Chapter 1876: Prime Minister, Be Slow (End)

Chapter 1876 Prime Minister and Slow Down (End)

Prime Minister and finish slowly

Cinti cautiously glanced at Chacha.

The attitude is kind and respectful, "Prime Minister."

He hadn't seen the prime minister for a long time, and when he saw the prime minister this time, the new emperor panicked.

After all, it was for the Prime Minister that Chang Ye did such a big thing!

Otherwise, he would not be the new emperor of Tianshu Kingdom now.

In short, his mood is very complicated and complicated.

Chacha looked at the new emperor, and his voice softened a little, "Your Majesty doesn't need to be so nervous, this time I am looking for Your Majesty, just to discuss something with Your Majesty."

Hearing this, the already nervous Xindi became even more nervous.

"Prime Minister..." Fear and fear instantly merged.

"Don't be afraid, Your Majesty." Cha Cha said.

"Chang Ye, tell Your Majesty about our purpose this time." Cha Cha called out, and Chang Ye immediately came over behind him and wanted to talk to the new emperor.

Xindi, "..." Don't come here! I am afraid!

Chang Ye, "Your Majesty doesn't have to do this, and I won't eat people." In front of the Prime Minister, it seems that he is a bit... bullying others, isn't this destroying his image?

Xindi didn't dare to say a word, "..." You really don't know how to eat people, but you... are indeed ruthless, and it's not much different from eating people.

Long Ye opened his mouth slowly.

briefly explained the matter between Tianxuan Pavilion and Tianshu Kingdom.

Speaking of the end, Chang Ye paused and looked at the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister, "I am here this time to hope that Tianshu Kingdom and Tianxuan Pavilion will not cooperate or interfere with each other in the future."

Cintiq was stunned.

He has now understood the connection between Tianshu Kingdom and Tianxuan Pavilion.

However, the cooperation between the two is no longer. This... This kind of big thing is not something he can decide, right?

Why tell him?

The new emperor was panicked and confused.

Before he could speak, someone already objected.

The Emperor Taishang, who was supposed to be asleep, woke up long ago. He stared at Chacha angrily, "I will not allow it! Tianxuan Pavilion is not allowed to disconnect from Tianshu Kingdom! Tianxuan Pavilion must provide talents for Tianshu Kingdom! Help Tianshu Kingdom develop!"

Cha Cha turned around and looked at the Emperor Taishang speechlessly.

Chang Ye's gaze also followed.

Oh, you look sober?

I didn't imagine the coma to unconsciousness...

The new emperor somehow felt that the situation at the moment was not right.

The Emperor Taishang suddenly spoke up, and he also held an objection... The new emperor silently continued to weaken his sense of existence.

Alas, he wants to be an invisible person.

Cha Cha's eyes were somewhat sarcastic, "What does the Emperor Taishang mean, Tianxuan Pavilion and Tianshu Kingdom continue to maintain the current relationship?"

"Of course!" Taishang Huang said without hesitation.

if not? Could it be that Tianxuan Pavilion still wants to usurp the throne?

Cha Cha burst out laughing immediately.

"Don't you think it's ridiculous to think about yourself? You're no longer an emperor, and you still want to intervene in these things? Don't you think it's too broad?"

Emperor Taishang, "Tianshu Kingdom belongs to me!!!"

Chacha's eyes sneered, "Tianshu Kingdom is no longer yours, the emperor, so far, why haven't you thought about why you lost your throne?"

After the words fell, the Emperor Taishang looked at Chang Ye.

His eyes were full of indignation.

Those eyes were clearly saying that it was all because of Fu Changye!

Cha Cha shook his head, "It's because you always like to be suspicious! When you were still the emperor, you wanted to kill me, the prime minister. It's because you have no tolerance, and you always think that I will do something to the Tianshu Kingdom. I think I will try to usurp the throne and rob you of your country.

You are afraid and suspicious of people who are too good, and people who are not good enough, and you feel that they are not worthy of the prime minister of the Shu Kingdom. Even if someone can be just right and stabilize the relationship between the two, what about the next prime minister? What about the next emperor? At that time, various problems will arise.

