Chapter 1910: Difficult to be the queen (34)

Chapter 1910 The queen is hard to be (34)

Difficult to be after the shadow 34

Cha Cha finished talking to Lu Anjing about the people who were going to dig, and asked Lu Anjing to pay attention when digging people, so as not to be discovered by Lu Hejing.

After all, Lu Hejing and Lu Anjing didn't have a good relationship.

If Lu Hejing found out that Lu Anjing was poaching people, he would probably cause trouble for Lu Anjing.

digging people, this kind of thing should be done quietly.

Then quietly surprise everyone.

Lu Anjing, "..." Lu Hejing is waiting to pay the price when he meets the flower tea.


On the first day that Xue Yan joined the group, there was a little conflict with Mu Jing.

Chacha didn't panic at all.

called Xue Yan to comfort her, and then told her confidently, "Our company also has investment in this drama, so don't be afraid of her, and now as long as Mu Yu is not stupid, she will choose to keep a low profile."

Nothing to worry about at all.

Xue Yan breathed a sigh of relief, at the same time, surprised and delighted.

This drama is invested by her own company, which means that she is also an investor!

Xue Yan instantly felt confident.

The next day, without saying a word, he directly bitten Mu Jing.

Mu Yu, "...?"

Mu Yu was so angry that her tears were spinning, but she was helpless.

After all, she has to keep a low profile now and can't fight Xue Yan hard.

Xue Yan also has people behind her now, and if she is provoked, it will easily cause trouble.

Thinking that Lu Hejing is now dealing with headaches every day, Mu Yu chose to swallow this breath.

She has to hold back.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

And she, as long as she endures this stage, she can step on Xue Yan again.

As the heroine of this show, she doesn't need to make trouble with a supporting character to make the whole crew watch jokes...

Xue Yan is also a person who takes it as soon as she sees it.

As long as Mujing doesn't take the initiative to provoke her, she will definitely not find trouble with Mujing casually.

Mu Yu's quietness and honesty also brought peace to the crew.

Everything was filming normally and in an orderly manner, and the director of the crew was relieved.


It's almost a month away.

Lu Hejing was a little flustered.

He didn't want to confront Huacha in court.

But the court subpoena cannot be ignored directly…

Lu Hejing's teeth are itchy, these days, he can't wait to strangle the flower tea every night.

personally solved this bitch.

Having been with him for so long, at least he has a lot of feelings, right?

How to treat him like this?

Don't give him a way out?

However, Lu Hejing forgot that the one who didn't care about any old feelings at the time was himself.

It was the scented tea he harmed that ruined his reputation.

The counterattack of flower tea is actually not any problem.

How can you only be beaten and not fight back?

On the day of the trial.

Chacha is still relatively low-key.

However, no matter how low-key it is, this incident has attracted the attention of many people.

After all, one is a former popular actress, and the other is Lu Hejing, the president of the Lu family.

And between the two, there are still a lot of melons.

can be regarded as enough to eat melon-eating people's appetite.

Many paparazzi came after hearing the news.

all want a piece of the pie.

Chacha was in a very calm mood, but Lu Hejing almost collapsed when he saw so many people blocking him outside.

But the only good thing is that outsiders can't see the process of this case...

Lu Hejing noticed that there was a man behind Huacha.

The man wears a mask.

Even with just one glance, Lu Hejing recognized it as the man he met in Yanyulou that day.

It seems...the two have a very close relationship.

Lu Hejing frowned.

On the day of the court trial, you still brought a shameful gold lord?


Lu Hejing sneered disdainfully.

Some paparazzi rushed up to interview Lu Hejing, but they were separated by Lu Hejing's bodyguards.

He entered the courtroom with a blank face.

Cha Cha pulled Qi Yubai, for fear that the crowd would wash them away.

Originally wanted to keep a low profile, but this time it seems that it is impossible to keep a low profile.

This court session.

Cha Cha has prepared a lot of evidence, the information is sufficient, and the lawyer is very strong. Lu Hejing is almost powerless to argue. Even if Lu Hejing's lawyer still wants to argue, it is an ironclad fact that Lu Hejing has infringed on her reputation.

Cha Cha watched the result of the trial with satisfaction.

Although Lu Hejing didn't have to go to jail, Chacha was very satisfied with the compensation.

Cha Cha glanced at Lu Hejing, who was defeated, and was in a good mood.

"Mr. Lu remember to apologize in public! Don't make me wait too long."

Lu Hejing stared at her gloomily.

Unfortunately, no matter how ruthless his eyes are, it is useless to Cha Cha.

On the contrary, Qi Yubai was not very happy.

Qi Yubai looked at Lu Hejing coldly, his face full of warnings, "I suggest Mr. Lu stay safe and don't always offend people who shouldn't be offended."


Qi Yubai took Chacha and left from the other direction.

The road is not the same as when you came.

Lu and Jinglue thought about it, and suddenly felt that they had overlooked something.

He even forgot to check the origin of the man beside Huacha!

Lu Hejing quickly ordered the people under his command to check the information.

After    finished the command, thinking about the situation that I would face next, I had a headache.

With the help of his bodyguards, he finally got into the car.

Then, throw away those paparazzi with great speed.

The paparazzi dare not be too arrogant, after all, he has the Lu family behind him.

As long as the bodyguards are tougher, those paparazzi will panic.

It’s not like losing your future for the sake of headlines.



Lu Hejing publicly posted a Weibo to apologize to Huacha.

The melon eaters were shocked.

Even though there are all kinds of speculations and real hammers, the moment they saw Lu Hejing apologize, many people still had mixed feelings.

Being a man for his sake is really not a scumbag word to describe.

For the sake of a new love, the flower tea was ruined?

The melon-eating crowd directly picked up their knives, and the comments made by Lu Hejing were a maddening scolding.

And Mu Yu was naturally scolded too.

Mu's fans are even more complicated. They originally expected Lu Hejing to fly, but now Lu Hejing is actually a trouble?

This makes people very unhappy.

As a result, many of Mujing's fans scolded Lu and Jing regardless.

【Damn scumbag, you have a girlfriend and you come to provoke my family 婳婳? 】

【Who knows if my 婳婳 will be the next flower tea? Spicy chicken stuff, get out! The name doesn't deserve to be put together with my family! 】

The situation on the Internet is called chaos.

Mu 婳 held the phone, tears were falling.

She didn't understand how she got to this point.

Lu Hejing felt distressed for Mu Yu, although he was irritable, he still patiently went to coax Mu Yu.

"Hua, wait a moment, you post on Weibo, and push all this on me, you know? I'm the worst person, you are innocent, you don't know anything, I've been scolded, I can't let you suffer from me again."

Mu Yu hesitated for a while.

Finally agreed with Lu Hejing.


Mu's Weibo posted a clarification statement.

roughly means that she is innocent and knows nothing.

She just wants to act well, work hard for her career, etc.

This statement can be regarded as a reassurance for Mui's fans.

As for whether the people who eat melons will buy it... Mu Yu is also panicked.

(end of this chapter)