Chapter 1836: Prime Minister wait (4)

Chapter 1836 Prime Minister wait (4)

Prime Minister and Slow Down 4

After the prime minister left, the prince and several princes looked at each other.

Especially the prince, who was taught a lesson in public, was very dissatisfied.

He snorted a few times, not realizing his mistake, but felt that his understanding was correct, he was born a prince, and he was born with great dignity.

How can those people be compared?

He was destined to ascend the throne of the Ninety-five Supreme!

The prince rushed to the imperial study aggressively.

This time, he had to teach the prime minister a lesson. Even the prime minister must know that the most honorable person in the world is the emperor!

Imperial study.

The Prince recounted what happened in the Huanyi Bureau, and also the words of the Prime Minister.

Of course, in order to maintain the authenticity, the prince did not add fuel to it this time, not only that, but the princes behind him also echoed.

The emperor looked at the prince coldly, "Do you think what the prime minister said is wrong?"

Prince, "What he wants to teach his ministers should be the way to govern the country, not these messes. What can you see when you go to the Huanyi Bureau? Does the Huanyi Bureau have anything to do with your son being the prince?"

Prince is righteous and confident.

The    emperor gave him a thoughtful look, a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

"Does it matter, you can't think for yourself?

Ask me about anything? Everything should be pushed to the Prime Minister?

Have you ever put the Prime Minister in your eyes? Have you ever put me in your eyes? The Prime Minister is the Prime Minister that I have personally named, and it is also your future teacher. If you have this attitude, from now on, you will go back to the East Palace and think about it! "

He put so much thought into it, the **** prince is like a **** who can't be helped. To this day, he still doesn't understand where he went wrong.

Prime Minister is the Prime Minister of Tianshu Kingdom.

If he has no ability, how can he let him be the prime minister?

Prince is good...

You can’t look down on the prime minister everywhere, and you’re looking for trouble everywhere?

really has no brains.

He used to think that the prince was a little stupid, but he could teach him slowly, and he would always make progress.

Now it seems that he thinks too much.

He was wrong.

Prince is just a piece of trash who hasn't grown up.

The prime minister said it so clearly, how could the prince still react like this?


Extremely disappointing!

The prince stood there dumbfounded.

He soon realized that the emperor was angry.

He was a little surprised, did he say something wrong?

"Father? If my son is wrong, I hope Father will give him advice. I just hope Father will not be unhappy."

The Emperor    waved his hands tiredly, "How dare I teach you?

If I'm not as good as you want, don't you want to go to the ancestors and complain? "

The prince's expression changed, and he knelt down with a plop, "I dare not!"

Father is angry.

The prince panicked.

The other princes knelt down one after another.

The    emperor sighed, "Forget it, you all go out."

In this group of princes, no one actually understood the Prime Minister's painstaking efforts. It was really... a disappointment to him.

Could it be that among his so many princes, there is not even one who can be used?

The crown prince is a piece of shit, and the other princes have their own problems. Who will he pass the throne to in the future? ? ?

You can't let the waste prince be the emperor and then harm the people, right?

Isn't that Tianshu Kingdom committing suicide?

Pity among so many princes, none of them satisfied him...

The emperor was worried.


and the other princes left the imperial study, all in a panic.

"Brother Crown Prince, is Father Father angry?"

Someone asked cautiously.

Prince was a little irritable, "I don't know."

Three words, the prince turned his head and left, striding a meteor.


The few words my father just said were obviously unhappy and angry with him!

But isn't the wrong person the prime minister?

What are you angry with him?

The prince was furious.

Every time, every time!

My father was always partial to the prime minister, and those who didn’t know it thought that the prime minister was the father’s biological son!

The prince had anger on his face as he returned from the imperial study to the East Palace all the way. The maids and eunuchs he met on the way were trembling with fear, and no one dared to make a sound, for fear of running into the prince...

And the one who is different from the prince is the second prince.

He sometimes deliberately reduces his presence.

For example, this time, the second prince wisely chose to be quiet. Anyway, the one who came out must be the prince.

The second prince knows how to watch words and expressions.

He was very smart and realized that the father and the emperor were dissatisfied with the words and deeds of the prince, but he was very satisfied with the words of the prime minister.

This also means that he should carefully understand the words of the Prime Minister.

The second prince thought for a long time.

So, after leaving the imperial study, everyone else went back to their homes, but he was the only one who went to the clothes washing bureau again.

It took him half an hour to figure out why the maid was beaten, and not only that, but also carefully checked the steward.

The steward often beats and scolds the maids of the Huanyi Bureau. It depends entirely on her mood. Those who spend money to honor the steward will be beaten less and can live peacefully in the Huanyi Bureau.

Those who have no money to honor them become targets.

A few days ago, a palace maid committed suicide because she could not bear the beatings and scoldings.

After being discovered by the steward, the steward led someone to throw the body of the palace maid into the well. The public said that the palace maid stumbled into the well at night, and because it was late at night, no one heard the call for help, so she died.

The second prince did not expect that there would be such a big secret in the matter.

Almost instantly, he understood what the Prime Minister meant.

Even faintly realized that this is a good opportunity to be favored!

The second prince immediately checked everything and collected all kinds of evidence.

For fear of being robbed of credit.

If he is one step late and his actions are discovered by other princes, the credit will definitely be less than half.

At dusk that day.

The second prince hurriedly went to the imperial study to find the emperor, explained the matter of the Huanyi Bureau carefully, and punished the manager of the Huanyi Bureau.

The    emperor was slightly relieved.

Unexpectedly, there is someone who knows to find out.

The emperor was overjoyed.

Immediately rewarded the Second Prince with a lot of things.

The face that has been cloudy all day is also a little more pleasant.

"The second child is thoughtful, well done, well done!"

The second prince was praised and became more aware of the prime minister's talent.

It seems that we still have to please the Prime Minister in the future.

If he can stand on the same line as the Prime Minister, won’t the Prime Minister take good care of him from now on?

And the father was very dissatisfied with the prince.

The second prince soon had other thoughts.

From now on, we must keep the words of the Prime Minister firmly in mind!

The second prince personally found out the truth and gave justice to the maid, and then was greatly commended by the emperor, which quickly spread throughout the palace.

The second prince responded quickly and got on the road quickly.

At that time, he let his confidants carefully help spread the words, and all of a sudden, the maids and eunuchs in the palace were praising him for his kindness and kindness.

It is their blessing to have such a master.

The second prince also finally understood two words: people's heart.

For a trivial matter in the Huanyi Bureau, so many palace maids and eunuchs praised him and had a good attitude towards him. What if he controlled the hearts of the people?

So, the first lesson the prime minister taught them was actually only two words: people's heart.

(end of this chapter)