If the pivot country no longer needs the help of Tianxuan Pavilion today, there is no need to continue to maintain a relative relationship.

After all, in addition to wanting to kill me, Taishanghuang, you should have thought about getting rid of Tianxuan Pavilion, right? "

The strength of Tianxuan Pavilion is too strong, how could it be possible that the emperor's belly never thought of eradicating Tianxuan Pavilion?

The best solution is to cancel the partnership between the two parties.

does not interfere with each other.

The Emperor Taishang was originally indignant, but at this moment, he was suddenly speechless.

He looked at Cha Cha deeply, and after a moment, turned over, turned his head, and said no more.

He... really thought about eradicating Tianxuan Pavilion.

Unfortunately, the strength does not allow it.

So he also thought about it, if the prime minister was dealt with first, he might attract people from Tianxuan Pavilion.

However, the plan has long since had no chance to be implemented.

He is no different from a **** now.

Nothing can be done or stopped.

Sometimes, he even wanted to die. He held Jiangshan for most of his life, but was pecked at the end by an eagle. How could he be reconciled?

However, there is no other way to be reconciled.

He was in great pain.

would rather continue to live a comatose life.

Chacha ignored the Emperor Taishang.

turned his head to look at the new emperor.

"This matter requires you to meet with the people from Tianxuan Pavilion, and then terminate the cooperative relationship."

After a pause, Cha Cha added, "Of course, I will make sure you are safe and no one will hurt you, you can rest assured."

Xindi breathed a sigh of relief, always feeling that Cheng was much gentler than Chang Ye.

Hey, how could the prime minister teach Chang Ye to be so cruel with such a gentle temperament?

Oh, that's not right, probably because the long night itself is very ferocious.

The ferocious long night glared at the new emperor, "Stay away from the prime minister!"

The threatened new emperor immediately pulled three feet away from the prime minister.

Cha Cha helplessly stretched out his hand and grabbed Chang Ye's wrist, "Don't scare him, let's go back." After this matter was resolved, she would no longer need to be the Prime Minister of Xuan Pavilion.


three days later.

The people from Tianxuan Pavilion made a separate appointment with Xindi to meet.

This meeting was facilitated by Chacha.

In the process, there is basically no problem.

This proposal is of great benefit to both Tianshu Kingdom and Tianxuan Pavilion.

Therefore, the people in Tianxuan Pavilion quickly agreed to this proposal.

And thank you for Chacha.

Cintiq also breathed a sigh of relief.

I just learned a big secret, and then this secret will be completely buried in the long river of history...

After   's relationship with Tianxuan Pavilion was terminated, Cha Cha directly handed over the memorial and resignation, the new emperor naturally did not dare to refuse, but he was a little worried about the devil in Chang Ye.

And Chang Ye, after the prime minister resigned from office, he directly gave the power he had to the new emperor together.

means that he wants to follow the Prime Minister.

Many ministers in the dynasty did not know what happened during this period, and were worried that the prime minister would be rejected by the new emperor. For this reason, many people went to the prime minister's mansion specially.

After   Chacha dealt with a few people, he handed the rest to the deputy commander.

Deputy Commander, "..." Oh, I'm not only a janitor, but now I'm a housekeeper... I'm too hard.


After the new emperor ascended the throne.

pays more attention to whether the people live and work in peace and contentment. The new emperor is kind and kind. Although he lacks talent, he works very hard to be a good emperor.

And the prime minister, who was strategizing, has not heard from him for a long time since his resignation.

Some people say: The prime minister lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

Some people said: The prime minister may have been persecuted by the new emperor, such a stunning and brilliant person, the new emperor could not tolerate him.

Someone else said: The prime minister took the sixth prince and traveled all over the country together, indulging in the mountains and rivers...

However, no one has ever seen the Prime Minister again.


A liquor store by the roadside.

A young man gently poured tea for the veiled woman beside him, looking gentle, "How about we go to Jiangnan next?"

"it is good."

(end of this chapter)