Chapter 1872: Prime Minister wait a minute (40) 4,000 words

Chapter 1872 Prime Minister and wait (40) Four thousand word chapter

Prime Minister and Slow Down 40 (four thousand character chapters)

Chang Ye solved the guard, turned his head and picked up the third prince directly.

The third prince who was picked up had no resistance, "...?"

The third prince never thought that he would fall into this field if he was so careful!

Chang Ye took the third prince and rushed directly into the emperor's bedroom.

Since that day, the emperor has been careful everywhere.

Not only that, even at night, he seldom fell asleep peacefully. If there was any movement, the emperor would be awakened.

So, as soon as he heard the sound of the door being opened and the sound of footsteps, the emperor woke up from his dream in an instant, and hurriedly got up from the bed.

Unfortunately, before the emperor could call someone, Chang Ye had already rushed over.

Long Ye, "Royal Father." He shouted, without any ups and downs in his voice.

The emperor first breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the long night.

In the next second, he raised his spirits again, "Why are you here?" As soon as he finished speaking, the emperor saw the third prince in Chang Ye's hands.

The emperor    was shocked, "!!! Long Ye, what are you doing?"

"Why did you arrest the third child?" The emperor's face was ugly. Could it be that Chang Ye was going to follow Fu Changming's old path?

Do not!

How could this be!

The emperor subconsciously wanted to call someone.

was strangled by Chang Ye's throat.

Long Ye, "...Want to call someone? Do you think I'll give you a chance to call someone?"

The emperor's eyes were full of anger, but he couldn't say a word at this time.

Changye warned, "Be honest, I'm different from Fu Changming, I won't be stupid, and I won't give you a chance to escape."

After the words fell, Chang Ye barely let go of the emperor.

The emperor took a breath, his eyes full of disapproval.

"...Do you know what you're doing? I already told you, as long as you do what I say, the throne is yours! Why are you taking such a risk? What are you doing?"

Chang Ye grinned, his eyes cold, "Don't you know what I'm doing?"

, of course, for the Prime Minister.

Can't we get along well? Do you want him to kill the prime minister?

Isn't this just forcing him to a dead end?

At this point, the emperor can't blame others, it's the emperor himself who killed himself!

The emperor looked at Chang Ye in shock, thinking for a while, "Are you for the prime minister?"

Obviously the dark guard he sent told him that everything was business as usual in the long night.

But now?

The long night appeared in front of him!

also caught the third child!

The long night's silence made the emperor's heart go cold.

"Why are you so confused? What does she have to do with the Prime Minister? Is it worth giving up the easy-to-have throne for her?

Chang Ye, Chang Ye, you are still fascinated by her. I was worried that you would be fascinated by her beauty, so I specially asked you to make a choice and kill the Prime Minister yourself.

But I didn't expect that you were still bewitched by beauty. "

It fell so fast?

It seems that the prime minister really can't stay.

I haven't done anything yet, and Chang Ye is going to do something to him for the sake of the prime minister... Will I get it in the future?

The emperor shook his head angrily, full of sighs.

Chang Ye couldn't see that the prime minister was bad, so he immediately retorted, "The prime minister is very good, I wasn't fascinated by him, it was you who misunderstood." What's more, confused by beauty? This is even more wrong.

Seeing the long night like this, the emperor's face turned green with anger.

"Isn't that fascinated? For the vixen of the prime minister, I don't even want the throne, so what else? They all say that beauty is a disaster, but now it seems that it is true!!!"

The emperor cursed himself.

Chang Ye stared at the emperor in astonishment, "What did you say just now? What kind of beauty and trouble? Isn't the prime minister a man?" How can this be called a beauty and trouble?

The third prince on the side of    is even more embarrassed.

"???"what happened?

what's the situation?

How could the father and emperor scold the prime minister for having a bad face?


That's not right?

Or is it that the royal father is so mad?

The third prince shivered, shrank into a ball, and dared not speak.

for fear of the flames of war burning on himself.

After the    emperor finished cursing, seeing Chang Ye's reaction, he suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing.

" don't know that the prime minister is a woman?" He was surprised and puzzled. Could it be that Chang Ye already cared so much about the Prime Minister when he didn't know that the Prime Minister was a woman?

If you know that the prime minister is a woman, wouldn't it...would you care more?

The emperor's face changed slightly.

"..." He subconsciously turned his head to avoid it, however, Chang Ye raised his hand and clasped the emperor's shoulder, his face turned cold, "Make it clear!"

