss Chuhan are simply sharp tools for walking!

Since being inseparable with them, Zhou Er seems to have reached the peak.

He was very happy, and as soon as he was happy, he began to get carried away.

"I think I can write this paper until tomorrow."

Chacha, "Oh, then you won't be able to keep up with Chuhan's footsteps."

Chu Han, "Don't come to me when you are entangled, and don't live in my house."

Zhou Er sighed, "I think I can!"

Cha Cha nodded gratified, "Yeah."

reported Zhou Er's study to Zhou Yan.

Today is also a day to try to bring my little brother to the right path.

Unfortunately, Zhou Er's happiness did not last long.

Friday night.

Zhou Er just returned to Zhou's house.

The phone received a text message from an unfamiliar number.

Zhou Er opened it and took a look.

is from Li Wan.

【Zhou Er, see you tomorrow afternoon at the xxxx restaurant, I hope our affairs can be concluded, I won’t bother you, I just want to make it clear, that’s all—Li Wan. 】

Zhou Er, "..."

He copied the text message and sent it to a small group of three people.

Chacha: Young Master Zhou, they invite you!

Chuhan: Tsk tsk, there is a room above that restaurant~ Please imagine for yourself.

Zhou Er: ...? ? ? Does she want to sleep with me?

Chacha: …………I think too much.

Early Cold: Teenagers, please take care and be careful of being trapped.

Zhou Er: Then I'm not going, she made it clear that she wants to cheat me.

Chacha: It's okay, let's go with you and see what she wants to do.

Zhou Er: ! ! !

Brother Cha is his brother!

Um? It doesn't seem right.

Zhou Er quickly replied Li Wan with one word: Good.

He wanted to see what shameless things Li Wan could do.

Li Wan was relieved to see the reply.

This time, we must succeed.

She was fully prepared.

Li Wan thought so, and sent another message to Li Qingfeng, asking him for money.

Li Qingfeng went straight into Li Wan's room and gave her a card.

When    left, he asked a question casually.

"Didn't your mother transfer pocket money for you?"

Li Wan was a little puzzled, "What? She didn't transfer the money to me."

Li Qingfeng, "I just gave her a card a few days ago and asked her to transfer half of it to you. I guess she forgot, it's fine, there is a lot of money in this card. If it's not enough, ask me for it. Sometimes I work for a while. Busy, I will forget to transfer money to you."

"Well, by the way, where's my mother? When did she move in?" Li Wan asked. Zheng Liandi had not lived in Li's house for so long.

Li Qingfeng sighed, "It will take some time, she is afraid that other people's gossip will bring bad influence, so when she gets married, she can live in openly and become Mrs. Li.

However, it's my fault. I've been too busy with work recently, and the wedding will be a few days later. "

"It's okay, my mother is back anyway, and now I can see her every day." Li Wan comforted her without thinking much.

Something flashed across her mind, but unfortunately, she couldn't catch it.



Li went to the restaurant early and late.

But she didn't know that long before Li Wan arrived at the restaurant, Cha Cha and Chu Han had already arrived upstairs in the restaurant and opened a room by the way.

Chuhan's mind moved slightly, and he was a little embarrassed.

The front desk who just went through the room opening procedure has too much eyes...

Cough, Chu Han was a little afraid to go to see his elementary school scumbag. Obviously, the elementary school scumbag didn't have any superfluous thoughts, it was his own thinking crooked.

is simply to open a room and see what Li Wan wants to do.

In case Li Wan abducted Zhou Er to the hotel room.

They can rob people at any time.

Zhou Er cannot be bullied anymore.

Chu Han looked at Cha Cha from time to time, and Cha Cha was a little dazed by him.

"What's the matter? Do you have another problem?"

Chu Han, "...No."

How can a scumbag in elementary school pretend to be full of exercises and learning?

Is it so delicious to study?

Is he not attractive enough or he is not handsome enough?

Can't you see him more?

Chu Han is a bit autistic.

He sat on the sofa, "Li Wan hasn't come yet, we can do something else."

Cha Cha smiled, "Chu Han, you have become more and more conscious recently, I am so satisfied."

As she spoke, she walked to Chuhan's side, and with a smile, took out a folded boxy test paper from her pocket, and then took out a pen.

Chacha, "Hey, I'm afraid you'll be bored, so I specially brought you a test paper."

Early cold, "???"

I ride a horse...?

Really closed.

Chacha: Open a room? The kind that does test papers?

Chu Han took the test paper, and his heart was surging.

His mood is very complicated now, very complicated...

How can a primary school scum be like this?

She's not cute anymore.

She is bad!

Chuhan was crying and writing the test paper, wishing he could find a place to cry.

Did he open the room for exam papers?


Chu Han sighed while writing the test paper.

Chacha looked at his unhappy appearance, and suddenly felt a little dazed.

She walked over and carefully observed Chu Han's face.

"Don't you want to write the test paper? You should really relax on Saturday, or stop writing and let's play other games."

Don't be too embarrassed.

Cha Cha stretched out his hand and patted Chu Han's shoulder, "I'll give you time to relax, don't write, don't be sad."

Chacha took back the test paper from Chuhan.

Thinking about it carefully, I almost helped to grow the seedlings.

Chu Han, "..." Was he sad about writing exam papers? Primary school scum wants to **** him off!

(end of this chapter)