Chapter 1904: Difficult to be the queen (28)

Chapter 1904 The queen is hard to be (28)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 28

Lu Hejing is in a hurry.

The assistant and the people under his command did not dare to enter the office.

The only one who dared to enter the office was Mu Yu.

And at this moment, it is impossible for Mu Yu to persuade Lu Hejing.

Mu Wei went into the office crying and went to Lu Hejing to tell her grievances.

She was almost mad.

At such a time, he was actually put together by Mu Yu?

Now all aspects are very unfavorable to her.

Mu Yu was in the same mood as Lu Hejing at the moment, wishing to kill the flower tea.

But killing the scented tea now won't help.

The first thing to solve is the trouble caused by this flower tea.

Lu Hejing comforted Mu Jing with patience.

"婳婳, I will find a way, even if there is really no better solution, don't worry, I will make money to support you, all kinds of diamonds, gems, limited edition bags, I can give you..."

The crying pear flowers brought rain, but did not answer Lu Hejing.

She wants more than that.

She also wants to be on the throne of the actress and break out of her own world in the entertainment industry.

She likes to watch those fans go crazy for her and see her as a god...

Lu and Jingjian couldn't appease Mu Jing.

Coupled with her cry, he was in a bad mood, and now he gradually lost a little patience.

Lu Hejing was a little impatient.

He stopped coaxing Muyu.

turned around and called the manager and assistant of the public relations department, "Is there any better plan to minimize the impact of this incident..."

The manager said nervously, "This matter has been expanded, it has been on the hot search, many people have seen it, and they don't know what happened, the hot search can't be removed..."

Their department has always monitored the trend of public opinion online.

The moment the hot search airborne, they realized that it was not good for President Lu, and they were already making quick contacts and wanted to spend money to withdraw the hot search.

But this time, it was inexplicably rejected.

No matter whether it is to withdraw from the hot search or whatever, the other party will not accept the order, and the rejection will be completely...

That's why they have no resistance.

Lu Hejing suppressed the annoyance in his heart.

In my ear, I could still hear Mu Yu's cry.

Lu Hejing glanced back, only to feel a splitting headache.

He turned and walked out of the office, closing the door, not wanting to hear any more crying.

Cry, cry, cry, can crying solve the problem?

The manager continued tentatively, "Actually, this matter is mainly about the flower tea. If she is willing to stop, things will be easier to deal with... Otherwise, if she really goes to court, I'm afraid..." It will be even more ugly than it is now.

Lu Hejing's situation will also become more difficult.

Lu Hejing's expression changed.

Of course he knew what the manager meant.

The key is that his relationship with flower tea is very rigid now.

Not only that, but he couldn't contact the flower tea at all.

After he left Huadian Village, Huacha also left Huadian Village, and her itinerary could not be found, and those who didn’t know it thought that the world had evaporated.

Lu Hejing narrowed his eyes.

And he was a little worried.

Now they are all saying that he framed the flower tea for Muyu.

But in fact, there is another point about scented tea. I have never said that scented tea is a shield for Mu Yu, and even the feelings of the past few years are fake.

In case the flower tea shakes this thing out again.

I'm afraid the situation is even worse.

And such an important matter, Huacha never said anything... Could it be that there is still room for manoeuvre in this matter?

Flower tea willing to reconcile?

Lu and Jing tried to guess.

Indistinctly, he seemed to understand something.

The flower tea returned to Huadian Village, which means that the flower tea mountain is exhausted, otherwise how could it be possible to go to such a country with spicy chicken?

In Huadian Village, he gave her money, but she refused.

Maybe, the scented tea is trying to make a fortune and doesn't care about the previous money.

Huacha lost so many liquidated damages.

I'm afraid... this time I have a great appetite...

Lu Hejing pressed his eyebrows and eyes, if it really needs money to solve it, it's not impossible...

In case, scented tea is not interesting?

Again and again?

Killing intent gradually emerged in Lu Hejing's eyes.

This time, it was a real killing intent.

If the flower tea dies, then all problems will be solved.

Lu Hejing's mood suddenly became a lot calmer.

He motioned for the manager and assistant to leave.

Don't do anything for now.

He has his own plans.

Immediately afterwards, he was afraid of Mu Yu's bad things, so he entered the office and explained it specially.

Mu rubbed her red eyes, "Can you solve all problems by not responding?"

Lu Hejing, "Don't worry, everything belongs to me. The origin of this matter is still in the scented tea. As long as the problem of the scented tea is solved, it will be solved naturally."

Mu Yu didn't quite understand what he meant.

"But...will the scented tea cooperate?"

Lu and Jing paused, and a sneer formed on the corners of their lips, "I have a way to get her to cooperate."

When the words fell, he was afraid that Mu Hua would misunderstand, and he said, "Isn't she just for money? The big deal is to give her enough money to shut her up! Maybe we didn't give enough money before, and this happened. …”

Mu Jing thought about it for a while, then nodded, thinking that what Lu Hejing said made sense.

Huacha lost so many liquidated damages.

I am afraid that the money I have made in the past few years is long gone.

was replaced by her, and she was not reconciled.

But if you suddenly get a lot of money?

Mu 婳 smiled, this problem seems to be solved.

Money can make ghosts run the mill.

Sometimes things that money can’t solve may be because there is not enough money.

And before that.

What Lu Hejing has to do is to find traces of scented tea first.

Otherwise, everything is nonsense.

Lu Hejing firmly believed that the scented tea would leave traces of him.


Lu Anjing stared dumbfounded at the trend of public opinion on the Internet, as well as the divine operation of scented tea.

This ride...

Did Lu Hejing go directly?

This means, he is ashamed.

The calculating Lu Hejing was caught off guard.

Tsk, he's a ruthless man.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Anjing called Chacha directly, which was a compliment.

chacha, “…”

has a partner who blows rainbow farts, and she is quite happy.

Since someone is willing to blow a rainbow fart, then she enjoys it quietly.

A few minutes later, Cha Cha said to Lu Anjing who was on the phone, "You can lie down and win, and follow my instructions! Mr. Cha will take you to fly!"

Ba Zongcha clenched the freshly released script.

Lu Anjing also nodded in agreement.

After all, since the beginning of cooperation, her methods have really exceeded his imagination, and every time, he has been shocked.

Such a partner, he is very satisfied.

Well, it’s not impossible to hug your thigh occasionally.

hung up Lu Anjing's phone.

Chacha ran to the study room on the second floor, "Qi Yubai?"

Qi Yubai, who was on a video call, said to the person in the video with a calm expression, "I still have something to do, just come here."

Immediately, the video was closed.

Qi Yubai closed the computer and walked over to open the door of the study.

The little girl smiled.

As soon as I saw him, I started to thank him.

"Why thank me?"

Chacha, "Thank you for helping me!"

The matter of Lu Hejing, although she completed it very smoothly, but according to her own identity, it will not be so smooth, obviously someone secretly helped.

(end of this chapter)