Emperor, "...!" He shot himself in the foot.

Really shouldn't be so excited!

He should calm down!

Calm down and calm down!

The    emperor's face turned blue, "How clear do you want me to say? How clear can I say it? The prime minister is a woman! She disguised herself as a man as the prime minister of the Shu Kingdom of the day, and she is uneasy and kind!"

The    emperor scolded, he had a flash of inspiration, and said, "No wonder, no wonder she took you out of the cold palace! It is clear that he has long been interested in your talent, and then deliberately made you an enemy!

After all, the Prime Minister has a plan, and everything can be counted! "

Immediately, the emperor continued to say earnestly, "Chang Ye, you must know that Tianshu Kingdom is yours, even if you don't kill the prime minister, I will still give you the throne.

And the prime minister, after all, is just an outsider, and no one knows what she is thinking about, so Chang Ye, don't bother, you stand on the same front with me, and then work with me to find a solution. Prime Minister, Jiangshan is yours, and Tianshu Kingdom will also be yours! "

The    emperor struggled in the end, trying to make Chang Ye change his mind.

Chang Ye stared at the emperor for a while, his eyes darkened and darkened.

"I said, I don't want a country."

Sorry, his purpose has always been firm.

Knowing that the prime minister is a woman, the only change for him is that he has to work harder to protect her.

As for the solution to the prime minister that the emperor said, it is impossible in this life!

The little thought of the emperor was doomed to annihilation.

The emperor was so angry that he was speechless.


He really stepped on the horse and gave his whole heart to the Prime Minister, and gave up his mind!

Under such circumstances, how could you still choose the prime minister instead of Jiangshan?

after awhile.

The emperor cried out angrily.

"Don't regret it!" There was a sharp and killing intent in his eyes.

Chang Ye shook his head, "I won't regret it, I will never regret it."

For him, no one can compare to the Prime Minister!

Changye took two steps forward, "Father, you don't have any chips, so..."

The Emperor    interrupted Chang Ye suddenly, "How do you know that I don't have any bargaining chips?"

He chuckled lightly, with a bit of confidence, "Chang Ye, since the Prime Minister has taught you a lot, then, tonight, as your royal father, I will also teach you.

Never give the enemy a chance to breathe, because you don't know how many chips the opponent has hidden in the dark!

Since the incident with Fu Changming, I have set up a few lines of defense.

The patrolling guards and guards outside are just the first line of defense, and there are second and third lines of defense..."

As the emperor's voice fell, the emperor smashed the cup in front of the table, "Come out and escort!"

He looked at Chang Ye proudly again, "You know? As long as I call someone, those secret guards will immediately appear to protect me!!!"

The long night has no words.

didn't say a word.

Instead, he looked at the emperor quietly.

The emperor was full of confidence, however, a few seconds passed, and the dark guard he said still did not appear... The emperor's face became not very good.

gradually turned from complacent to blue.

Then he tried to summon his third line of defense.

But this time... there is still no response.

The    emperor suddenly couldn't calm down, and the expression on his face could no longer be maintained.

He even collapsed a little, "The Dark Guard! Where is the Dark Guard! Escort!"

The emperor shouted loudly, with a bit of fragility and panic in his eyes.

Long Ye watched him quietly and shouted.

Suddenly, Chang Ye laughed.

No wonder she wasn't worried at all when she left the Prime Minister's Mansion. Thinking about it, she was protecting him in the dark, right?

He could vaguely guess that the reason why the dark guards mentioned by the emperor did not appear was because they had something to do with the prime minister, so they were probably resolved by the prime minister?

Chang Ye raised his brows slightly, "It seems that you are destined to not be able to wait for your man, Father Emperor, accept your fate! The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and you should abdicate too."

The emperor    looked indignantly, " disobedient son! I shouldn't have raised you, you are a white-eyed wolf like Fu Changming! If you commit trouble, kill your king and kill your father, you should go to hell!"

If he had known such an outcome, he should have killed Fu Changye and sent Fu Changye to the Heavenly Prison to live with Fu Changming!

Chang Ye seemed to have heard a joke, and looked at the emperor amusingly, "Fu Changming, you did raise it, but did you really raise me? I grew up in a cold palace, and I didn't benefit from you. On the contrary, because he is an unfavored prince, anyone can run over and step on me!

Do you think you have fulfilled your responsibilities as a father? If not, then don't say anything that shouldn't support me! You do not deserve! "

's sharp remarks made the emperor's face flush with anger, "You! You!"

