Chapter 1892: Difficult to be the queen (16)

Chapter 1892 It's hard to be a queen (16)

It's Hard to Be a Shadow 16


Luo Han's eyes turned dark, and his footsteps staggered.

Xue Yan quickly supported Luo Han.

"Are you okay?" Xue Yan looked at him worriedly.

This chopping hurts too much.

Luo Han raised his hand with difficulty and waved, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

is just not able to continue chopping.

He was out of energy.

The people in the show group seem to be satisfied with the result.

The staff who issued the task by the program group expressed it euphemistically and ruthlessly.

"I'm sorry, you didn't finish the task of chopping wood, so you couldn't enjoy the dinner provided by the show crew."

Xue Yan's eyes were cold, "..." The show crew should step on the horse and be an individual!


Xue Yan barely has a sense of reason, knowing that she can't tear herself apart from the show team at such a time, and it is still live broadcast, she must always pay attention to her emotions.

The people in the program team continued to explain, "This is the task that was originally promised, not the program team is ruthless... If you are given dinner this time, then this program will not be able to continue, the first of its kind cannot be opened... …”

Xue Yan was too lazy to pay attention to the people in the program group, "..."

Luo Han didn't have the strength and didn't say a word at the moment.

What can I do?

He blamed himself for not being able to cut the firewood, and he couldn't blame others.

A bunch of people scolded the show group on the barrage.

Xue Yan pulled Luo Han out, "I'll take you back to rest."

at this time.

Someone came over.

Yang Mei wore a mask and held a food box in his hand, and handed it to Luo Han and Xue Yan.

Xue Yan raised her head in surprise.

recognized this man as the family that rejected them in the afternoon.

is the one where chicken soup is stewed at night.

"This is...?" Xue Yan looked at him in astonishment.

Although this person is wearing a mask, he doesn't look like a person who is overflowing with sympathy.

Yang Mei said coldly, "I'll take the dinner for you if you don't want it."

Xue Yan hurriedly took it, and those eyes lit up.

"I want it! Thank you big brother! Big brother, you are a good person!"

The people from the program group, "...?"

Xue Yan glanced at the people in the program team, "You didn't say you couldn't accept the dinner they brought over."

"...I didn't say it, but..."

The    program crew looked at Xue Yan, then at Luo Han, who was about to die, took a step back quietly, and said nothing.

After all, the show will continue.

If Luo Han is really useless, tomorrow's show will also be a problem.

You can't do too much.

Xue Yan took Luo Han back to the place where he lived.

After opening the food box, the light in Xue Yan's eyes was like a bright galaxy.

"Luo Han! There are two bowls of chicken soup! There are also two side dishes and two big bowls of rice."

Xue Yan, "!!!" She wanted to thank the big brother who delivered the meal! Ah ah ah!

After a hard day, Xue Yan ate an apple. At this moment, the promise of losing weight and controlling the amount of dinner had been forgotten.

When Luo Han was eating, he took the chopsticks with his right hand and paused a few times, the blisters in his palm hurt.

Xue Yan found a spoon for Luo Han, "Drink the soup first to warm the stomach." Miserable.


Yang Meng returned to Grandpa Lin's house after delivering the food box.

As soon as he entered the door, he looked towards Cha Cha.

"Miss Hua, the food box has been delivered."

Actually, he didn't quite understand why he had to deliver food boxes.

According to the current situation, there is no need to have any intersection with those two people.

Cha Cha smiled and put down the phone.

At that time, there were still live broadcasts of Luo Han and Xue Yan's group on the phone.

Cha Cha frowned, "Thank you, Brother Yang."

She glanced at her phone again, then exited the live broadcast room.

She just searched the information of Luo Han and Xue Yan.

Luo Han is a good seedling.

Xue Yan is also good.

However, there is still a company behind Xue Yan, but Luo Han is different. Luo Han's company doesn't care about him, so the agent is thinking of some affection.

In this case, she could dig Luo Han over and let Lu Anjing train him well.

This seedling is much stronger than that little white flower in Muyu.

Of course, if possible, Xue Yan can also dig over.

The villain that Xue Yan played before is really good, but because of limitations, there has been no chance of a big explosion.

For the type of Xue Yan.

You only need to find a beautiful, powerful and miserable villain, a character with a sense of character and a lot of fans, and you can explode!

Well, it can make Xue Yan look noble and glamorous.

Cha Cha tilted his head in thought.

Then he sent a message to Lu Anjing.

Lu Anjing, "...?"

This is okay too?

However, he thinks the scented tea is a little unreliable, you haven't started poaching people, how can you be sure that those two people will definitely be poached by you?

Qi Yu Bai saw that Chacha's eyes were not on him.

Rare, interrupted her thoughts.

"What do you want to eat tomorrow morning?" he asked, "Let Yang Mei prepare in advance."

heard Qi Yubai's voice.

Cha Cha raised his head and thought seriously.

"I like everything that is delicious!!! I'm not picky eater and I can support myself very well."

The little girl said it very seriously.

The corners of Yang Meng's mouth twitched, "..." It's really easy to support, but ordinary people may not be able to afford it.

The little girl looks weak and weak, and she eats more than him.

Qi Yubai looked at Yang Meng lightly.

Yang Meng understood in seconds.

"Miss Hua, don't worry, you will be satisfied with your breakfast."

Chacha, "Then thank you Brother Yang."

Qi Yubai lowered his head and smiled.

His eyes just fell on Cha Cha's phone.

Out of the corner of the window, he accidentally saw a person's name: Lu Anjing.

Lu Anjing?

Qi Yubai thought for a while.

When I checked the information on Lu Hejing before, there was a piece of information about Lu Anjing.

He did know that Lu Hejing and Lu Anjing were at odds.

Even Lu Anjing was restless.

His expression paused.

So, she cooperated with Lu Anjing?

Qi Yu's white eyes gradually got a smile.

The little girl is very smart.

Well, I know I have calculated Lu Hejing.

This is a good thing.

No wonder he gently reminded him before that he should not interfere in Lu Hejing's affairs. It turned out that he had already had a plan.

Qi Yubai was very satisfied.

As long as she doesn't soften up on Lu Hejing, that's the best.

Qi Yubai's mood changes were too obvious.

Cha Cha turned his head to look at him in surprise.

She blinked blankly.

Qi Yubai also blinked blankly.

Yang Meng, "..." Suddenly he felt like a super-sized light bulb.

Today is also a day to try to reduce the sense of existence.


Luo Han and Xue Yan were also on the hot search at nine o'clock in the evening.

Most of them are scolding the show team for not being human.

However, it's just a few words to scold the program group.

Not many people became Luo Han's fans because of his behavior.

In this live broadcast, the most fans were Mu Yu and Qiubai.

Part of the popularity of the    program group is also on Mu Yu.

In addition, there are hot searches for scented tea.

The melon-eating crowd is gearing up for the next day's live broadcast.

They were looking forward to the advent of scented tea.

The chance encounter with flower tea has undoubtedly become a highlight of this variety show.

Late at night.

The camera has stopped recording.

Mu Yu lay in the bed, gritted her teeth and looked at the hot search.

There is a screenshot of the flower tea, leaning on the door frame, looking at her with a smile.

(end of this chapter)