Chapter 1898: Difficult to be the queen (22)

Chapter 1898 It's hard to be a queen (22)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 22

The matter between   scented tea and Lu Hejing has attracted the attention of many melon eaters.

Now, a huge melon has appeared again.

can be regarded as a hornet's nest that stabbed the homes of the people who eat melons.

While eating melons, a bunch of people did not forget to make up the various 'truths' of this incident.

After all, this time, Lu Hejing's little lover, Mu Yu, was also involved between the two.

There are a lot of people who eat melons, and they carefully picked up the video.

Then, summed up the key points.

One: Lu Hejing is looking for trouble and threatening the scented tea.

2: Lu Hejing's methods are not visible.

3: The relationship between Lu Hejing and Muyu is indescribable.

4: There is doubt about the derailment of scented tea.

After these points were summed up.

Many people have made up stories one after another from these points.


Another person started to detail the photos or videos of the events that Lu Hejing and Mu Yu attended together.

This steak should not be tight.

Actually someone picked up a lot of questionable photos.

When Lu Hejing looked at Mu Yu, his eyes were affectionate. Where is the boss's eyes towards his employees?

The relationship between these two is absolutely impure!

The melon-eating crowd immediately became interested.

Mu's black fans are also interested.

Wow rub?

What a big melon!

It turns out that the little **** Muyu is really not sure about Lu Hejing?

So, no matter what the black fans are, a large number of people started to get involved in the relationship between Mu Yu and Lu Hejing.

Black fans are much more powerful than the melon-eating masses.

In the end, it's a rice circle.

are all looking at people with a magnifying glass.

In less than a few hours, the black fans actually picked up all kinds of real hammers that Lu Hejing and Mu Yu were suspected of falling in love.

During the variety show and filming time, Lu Hejing will have a schedule to visit the class quietly.

Don't ask them how these black fans came out.

They just picked it up!

Not only that.

The two also have a lot of couple clothes.

The black fans were placed one by one, and a lot of comparison pictures were made.

It seems that the evidence is a clear one.

And Muyu's fans couldn't sit still for a long time. How could the innocent little princess Muyu in their eyes have anything to do with Lu Hejing?

It is absolutely impossible to be a boyfriend or girlfriend, and it is even less likely to be ruled by Lu Hejing.

Twilight fans think that it is a picture made by black fans because of jealousy. These pictures do not have any substantive evidence. They are just a few of the same style. What kind of couple style is it?

If a few pieces of clothes can prove the couple's relationship, wouldn't it mean that a lot of people will be recruited?

Don't say anything else, just a school uniform, so many people wear it, is it possible that everyone in the school is a couple?


Muyu fans were torn apart with black fans in minutes.

The    tear is called a dark place.

Eat melon masses: eat melons!

The public relations department under Lu Hejing.

Originally wanted the navy to suppress this matter and divert his attention.

However, the heat is too great, it is impossible to divert the attention of the masses.

Moreover, what Lu Hejing said was really not easy to wash. The relationship between Lu Hejing and Mu Jing was indeed not simple.

That was said by the flower tea himself.

And Lu Hejing not only did not deny it, the words he said had a very serious impact on him.

The PR department has some headaches.

This is not easy to handle.

And it also involves Lu Hejing.

In addition, his own boss is really unusual for Mu Yu, because the boss told them to solve the most problems related to Mu Yu.

Therefore, in this case, they did not dare to be ruthless.

can only wait for the boss Lu Hejing's orders.

Look at Lu Hejing's attitude.

At that time.

Lu Hejing is in Huadian Village, where Muyu temporarily lived.

There is a serious problem with the live broadcast of the program.

The live broadcast has stopped.

The program team had such a big impact on Lu Hejing, for fear that Lu Hejing would directly attack the program team.

After all, behind Lu Hejing is the Lu family, they are too scared.

The people in the program group stood tremblingly outside the door.

Xue Yan and Luo Han, as the two implicated, were also forced to stand outside.

to be honest.

They didn't crash this on purpose either.

Xue Yan was a little worried, with a gloomy cloud on her face.

Luo Han next to    seemed a little dissatisfied.

Although they didn't ram it on purpose, it was Lu Hejing who did something wrong.

If they didn't meet by chance, the scented tea might have disappeared from Huadian Village by now.

Under the bright sky, Lu and Jing dare to do such a thing?


Luo Han's thoughts were interrupted.

Xue Yan next to    quietly tugged at his clothes, "Aren't you afraid?"

Luo Han wondered, "Why be afraid?"

He took a careful look at Xue Yan and didn't quite understand Xue Yan's worries.

Xue Yan, "..." is really a naive and silly child.

Xue Yan shook her head helplessly.

Now people on the Internet are talking about this incident.

obviously had a great impact on Lu Hejing and Mu Yu.

And she and Luo Han.

It was a coincidence.

From Lu Hejing's attitude towards scented tea, it is obvious that Lu Hejing is not a kind person on the surface.

Otherwise, why would you treat scented tea like this?

Even Huacha, a once-popular actress, could be ruined by Lu Hejing's calculations and almost owed a huge amount of liquidated damages.

She and Luo Han... nothing to do with anything.

Two small transparent, in Lu Hejing's place, it is easier than crushing an ant.

Lu Hejing was light and fluttering, the future of her and Luo Han was probably worrying...

But, Luo Han didn't realize this yet.

Xue Yan pressed her eyebrows, thinking about how to explain this.

Look at how scared the members of the show team were, and you should know that Lu Hejing is not a good thing.

Xue Yan looked up at the closed door, and there was a bit of sarcasm in her brows in addition to worry.

At that time, in the room.

Lu and Jingzheng coaxed Mu Jing gently.

The crying pear blossoms brought rain, and Lu Hejing couldn't coax them well.

"婳婳, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I hurt you, you can do whatever you want, but don't cry, okay? I feel bad..."

Lu Hejing frowned, his face full of distress.

Watching Mu Jing cry, he was so sad.

If he had been more careful, nothing like this would have happened.

Lu and Jing were coaxing, and the phone rang.

is a call from the public relations department.

Lu Hejing hung up the phone directly.

looked at Mu 婳 with a gentle attitude, "婳婳, I plan to disclose our relationship, what do you think?"

Mu Yu paused and looked back at Lu Hejing with tearful eyes.

Lu Hejing continued, "It has already happened. If you want to continue to stay in the entertainment industry, then you must have an explanation. Instead of watching things develop, it is better to directly take matters into your own hands."

"婳婳, I only stayed with you after breaking up with Huacha. Let's explain it clearly, so that I will try to minimize the damage to you. As for Huacha, I will make her pay the price."

Lu Hejing said firmly, he already had an idea.

However, this needs to ask Muyu's opinion.

And after announcing their relationship, some of Muyu's fans may not be able to accept it, which is also a problem.

But in contrast, it is better than the current situation to develop uncontrollably.


The reason I broke up for a few days was because of the old problems, my fingers hurt, and after raising it for a few days, I have been writing for a few years, my hands hurt, my back hurts, my neck hurts, and a bunch of problems... alas.

(end of this chapter)