Nizi, Nizi!

In this conversation, it is clear that Long Ye won.

The third prince on the other side was trembling, pitiful and helpless.

He's innocent, he really doesn't understand, in this case, why bring him here?

He really really can't understand!

He quietly glanced at Chang Ye, could it be that the sixth emperor planned to kill his father directly?

Otherwise, as long as the father is alive, the father will always remember that it was Chang Ye’s hand...

The third prince sighed silently, not daring to make a sound, he really couldn't understand more and more, anyway, it's better to try to reduce his own sense of existence.

Otherwise, he doesn't know if he can survive...

And he just accidentally heard the Prime Minister's secret.

Oh, I'm afraid that no matter how much he calculates, he won't be able to escape, and maybe he will be silenced by the prime minister...

at this time.

Chang Ye pulled out a blank imperial decree and directly picked up the pen to imitate the emperor's handwriting.

It is not difficult for him to imitate a person's handwriting.

made it easy.

However, this time, Chang Ye did not find the jade seal.

Xu was through Fu Changming, and the emperor hid the jade seal.

Chang Ye took the imperial edict and threw it in front of the emperor.

"Take out the jade seal and stamp it, abdicate to the third prince! The third prince will ascend the throne three days later!"

"Don't even think about it! I will never pass the throne to..." You rebel? ...? ?

The emperor realized something and turned his head to look at Chang Ye in shock.

"You want me to pass the throne to the third child?"

He tilted his head again to look at the tied third child.

Emperor, "..." What's the... situation?

The tied third child is with Chang Ye?

The third prince, who was suddenly named, wanted to cry without tears, "..." He can't speak now, and his mouth is blocked by a cloth, and he wants to cry.

It turns out that Chang Ye really planned to put the blame on him!

Forcing the emperor to abdicate, he really can't explain it...

Wronged! Fear!

Chang Ye, "Well, pass the throne to the third prince. After all, among your sons, there is probably only one third prince who can make do with it. Although he can't make it on the stage, he can always pick out one of the taller ones, do you think? ?"

Emperor, "..." Are you afraid that you are ill? What's the mess?

The third prince, "..." I don't know if I should thank you for your compliment, it's not a compliment.

However, even so, the third prince was still extremely frightened.

Seeing that the emperor was unwilling to cooperate, Chang Ye raised his hand and pressed it on an acupoint of the emperor.

"I ordered the big acupoint on your body. You will feel unbearable pain. You won't be able to last long. I suggest you take out the jade seal as soon as possible."

The    emperor was initially sullen and unwilling to pay attention to him.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long, almost in a matter of seconds, for the emperor's complexion to change.

Not only was the pain unbearable on him, but these pains were completely different from what he usually experienced, and were surprisingly unbearable.

Almost very soon, the emperor shook his finger in a direction.

Changye stood up in disdain, took out the jade seal, and then stamped the imperial edict.

After doing all this, he released the third prince.

threw the imperial decree in his hand to the third prince.

"Look, you can barely do it. You're better than those scumbags, so the throne will be cheaper for you. Be the emperor well, you know? Don't imitate the current emperor. You are insatiable and greedy, and you won't have a good end."

The third prince held the imperial decree with dull eyes, "..." He opened his mouth, but said nothing.

This development...?

what's going on?

Why is the long night like this?

Why is his name written on the imperial decree?

Chang Ye turned around and untied the emperor's acupuncture point.

He glanced at the third prince again.

"Do you know what to do? Three days later, you will be on the throne honestly! Be your emperor but remember, don't disturb the prime minister, and don't have any unreasonable thoughts on the prime minister, you know?"

After the long night finished speaking, he suddenly stopped again.

Perhaps, he should find time to talk to the prime minister again.

After knowing that the Prime Minister is a woman, his mood... seems to have suddenly changed?

The Third Prince, "...?"

He seemed to have vaguely guessed it, but he dared not confirm it.

He looked at the emperor dully.

Obviously, the emperor was also shocked.

"Chang Ye, you did this kind of thing just for the prime minister's sake? You don't even want the throne? You've already come this far? You'd rather have a beauty than a country..."

The emperor couldn't express the feeling in his heart.

is extremely complicated.

If he hadn't let Chang Ye make a choice, wouldn't Chang Ye have these actions?

Unfortunately, it was too late for him to regret it.

Chang Ye said coldly, "I don't like someone threatening the Prime Minister's safety, but you? You even want me to kill the Prime Minister? Do you think I'll let you go?"


(end of this chapter)