Chapter 1852: Prime Minister wait (20)

Chapter 1852 Prime Minister and Slow Down (20)

Prime Minister and slow down by 20

The prince carefully put the letter in his arms, and he was even more powerful when he could cooperate with Concubine Meng.

Concubine Meng is now the most favored concubine of the father.

As long as the wind blows on the pillow, it is an unexpected effect.

The prince returned to the East Palace full of joy.

Although the prime minister didn't see him, he had a dream concubine!

Prince was all overjoyed.

In the next two days, Concubine Meng sent people to frequently send letters to the prince.

The two briefly talked about some plans. The prince was always immersed in it, but he never thought about how Concubine Meng had neither her family nor a confidant, so how could someone send a letter for her.

until the third day.

Concubine Meng blew the pillow wind and asked His Majesty to reuse the prince again.

Imperial study.

The prince stood there with the second prince.

The second prince is now extraordinarily mature and stable. On the other hand, the prince is no better than before.

The    emperor glanced at him displeased.

was very dissatisfied with him.

Concubine Meng immediately picked up the grapes and brought them to the emperor's mouth, "Your Majesty, the prince is a lack of opportunity to exercise, his heart is pure, isn't this what Your Majesty wants to see?"

The emperor was still displeased, "How many people sitting on the dragon chair have a pure heart? How can a pure heart be able to carry the country?"

He prefers the second prince's step-by-step approach and knows what he wants.

If you want the throne, you have to work hard to climb up.

Prince wants to keep his position, but he always does some stupid things!

The prince lowered his head and did not dare to make a sound.

Concubine Meng continued, "We can see the ability of the second prince, but occasionally we should give the prince a chance. Maybe the prince will leave your majesty with unexpected surprises in his affairs?"

Concubine Meng said with a smile, and glanced at the prince inadvertently.

Her first step in negotiating with the Crown Prince was to ask His Majesty to give him a chance to perform.

The    emperor pondered for a moment and looked at the second prince, "Second brother, what do you think?"

The second prince handed over his hands, "Father, the sons and ministers think that the prince is worthy of an important task."

Prince was overjoyed, the second child had some brains. If he dared to fight with him again, he would definitely not let the second child go.

The emperor snorted, still a little dissatisfied with the prince.

"Forget it, I'll give you a chance. Now, there is indeed something you need to deal with. Let me see your ability. You go to Yezhou and deal with Yezhou's affairs. If it goes well, Within ten days, you will be able to return to the capital."

If things don't go well, then the prince is a living waste!

The Crown Prince responded immediately, "Thank you for your trust, I will not disappoint you."

He happily left the imperial study.

The second prince followed closely.

As soon as he left the imperial study, the prince's expression changed, and he looked at the second prince with pride.

"Second brother, your eldest brother is still your eldest brother. The love that the emperor has for me is not something you can take away at will."

Just like this time in Yezhou, it was originally agreed that the second child would be responsible, but now, it is just to let Concubine Meng blow a deaf ear, and this matter falls into his hands, which fully shows that the royal father He still has deep feelings for him, and the emperor values ​​him more.

As long as he can work harder and handle Yezhou's affairs well, I believe that the father and emperor will leave the second child behind again.

The second prince looked at the prince deeply, "The prince is going to Qingzhou, but be careful. I wish the prince and brother all the best."

After the words fell, he turned to leave, his back was faintly angry.

The prince looked at the back, and snorted coldly, the second child was probably dying of anger now, and the matter of Yezhou was taken away by himself.

As long as you do it well yourself, it is a great achievement.

Therefore, the prince did not dare to neglect.

He hurried back to the East Palace.

Because the last time the Second Prince went to Qingzhou, a lot of things happened.

So the prince's first reaction was to bring enough guards to avoid problems.

Secondly, the prince called all the staff in the house together.

This time, things in Qingzhou can only be successful and not fail!


The next day.

The prince took people to Yezhou.

Cha Cha calmly watched Chang Ye practice martial arts.

The corners of his lips slowly evoked a smile, "Prince went to Yezhou?"

The deputy commander beside him nodded, "Originally, the second prince should go to Yezhou, but the prince took the opportunity of the second prince, and the prince brought a lot of people to Yezhou. It is estimated that this trip will be able to solve Yezhou smoothly. things."

Cha Cha shook his head, feeling that the deputy commander was a little naive.

"You are so naive."

She smiled meaningfully.

Deputy Commander, is "???" naive?

Isn't that what this thing looks like?

The prince had brought so many people, and he was obviously prepared to leave. This opportunity was also a very precious opportunity for the prince, and the prince could not screw it up.

Cha Cha sighed and waved at Chang Ye.

"Long Ye, explain to the deputy commander."

Chang Ye stopped, put away the sword in his hand, and walked over.

He looked at the deputy commander, his eyes calm, "Yezhou is very important to the prince, and it is also very important to the second prince, so the second prince cannot easily give the matter of Yezhou to the prince.

Unless, this is beneficial to the second prince. The simpler it looks, the more hidden danger it is. "

The deputy commander was stunned on the spot.

After a long time, he stumbled and said, "You mean, this is an opportunity that the second prince deliberately gave to the prince?"

"Yes." Long Ye was decisive.

The second prince must have a backer.

Cha Cha tutted, "East Palace, things are going to change."

Leaving this sentence behind, Cha Cha got up and entered the room.

Immediately afterwards, Chang Ye followed.

The deputy commander stood there and was stunned for a while.

The East Palace is going to change?

The meaning of this... Does it mean that the East Palace is going to change its owner?

The position of the eldest prince can't be preserved?

The deputy commander was shocked...

If this is the case, I am afraid that there will be another **** storm in the court in the future.

Alas, these two princes seem harmless, but at a critical moment, I'm afraid they are not a docile wolf, but a wolf that can eat people.

The deputy commander sighed for a while, then turned around and went about his own business.


three days later.

The news of the prince's accident in Yezhou reached the capital.

The prince did not handle Yezhou's affairs well, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the people. He attacked the prince in the street, threw rotten eggs or smashed him with rotten vegetables.

While the prince was dodging, some rotten eggs hit the ground. When the prince ran, he couldn't stand still, stepped on the broken eggs, slipped and hurt his arm.

"..." When this matter reached His Majesty's ears, His Majesty's face turned ashen with anger.

scolded the outlet, "Trash is trash, no matter how you can help it!"

Then, His Majesty sent the second prince to Yezhou to clean up the mess.

The deputy commander sighed silently, and was once again said by the prime minister. It seems that after this time, the prince will be abolished.

Now that the crown prince is abolished sooner or later, I just don’t know who the next crown prince will be?

Of course, most people stand for the second prince, thinking that the second prince is not only smart and witty, but also liked by the emperor. If nothing else, the position of the prince must be the second prince.

There are also some people who feel that things have not yet reached that stage, and it is too early to say who can be the prince.

(end of this chapter)