Chapter 1874: Prime Minister wait (42)

Chapter 1874 Prime Minister and Slow Down (42)

Prime Minister and slow down 42

Entered the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Chang Ye sent people to the main courtyard and sighed slightly.

"It's almost dawn, let's rest for a while."

Cha Cha looked back at the long night walking out, "You stop, do you have anything else to ask me?"

Long Night, "...No."

She didn't take the initiative to tell him, maybe there were other reasons.

Since that's the case, he can just pretend he doesn't know.

Can't make it difficult for her.

Cha Cha was a little helpless, "Don't you know everything? Don't you blame me for deliberately hiding you?"

She was quite worried that Chang Ye would be angry because of it.

I didn't expect that he would react like this, pretending not to know?

This made her even more embarrassed.

Long Ye looked at Cha Cha seriously.

"If you don't say it, there must be a reason, then I naturally don't need to ask you, it will only add to the troubles."

Chacha, "... Anyway, that's all I've talked about, so let's talk about it openly. It is indeed as the emperor said, I am a woman, not only I am a woman, but the entire Tianxuan Pavilion is a woman.

Because of the mutual check and balance with Tianshu Kingdom, Tianshu Kingdom is also afraid of Tianxuan Pavilion usurping the throne. Therefore, Tianxuan Pavilion is all women, and women disguise themselves as men to enter Tianshu Kingdom as officials. In this way, Tianshu Kingdom also Don't worry about the people in Tianxuan Pavilion robbing the throne. "

Cha Cha slowly said something that he hadn't told Chang Ye before.

Long Ye knew that there was such a truth behind the matter.

Chacha continued, "Actually, I have always had an idea, not only the current emperor has murdered the people sent by Tianxuan Pavilion, but also other people, and even wants to destroy Tianxuan Pavilion.

Today, there is no problem in the development of Tianshu Kingdom, and Tianxuan Pavilion and Tianshu Kingdom have lost their previous trust. In this case, it is better to take advantage of the opportunity of the third prince to ascend the throne. From then on, Tianxuan Pavilion will no longer provide talents for Tianshu Kingdom. The two forces develop independently without interfering with each other.

What do you think? "This is something she has thought about carefully these days.

If the two forces can be separated, there will be no more problems.

Even if there is a problem, both sides are fighting for their own interests.

But Tianxuan Pavilion has always been hidden, as long as Tianxuan Pavilion is willing, he can live the life of a hermit master.

Of course, this is the best way she thinks out after understanding the situation of Tianxuan Pavilion.

Because only in this way, is the most beneficial result for both parties.

Tianxuan Pavilion also has internal contradictions now.

In addition, the development of Tianxuan Pavilion has also been restricted because of the Tianshu Kingdom over the years. Others cannot see the ability of Tianxuan Pavilion at all, and Tianxuan Pavilion has also wasted a lot of manpower.

After all, other than the chosen ones, other people cannot show their talents anywhere else.

Tianxuan Pavilion is also controlled in disguise.

Talented people have nowhere to show their ambitions, just like the previous senior sister, who accidentally took a wrong path...

Chang Ye nodded after hearing the words, "It's up to you." The method she said can really solve this matter.

This is indeed an opportunity.


After dawn.

When the emperor came to court, his spirit was not good.

But in that case, the emperor still pronounced an imperial decree.

Not only that.

This imperial decree shocked Manchu civil and military officials even more!

No one thought of it.

The emperor would suddenly announce his abdication at such a time.

and passed the throne to the third prince.

Civil and military officials, "...?" Is this too sudden?

After all, everyone knows that the emperor now prefers the sixth prince, and the sixth prince is indeed very capable, and he was taught by the prime minister himself.

There is also Nasmiao Palace.

In this case, everyone thought that the emperor was going to pass the throne to the sixth prince.

Now... without warning, suddenly the throne will be passed to the third prince? It's really unacceptable...

Some people even wondered if the third prince did something to the emperor.

Unfortunately, before hundreds of officials questioned, the emperor announced that the three princes would ascend to the throne three days later.

Baiguan was too shocked to speak.


Three days later, the new emperor ascended the throne?

Did they not wake up, or was the emperor crazy?

No one would have thought that things could go so far, the third prince ascending the throne? Who doesn't know that the third prince has no talent?

And no matter how you look at it, the emperor didn't like the third prince very much, and he didn't intend to pass the throne to the third prince before.


After the important ministers discussed it, they immediately asked the emperor to think twice.

The emperor's face turned black, "..." If you can think twice, you will be in hell!

Could he not know that the third child is a waste and can't afford the throne?

But the key is that he has no qualifications to refuse.

He still has poison in his body. If he dares to play tricks, he may die?

So, for him.

The best choice is to follow the meaning of Changye first, pass the throne to the third child, and express that he will not hurt the prime minister.

Then he will find opportunities by himself, and find a way to hold the power in his hands. At that time, he will still be the supreme emperor, but he has just changed his name...

The most important thing is to have real power in hand!

Thinking of this, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that there would be a solution.

I also hope that these ministers will not cause trouble for him...


These ministers did not wink.

Many ministers protested.

The emperor was so angry that he almost smashed someone with something on the spot!

The emperor defied public opinion and insisted on establishing the third prince as emperor.

None of the officials could persuade the emperor.

Emperor, "..." It's not that I'm blind, I just want to live.

three days later.

The third prince ascended the throne and became the new emperor of Tianshu Kingdom.

The day    was enthroned was very lively.

Many princes beat their chests and feet, wishing that it was themselves who were on the throne.

Of course, they couldn't figure it out.

Obviously the third child is also a waste, and only knows how to read books. Why did the emperor pass the throne to the third child?

Could it be that the royal father likes a nerd like the third child who only knows how to read?

I really can't understand...

Long Ye did not follow all those people to watch the enthronement ceremony.

He went to the Heavenly Prison instead.

in the prison.

Fu Changming is still locked up and will be beheaded in a few days.

Fu Changming laughed out loud as soon as he saw Chang Ye.

"Ahahahaha, Fu Changye, you didn't get the throne either! You are also a loser!"

Chang Ye's eyes were calm, "You are wrong, the one who failed is you, not me."

Fu Changming's eyes widened in anger, "I'm right, the throne is in the hands of the third nerd! I spent so much thought and time, but I didn't get the throne, but in the end, that trash got it? Hahahaha God It's not fair!"

In the end, Fu Changming was a little crazy.

"...The throne is mine, mine! No one is worthy of me! Not worthy!"

Long Ye's indifferent eyes are like watching a clown.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you how the third child came to the throne."

Fu Changming didn't answer and continued to go crazy there.

Changye, "I helped him grab his throne, just the same way as you, but he's much smarter than you..."

is also a king-killer and a father-killer, but his methods are more severe, and he knows how to learn from experience and how to solve the emperor's repentance!

The emperor cherishes his life. For the emperor, life is more important.


Even if it was just a fake poison, the emperor believed it to be true and put both hands on the throne...

(end of this chapter)