Chapter 1854: Prime Minister wait (22)

Chapter 1854 Prime Minister wait (22)

Prime Minister and slow down 22

The emperor looked at the second prince's expression, and said with a slight regret, "Unfortunately, the prince doesn't have the size of your belly, you go back first, and you don't need to say anything else if you are begging."

The second prince bowed his hands, "Yes."

The second prince slowly exited the imperial study.

The moment    left the imperial study, there was a hint of sarcasm on his face.

Brother Huang, from now on, the position of the prince will have nothing to do with you.

Imperial study.

The    emperor looked at the back of the second prince leaving with complicated eyes.

Eunuch Li next to him whispered, "Your Majesty?"

The emperor gave him a look, "What do you think of the second prince?"

Eunuch Li was frightened, and hurriedly replied, "The status of a slave is humble, and I have no right to talk about the prince."

The    emperor hummed and waved his hand indifferently, "Forget it, I won't make it difficult for you."

This **** has the means.

Not only has the means, but also is very clever.

As the emperor of Tianshu Kingdom, he is not a fool, how could he not see the second child's mind?

But the second child is smart!

Smart achieves its purpose, not only that, but also in the position of the victim.

And what about the prince?

Prince is extremely stupid, he was tricked casually, and he didn't even know it when he entered the pit.

The one who lost this time is the crown prince, and the next time he loses it may be his life.

If the throne is passed to the eldest, I am afraid that the country will not be able to keep it, let alone prosperity.

So he would abolish the prince without hesitation. He gave the opportunity, but the prince didn't grasp it...

Don't have to give it another chance.

The emperor sat there calmly and calmly picked up a memorial and flipped through it at will.

is the most ruthless imperial family.

During the battle for the throne, the weak always preyed on the strong.


The next day.

In the early days, the emperor directly announced that the prince was abolished.

None of the ministers interceded for him.

It was only a matter of time before the prince was deposed.

His Majesty's resolute means was expected and not surprising.

In the blink of an eye, the prince fell from heaven to hell, from the most honorable prince of the dynasty to the abolished prince...

The abolished prince could not accept the news for a while.

struggled to escape from the East Palace to meet the emperor.

Unfortunately, the guards around his room did not give him a chance to leave at all, and no one could let him leave the room without His Majesty's order.

The abolished prince became emotional and fainted on the spot.

His throne, his country, vanished in an instant...

It will be the second day after the abolition of the crown prince, that is, after the first prince wakes up again.

He looked at the unfamiliar environment in front of him, and his mind was dazed.

"Someone! Somebody!" The eldest prince shouted angrily, and there was still some fear in his words.

shouted for a while before someone walked in slowly. The **** looked at him impatiently, "What are you shouting? Do you think you are still the prince now? You are a waste prince! You have to recognize your identity!"

"...You are talking nonsense!" The eldest prince was extremely angry, "What are you? You dare to yell at Prince Ben? Believe it or not, Prince Ben cut off your head?"

The **** snorted disdainfully and even rolled his eyes.

"Cut off my head? It also depends on whether you still have the chance to turn over!" The **** walked over arrogantly, raised his leg and kicked it directly on the chest of the eldest prince.

Then he retracted his feet indifferently, "You know, now in Tianshu Kingdom, who doesn't know that your prince has become a waste prince?

is destined not to have the opportunity to turn over, just stay here honestly, even if you want to do something, it depends on whether you have that ability, people, in this life, you must always learn to bow your head. "

The **** turned his head coldly and left, too lazy to waste time with the eldest prince.

This place is a side courtyard of the East Palace, and it is no better than the Cold Palace.

Since he has become a waste prince, he must no longer be able to live in the East Palace.

The eldest prince lowered his head with a hurt face, how did he come this far? Is the father really that cruel?

Ignore a little family affection?

Not only abolished his crown prince, but let him live in such a place?

This is killing him!

"Father, father, how can you treat your son and minister so cruelly?"

It is said that it is the father's most beloved son?

The eldest prince cried alone for a long time, and finally wiped his tears. He got up and opened the door. This time, there were no more guards outside.

He was overjoyed at first, and then he ran out in a hurry.

ran outside the yard and found that this place is remote and cruel, not to mention the guards, there is not even a figure, so there is such a place in the East Palace?

He is completely out of favor, right?

The eldest prince smiled bitterly and walked back to the original path where he lost his soul.

Since then, he has never had a relationship with glory and wealth.

Such a result, even if he is unwilling to face it, he has to be forced to accept it. This is the truth...

Cruel and hopeless.


After the prince was deposed, the emperor did not rush to establish the prince.

Even though the ministers in the court made daily performances, the emperor did not intend to establish a prince.

The    emperor's move clearly wanted to choose among the remaining princes, which meant that although the second prince was a new favorite, he did not necessarily get the crown prince, and other princes also had a chance.

This is a good opportunity for other princes.

But for the second prince, the second prince is not so happy.

defeated a prince, and there are more princes next?

His father is really calculating.

The second prince's eyes were a little fierce.

At the same time, a figure slowly walked out behind him.

"What's wrong with the second prince?" The woman's face was smiling, and her costume was noble.

The second prince didn't even look back, "Why are you here? If you are seen, you will inevitably cause trouble!" There was more blame in the words.

Why doesn't she know his identity at all?

The woman is none other than the emperor's new favorite dream concubine.

Concubine Meng came to him with winking eyes, "What? Are you afraid?"

When he first hooked up with her, he didn't look like this.

is passionate and full of nostalgia for her.

Man, there really isn't a good thing.

The two of them cooperated. She hated the prime minister. He wanted to get rid of the prince. He was also hostile to the prime minister. The two hit it off.

Things also went smoothly.

It’s just that I haven’t been able to find an opportunity to deal with the Prime Minister.

The prime minister is not the same as the abolished prince. The abolished prince can design it casually, while the design of the prime minister is afraid of having a long-term plan, and it may not be successful.

The prime minister is not an ordinary person. If he fails, it is very likely that both of them will be involved.

In this case, both the second prince and the concubine Meng are more careful, so that the matter of designing the prime minister has not been planned for a long time.

So the two have not been in touch for several days.

No, Concubine Meng couldn't help it.

She couldn't see the second prince, and there was always an inexplicable emotion in her heart.

The second prince looked down at her, raised his hand and clasped her chin, "Afraid? Do you think I'd be afraid?"

After the words were finished, he laughed mockingly, "I dare to climb on the bed of my father's favorite concubine, what can I be afraid of?"

The second prince stretched out his arms to hug Concubine Meng, but it was a pity that if she was not the wife of the emperor, maybe he would give her a name in the future.

Their identities are destined to have no result or possibility.

They will never see the light.

(end of this chapter)