Chapter 1830: Learning scum is not scum (44)

Chapter 1830 Learning scum is not scum (44)

Learning scum is not scum 44

After the first exam, Cha Cha left the exam room to join Chu Han.

Li Wan didn't do anything.

has always been calm.

As if nothing happened.

Chacha paid attention to Li Wan, and seeing that she was not a demon, not only did she not breathe a sigh of relief, on the contrary, she felt that something was wrong with Li Wan.

Li Wan doesn't seem to be an honest person.

Cha Cha thought about it for a while, and then carefully reminded Chu Han and Zhou Er, "I always feel that Li Wan is not quite right, but I can't say it, you pay attention, no matter what she says, don't believe what she does, Focus on the exam, now is a critical moment, if she thinks of any bad idea, it will easily affect your college entrance examination results."

She has traveled to many planes, and she can more or less understand the thoughts of people like Li Wan.

The quieter the   , the easier it is to counterattack.

Zhou Er nodded solemnly, "I promise to be more vigilant, but, Brother Cha, what will she do? Can she still kidnap me?"

Chacha, "...kidnapping is not possible, but it is possible to attack you again."

Zhou Er froze all over, and the whole person was frightened.

Attack him again?

What kind of sin did he do?

He didn't want to meet a lunatic like Li Wan again.

Zhou Er panicked and narrowed the distance with Chu Han, "Boss, help!"

Don't ask him why he doesn't get close to Brother Cha, because... the boss will be jealous!

The vinegar jar turned upside down horribly.


"What are you afraid of? It's a big deal, don't let her get close to you, don't let her be alone with you, we all be careful." Chu Han said in a cold voice, if he didn't want to be a good person now and didn't want to cause trouble, he would have He tied Li Wan directly and threw it into an uninhabited place.

saved her from tossing back and forth, a hundred times over.

After a brief discussion, the three of them went to a hotel near the test room to rest together.

The next exam, especially Zhou Er, raised his vigilance, but there were no problems, everything was fine, and Li Wan didn't do anything.

This made Zhou Er almost relax.

Fortunately, Chacha reminded again.

"The last exam should not be taken lightly."

At such times, it is most suitable to counterattack.

Cha Cha pursed her lips.

Maybe Li Wan's main target is her, not Zhou Er and Chuhan.

And he and Li Wan were in the same exam room...

Cha Cha, Chu Han, and Zhou Er entered their exam rooms as before.

Chacha was approaching the examination room.

Li Wan suddenly appeared, "Chacha, I have something to tell you."

Chacha raised her eyebrows to look at her, oh, finally here?

It seems that Li Wan's target is her, not Chu Han and Zhou Er, Cha Cha is relieved, fortunately, she can deal with it.

Chacha, "Just talk here."

Li Wan shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work here, there are so many people, people coming and going, we are blocking others' way, so let's stand aside, at least don't block the way."

"Okay." Cha Cha responded and stood to the side. Then, Li Wan took a few steps forward and came to the corner of the wall.

Chacha, "?" It's really okay here, why? Still want to do something to her?

Cha Cha walked over with a smile, only one step away from Li Wan.

Li Wan made herself as gentle as possible.

There is no more hostility in his eyes.

She looked at the tea ceremony, "Sisters for many years, we may not have the chance to meet again in the future, I am here, I wish you smooth sailing, from now on soaring, chestnut tea, this is the truth."

Chacha hummed, "Then I wish you all the best."

A heartfelt blessing, anyone will say it.

Li Wan stretched out her hand and made a gesture to shake hands and make peace.

Cha Cha looked at Li Wan with a half-smile, and slowly stretched out his left hand.

In the next second, Li Wan's face was not quite right, and her eyes moved on her right hand.

Chacha suddenly understood, "...the past, let's end here, you forgot, I forgot, no one wants to continue, anyway, there will be no more intersection, what do you think?"

Li Wan's face was not quite right, her eyes flashed slightly, the next second, she grabbed Cha Cha's right hand, and with the other hand, she quickly took out the knife hidden on her body, and was about to hit Cha Cha's right hand ruthlessly.

The    fruit knife shone with a sharp cold light.

Chacha responded quickly, looking at Li Wan indifferently.

didn't feel any danger at all.

She just didn't expect that Li Wan would actually kill the fish and break the net?

tried to hurt her right hand, so as to make her unable to continue the normal examination.

As a result, her college entrance examination results are equivalent to missing one.

Unfortunately, for Chacha, it is useless.

Cha Cha grabbed Li Wan's wrist, the other hand quickly clasped the hand she wanted to kill, and immediately clasped the person on the ground.

The fruit knife fell to the ground with a bang.

Li Wan was shocked.

How could she be captured before she succeeded?

Obviously she hasn't had time to do anything yet!

Li Wan struggled to pick up the fruit knife, trying to attack Chacha again.

Unfortunately, Li Wan couldn't struggle at all.

Cha Cha looked at her indifferently.

raised his foot and kicked the fruit knife to the other side.

The fruit knife once again distanced herself from Li Wan.

Li Wan, "???" Was this horse beaten by himself?

Li Wan looked at Cha Cha angrily, "Li Cha! Why did you attack me? I want to warn you to attack me!"

Cha Cha, "...Oh, I'm self-defense."

Cha Cha glanced at the fruit knife on the ground, "Do you think that there are my fingerprints on the fruit knife? After a test, I knew that you were the one who attacked me. Li Wan, your plan didn't work, and you wanted to drag me to hell. It also depends on whether you have that ability."

The movement of the two is not small.

Someone came to check the situation, Chacha immediately called the security guard and said what just happened.

Li Wan refuted the struggle, making it even more weak.

Even, Li Wan tried to make herself look petite and pitiful.

wanted to escape this incident with an innocent appearance.

Cha Cha pointed at the monitor on one side, "Let's adjust the monitor, we'll know the truth soon, and at the same time, I want to call the police."

She lowered her eyes and looked at Li Wan, "Li Wan, you can't affect me, and similarly, I will no longer show mercy to you."

Since you want to die, then you should pay the price.

Maliciously hurting people, although it was an attempt, it was enough to add a beautiful resume to Li Wan's file.

The security quickly adjusted the surveillance, and after confirming that Li Wan injured people, they discussed the incident. Finally, Cha Cha returned to the examination room to wait for the exam, while Li Wan was detained in the security room, waiting for the police to come and deal with it.

Half an hour after the exam started, Cha Cha still hadn't seen Li Wan come back.

This exam, Li Wan missed the chance to take it, and can't take it again.

It is estimated that he has been brought back to the police station by now...

After the exam.

Chacha was called to the security room.

gave a detailed description of the previous incident. In fact, the monitoring has already seen almost the same, and Chacha needs to record a confession.

Chu Han and Zhou Er didn't breathe a sigh of relief after finishing their exams, they hurried to the security room, and they were relieved to see that Cha Cha was intact.

(end of this chapter)