Chapter 1926: Hard to be a Queen (50)

Chapter 1926 It's hard to be a queen (50)

Shadow 50

Qi's father and Qi's mother were afraid of putting pressure on Chacha.

Had a meal together and left.

Of course, I didn’t leave Anjo, just left the villa and went to live elsewhere.

The Qi family's property in Ancheng is more than one villa.

After Qi's father and Qi's mother left.

Cha Cha looked at Qi Yubai and tugged at the corner of his shirt, "You say, are my uncle and aunt satisfied with me?"

Qi Yubai, "Naturally very satisfied."

The little girl is so cute, how could she be dissatisfied?

Hearing this, Cha Cha was relieved.

Just be satisfied.

As for Father Hua, I guess he is also very satisfied with Qi Yubai...



Lu Anjing began to dig a pit for Lu Hejing.

The night before the show Allure was broadcast, Mu Yu was on the hot search again.

Of course, Lu Anjing bought this hot search.

At the same time, Lu Anjing went to the navy to spread the news that Mu Yao had disappeared for more than a month.

The navy pretended to be a passerby and deliberately set the pace on the Internet, arousing the suspicion of netizens.

But because Muyu has replied on Weibo before, there are still some netizens who feel that Muyu has just become low-key...

After all, she is going home to be a wealthy wife. Maybe the Lu family thinks she shouldn't show up?

Now that the matter has been on the hot search, Lu Anjing will definitely not give up.

Lu Anjing made a big move directly.

Just when the netizens were arguing, an account suddenly broke the news, claiming that he had been unable to contact Mu Jing for a long time.

The people who eat melons, "..." suddenly smelled the smell of melons.


Another person said that the accounts under Muyu's name have not had any consumption records for more than a month.

If the netizens thought that some people were making a fuss just now, then it would be a ghost story!

How can a normal person not have any consumption records within a month? Don't eat, drink or shop?

Especially a young girl like Mu Yu.

And also a female star.

At the very least, beautiful clothes, jewelry, various beauty products, etc., can never be without any consumption records...

This is clearly a serious problem.

The words    caused a thousand waves!

Countless melon eaters began to scrutinize information about Muyu and Lu Hejing.

This steak is amazing.

Things do have serious problems.

Not only Muyu has a problem, but even Lu Hejing has a problem.

As Mujing's boyfriend, Lu Hejing has been like a ghost this month, and seems to be deliberately weakening his sense of existence.

Netizens began to feel that the reconciliation between Lu Hejing and Mu Jing was also a big problem.

At the beginning, Mu Yu broke up so firmly, and the reconciliation of the two was after they were photographed... At this point in time, people had to make all kinds of speculations.

Even some netizens have their brains wide open.

[Recently addicted to detective games, make an unreliable guess: Could it be a drama where an ex-boyfriend murdered his ex-girlfriend because of love and hate? 】

[Upstairs, the brain hole is really open. After all, President Lu has a bright future, so it shouldn't be like this. 】

【It is also possible to lose your head. It is said that Mu Yu attended the Qingcheng production team’s final banquet that night, so the question is, why did Lu Hejing appear at the door of that store? 】

【Actually, this matter is easy to solve, as long as Mu Yao shows her face, all problems will be solved easily. 】

【…Am I the only one who thinks this was deliberately fired by the Allure crew for the sake of popularity? The young couple might be living with He Meimei! 】

[Whether it's for the heat or not, let's take Muyu's lack of any consumption records in the last month, there's definitely something wrong here! I recommend calling the police! ! ! 】

【…It’s not like this, is it? Call the police? If it causes trouble for the uncles, that's not good. 】

Netizens were discussing and even arguing about it.

When they were arguing, Lu Anjing kindly asked someone to call the police to report the case.

After all, the disappearance of Twilight is a fact...

The police acted very quickly. First, they verified Muyu's recent consumption records and itinerary based on the existing evidence.

Immediately launched an investigation after discovering that Mui had not had any consumption records and itineraries for more than a month.

The first people to be investigated were the director of the Allure crew, Lu Anjing, Xue Yan and others.

is the person who attended the killing feast that day.

That day was the last time Twilight appeared under surveillance.

Lu Anjing and Xue Yan were the last ones to leave at the banquet.

They are with Twilight.

Lu Anjing was very cooperative with the investigation.

Xue Yan was also very cooperative. What the two of them said was basically the same as what the surveillance video outside the store showed. After Lu Hejing appeared, they left.

So the last person who saw Mu Jing and was with Mu Jing was still Lu Hejing.

However, since Lu Anjing and Xue Yan eavesdropped outside the box for a while, and asked the staff to prepare clothes... I asked Lu Anjing a few more questions.

Lu Anjing, "...I'm just kind, they are so fierce in the box, and there must be something wrong with the clothes, so let the staff prepare the clothes, it's not a problem, after all, one is my brother and the other is me The heroine of the drama, if something goes wrong, I'm also in trouble."

This is true.

After a series of investigations, the police targeted Lu Hejing.

As for the location, it was the villa where Lu Hejing often lived.

Lu Hejing is not a fool either.

When he saw that Muyu was on the hot search again, he hurriedly moved Muyu.

Therefore, when the police conducted the first investigation on him, Lu Hejing did not reveal any flaws.

"Mu Yu is indeed my girlfriend, but I haven't seen her for many days."

"Do lovers have to contact every day?"

"I'm very busy with work, not to mention that the company has a lot of problems recently, I have to deal with it, and I don't have time to care about her every day."

"She is already an adult. She can take care of herself and has her own freedom. She can go wherever she wants, and she doesn't have to tell me that I'm his boyfriend, and I'm not the one who watches her every day. How is it possible? Do you know all her whereabouts?"

In the end, Lu Hejing even cooperated to let the police enter his villa to check, but there was no trace of Mujing.

However, this just happened to prove that something might have happened to Mu Yu.

The only person who has a close relationship with Mu Yu, also lost contact...

Although the police kept the progress of Muyu's disappearance a secret, many paparazzi were pervasive.

After their hot search on Muyu, someone keenly ran to Lu's Film and Television Company and began to guard Lu Hejing.

This careless, really squatted to some news.

Almost the policeman left, and the paparazzi posted about Lu Hejing.

[Mu Yu is missing, suspected of being killed, the police have intervened to investigate...]

The hot search was once again dominated by Muyu's incident.

actually disappeared?

The melons in the hands of the people who eat melons are directly scared away. This development... is also terrible!

(end of this chapter)