Chapter 1885: Difficult to be the queen (9)

Chapter 1885 It's hard to be a queen (9)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 9

Qi Yubai's rare willingness to say a few more words to people surprised Yang Mei beside him a lot.

In his impression, the young master is rarely willing to chat with people like this.

After entering Huadian Village, it was Grandpa Lin first, and then Mr. Hua. Now, even Mr. Hua's daughter and the young master are willing to talk more. It seems that this Huadian Village really supports people.

Even the young master's temper improved a lot.

However, it is a pity.

According to their original plan.

Tomorrow they will leave Huadian Village.

So the young master and this lady don't have the chance to talk anymore.

When eating.

Yang Mei didn't think there was any problem until after the meal, Yang Mei found out that the young master didn't mention the matter of leaving to Mr. Hua.

until the next day.

Qi Yubai still didn't mention leaving.

Yang Meng looked at the time in surprise, almost thinking that he remembered the date wrong.

He asked in astonishment, "Master, according to the previous plan, we are leaving Huadian Village today?"

Qi Yubai glanced at Yang Mei lightly, "Stay a few more days."

He just met an interesting little girl, how could he leave so soon?

He didn't care about Yang Meng's surprise, and walked into the yard of Hua's house on his own.

Leaving Yang Mei to stand on the spot.

After being stunned for a while, Yang Mei hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Mrs. Qi.

"Madam, the young master said he would stay for a few more days."

Mrs. Qi heard the words and asked subconsciously, "Isn't his health better? Has his condition recurred again?"

My son has always been a person who values ​​principles. Since he said he will come back today, he will come back even if there is a big event.

Therefore, Mrs. Qi was a little worried when she heard Yang Meng's words.

Yang Mei thought for a while and whispered, "Young master seems to have a crush on a little girl... I want to chat more with others, so I don't want to go back."

He said as he looked out, for fear that the young master would come back suddenly.

Mrs. Qi was directly petrified this time.

after awhile.

Yang Meng shouted a few times.

Only then came Mrs. Qi's voice, "Yang Mei, are you kidding me? He still likes the little girl? Isn't he about to see that the world is about to become a monk?"

Yang Meng, "...This, I'm actually not quite sure, madam, don't worry, wait for me to observe and observe, if there is any situation, I will report to you immediately!"

Yang Meng hung up the phone and took a few steps outside.

Sure enough, at the door outside the Hua's courtyard, I saw my young master and the Hua's daughter.


Young master must be thinking about little girls, right?

Otherwise, you can run so diligently?

However, Yang Mei did not dare to take a few steps forward, for fear that he would disturb the young master's good deeds.

The iron tree finally bloomed, and the young master who saw through the red dust became interested in the little girl. If he ran over to be a light bulb, he would be too unhuman.


Yang Meng turned his head and went back to the next yard.

Chacha found that Qi Yubai didn't talk too much, but it wouldn't make people feel embarrassed, and it seemed just right to get along with him.

"How long do you plan to stay in Huadian Village?"

Cha Cha asked casually.

In the past two days, I have also gotten to know Qi Yubai a little bit.

Qi Yubai lowered his head, his eyelashes drooped slightly, "stay for a few more days, and then go back when the body is healed."

Chacha hummed.

looked at Qi Yubai carefully, "..." It seems that his health is not very good, like a sick child.

And this Huadian Village is indeed very suitable for health care.

"What about you? I haven't seen you in Huadian Village before, so you shouldn't stay in Huadian Village all the time, right?"

Qi Yubai looked up at her.

The little girl in front of her had a pretty face and blinked when she heard his words.

looks cute and cute, with a harmless face.

"I should go out after a while." Cha Cha replied without saying anything specific.


I am not feeling well, I am taking care of my body, and it will return to normal tomorrow or the day after tomorrow~

(end of this chapter)