Chapter 1921: Hard to be a queen (45)

Chapter 1921 It's hard to be a queen (45)

It's Hard to Be After the Shadow 45

This time, not only Lu Anjing was a little surprised.

Even Xue Yan in the corner was a little surprised.

This ride...

What about the good little white flower?

is too unpretentious, isn't it?

Could it be that Lu Hejing prefers Mu Yu's lack of restraint?

Xue Yan fell into contemplation.

Lu Anjing's eyebrows jumped, faintly disgusting.

He glanced at the watch on his hand and estimated that it was almost time.

Slightly relieved.

He felt that he had sacrificed too much tonight.

It's just hot eyes...

After going back, you must find someone to complain about.

Just then, the door was opened.

Lu Anjing looked up and saw the person coming, and a smile instantly appeared in his eyes.

really came fast enough.

He looked at the man in front of him. It seemed that he was in a hurry when he came, and he didn't even have time to put on his coat.

Lu Anjing said slowly, "Big brother, your person, I will return to Zhao, although she tried... but I am a person with good willpower."

Lu Hejing looked at Lu Anjing as if he were looking at a dead man.


The veins on his forehead were exposed.

Lu Anjing didn't care about this, "Big brother, don't be angry, Miss Mu is drunk and it's normal to not be able to tell people apart."

Lu Hejing was stimulated on the spot, he rushed up with one stride, grabbed Lu Anjing's collar, and clenched his other hand into a fist, clearly intending to attack Lu Anjing.

Xue Yan was so frightened that she coughed twice, interrupting the confrontation between the two.

Lu and Jing then noticed that there was another person in the corner.

Xue Yan stood up with her head lowered, walked quickly to the two of them, reached out to grab Lu Anjing, smiled and said to Lu Hejing, "Mr. Lu, I won't bother you and Miss Mu..."

Then, pull Lu Anjing to leave quickly.


The relationship between these two brothers is really not good.

It is simply that enemies meet, and they are particularly jealous.

Lu Anjing glanced at Xue Yan, feeling a little better, "You're quite interesting."

Xue Yan, "...?"

Xue Yan looked at Lu Anjing coldly, "Although you are my boss, I did not sign a contract of prostitution, so don't think of me otherwise!"

She rejects unspoken rules.

Lu Anjing chuckled lightly.

At that time, Xue Yan had let go of him and walked forward.

Lu Anjing gave a wicked smile, stretched out his hand and dragged the person back.

Xue Yan was shocked. When she was about to struggle, she heard him say, "Don't you want to know how Lu Hejing will react?"

Xue Yan was speechless, "..." Can't believe that you are such a person? Want to listen to the corner?

Although I despise you, my body is very honest.

Xue Yan honestly took two steps back with Lu Anjing, and then stood outside the box.

at the same time.

Mu Yu was too scared to open her eyes.

In just two minutes, she seemed to have walked between heaven and hell.

She never thought that Lu Hejing would appear here! ! !

Lu Anjing, this beast who kills a thousand knives!

actually called Lu Hejing over?

And the people in the box never finished?

Xue Yan was there just now?

Mu Yu felt a little ashamed at this time, but she didn't want to have any other emotions, because she clearly knew that in the whole box now, she and Lu Hejing were the only ones left.

Even with her eyes closed, Mu Yu could feel Lu Hejing's anger and gloom.

Mu Yu was so frightened that she curled up.

Even so, she pretended to be drunk and dared not open her eyes.

It's just this feeling, it's really tormenting...

is like a degree and a second like a year.

Another two minutes passed.

Mu Yao heard Lu Hejing's almost gloomy voice.

"Stop pretending, open your eyes, I know you're not drunk."

Lu Hejing was a little distressed.

He treated Mu Yu as a little princess to pet him, but what happened?

She is so shameless?

Dumped him first.

And then condescended to hook up with other people?

When he received the news from Lu Anjing, he still didn't believe it.

Until he saw her turn her head on the sofa.

At that moment, his emotions could no longer be controlled, and his whole mentality collapsed.

He held Mu Jing in his palm, and he didn't even do anything excessive to her, but she actually slapped him with facts?

This slap is really loud!

She can't wait to find the gold owner?

Very good, he fulfilled her!

Mu Jing opened her eyes in fear, she curled up into a ball, not daring to look at Lu Hejing's gloomy eyes.

"I, I can explain..." Mu Yi murmured.

"Oh? Explain? Then you explain!" Lu Hejing sat on the sofa, reached out and clasped her chin, forcing Mu Jing to look at him.

Mu Yu's eyes were red, and she was shivering with fright.

The whole person was a little overwhelmed.

This was the first time I saw Lu Hejing after the breakup.

She was so scared...

"He, Jing..." Mu Jing finally uttered two words, her chin was buckled, and there were bursts of pain.

Lu Hejing's eyes were scarlet, and after letting go of her chin, before Mu Yu could breathe a sigh of relief, Lu Hejing raised his hand and slapped it **** Mu Yu's face.

"Bitch! I hold you as a little princess in my hand, but you are sleazy to hook up with others? Before you get any benefit, you start rushing to dedicate yourself!

And I spent so much thought and money on you, don't you want to send all the bones to my stomach? "

Lu Hejing said fiercely.

The last sentence frightened Mu Yu trembling all over.


He, he, he must be crazy, right?

"Since you like devotion so much, then pay back what you owe me first!"

After the words were finished, a frightened look flashed in Mu Yao's eyes.

Lu Hejing pressed Muyu on the sofa.

He has endured not touching her in the past few years, but she is better... Since he doesn't know how to cherish and is so shameless, why did he take advantage of others?

After all, he spent so much thought and money on her, and even his reputation was ruined for her...

Lu Hejing's crazy appearance frightened Mu Jing.

In her eyes, Lu Hejing has never treated her like this, even if they broke up, he has never been so crazy...

The power disparity is huge, Mu Yu is not an opponent, let alone Lu Hejing who struggles, but the more she struggles, the more angry Lu Hejing is...

Outside the box.

In fact, the sound insulation of this box is not bad, but there is too much movement inside, so naturally, I accidentally heard a few words.

Although I didn't hear it all, I could hear that Lu Hejing was very angry.

In this regard, Lu Anjing has hidden merit and fame.

And before leaving, he also instructed the staff here to prepare two sets of clothes, which will be sent in later.

Lu Anjing: I am really a good man!

Xue Yan, "..."

Lu Anjing tilted his head to look at Xue Yan, "I'll take you home."

Xue Yan, "...No need."

Lu Anjing said seriously, "It's not safe to go back alone at night, especially if you're like this..."

Xue Yan nodded and got into the car.

She immediately shared what just happened to Chacha.

Chacha, "???" Wow, does Lu Anjing know how to play like that?

What a ruthless man!

Who said that Lu Anjing was kind-hearted and cared too much?

Which stupid X is blind?

Mr. Lu: ...... I am blind.

(end of this chapter)