Chapter 1954: The village owner is courteous (23)

Chapter 1954 The village owner is polite (23)

The owner of the village is polite 23

Green Mist responded, and after Cha Cha left the dungeon, she just glanced at Qing Ge with a pity.

But that's it.

She has always been a clear-cut person.

Qing Dove not only made a mistake, but also didn't know how to repent, and even at such a time, he said all the words in his heart.

Qingge did not really integrate with Cuiyun Village from beginning to end.

did not treat them as family.

He even regards the savior as an enemy. Such a state of mind can be called vicious.

If you let the tiger go back to the mountain, I am afraid that one day, it will bring them endless trouble.

Therefore, the green mist was only a pity for the light pigeon for a moment.

Even disgust.

Lvwu has also learned a lot of tricks since following Chacha’s side.

She opened the prison door and walked slowly to Qingge, "Don't blame me, you can only blame yourself, the village owner is so good to us, you still hate her, maybe one day you will stab Cuiyun Village with a knife On the sisters in..."

Qingge looked at Lu Wu in horror, "Sister Lu Wu... I know I was wrong, I..."

Qingge tried to beg for mercy, but unfortunately, Lv Mist took down the knife and dealt with Qingge directly.

Green Mist put away the knife and looked calm.

But, when he looked down and saw the blood on his skirt, Green Mist frowned uncontrollably, and wanted to go back and change clothes...

The    light pigeon issue has been completely resolved at this point.


However, some people are not too happy.

Xue Qingyu followed Cha Cha, "What about the girl who hooked up with me? When will you give me an explanation?"

Cha Cha was entangled by Xue Qingyu and had no choice but to answer, "Qingge is dead."

Xue Qingyu stood there for a while, hesitating for a moment, then he stretched out his hand and pulled back Cha Cha, who was going forward.

With a bit of joy in his delicate eyebrows, he asked, "You killed her for me?"

Cha Cha was a little speechless, "...don't talk nonsense, I didn't kill anyone."

Xue Qingyu continued, "So I'm so important in your heart?"

Speaking of this, Xue Qingyu couldn't help but be happy, and there were smiles between his brows and eyes.

He always thought that Cha Cha was on a whim and took a fancy to his beauty before snatching him back, even though she told him some love words, but now, looking at Cha Cha, the more he looked, the more he felt that she loved him very much.

That girl hooked up with him, she didn't care much on the surface, but in fact, because of him, she was so jealous that she killed someone...

Xue Qingyu was extremely happy at this moment.

Chacha noticed the change in Xue Qingyu's mood, and suddenly felt a little complicated.

Especially after seeing the joy of Xue Qingyu.


Is this something to be happy about?

Unfortunately, Xue Qingyu was still there to supplement his brain and moved himself.

Chacha has no choice but to let Xue Qingyu make up his mind...

She is so hard.

However, after this incident, the relationship between Xue Qingyu and Cha Cha also improved by leaps and bounds.

is not as awkward as before.

However, after the relationship has improved, Chacha often feels headaches because of it.

Because someone is really worried.

During the day, Xue Qingyu would follow her when Chacha had to supervise the work.

Originally there was no problem with following her.

The problem is that Xue Qingyu has a lot of other things to do.

As long as Cha Cha looks at others more, Xue Qingyu will start to make a fuss.

Chacha, "???"

Could it be that after he lost his memory, his IQ also dropped?

They are all adults, what's the fuss about?

Chacha was deeply puzzled by this, but there was nothing he could do.

But fortunately, someone is easy to coax, you can coax someone instantly with a kiss.

Well, if one kiss is not enough, then two kisses...

The only downside of    is... the whole village knows that the two of them are in a good relationship, and the village owner is very fond of the robbed husband...

Ten days later, the houses next to Cuiyun Village were partially built.

According to the drawings, there are still parts that have not been completed.

However, this progress has been very satisfying.

Especially Chacha, look, this is what she has personally beaten.

She was involved from start to finish.

This sense of participation is overwhelming.

She loves it!

Next, just finish the rest of the project and let those old people, women and children live in.


this day.

Zhao Jiu came to Cuiyun Village again.

brings a message.

It was said that Wen Yue, Mrs. Wen, Father Wen, and Han Feng all returned to Qingcheng and sent letters to report that they were safe.

Zhao Jiu felt that there was a problem.

According to his guess with Cha Cha, it is impossible for Han Feng to return to Qingcheng without incident.

How could the Wen family miss such a good opportunity?

When they got married, they were very reluctant.

Wen Yue is Father Wen's apex again... I'm afraid there is a big problem here.

Cha Cha was slightly surprised.

After thinking for a moment, she spoke up.

"Did the cold wind turn over? Those three people were controlled by the cold wind?"

Want to kill the cold wind, and then be seen by the cold wind?

Of course, Cha Cha didn't think there was anything wrong with her guess, because she knew people like Wen Yue too well.

Wen Yue is far more cruel than Father Wen.

Onyue is the kind of person who can do anything to achieve a purpose.

And Father Wen, maybe in some respects, it’s still a little bit worse.

Therefore, in order to achieve her goal, Wen Yue would never allow the cold wind to return to Qingcheng with them.

In this situation, it is obvious that the cold wind has controlled them, which is why this situation is caused.

That letter announcing peace, I'm afraid it may contain a mystery.

Chacha asked Zhao Jiu to take out the letter, stared at the letter for a while, and then put the letter into the water.

Sure enough, two words appeared on the letter: Help.

This is a game that the original owner and Father Wen played before.

Writing on paper with special paint, the handwriting will disappear after a while, but when placed in water, the handwriting just now will appear.

Chacha's eyes gradually showed a bit of coldness.

Actually at such a time, using this kind of trick?

It seems that Father Wen is really desperate, otherwise he wouldn't use this method...

is probably a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

If you guessed correctly, the situation of the Wen family is very bad now.

Zhao Jiu looked at the letter and was a little surprised, "What should I do now?"

asked them for help, which means that Father Wen and the others were exhausted and could not find any other way.

Chacha's voice was indifferent, "Go back and ask your grandfather to see what he means."

Zhao Jiu was in a complicated mood, "..."

Little cousin really doesn't know how to feel sorry for him as a cousin.

He ran from the capital to Cuiyun Village. Is it easy for him?

Before taking a breath, let him go back to find his grandfather?

It is outrageous to ride a horse.

Do you want to toss him hard?

Seeing that Zhao Jiu's face was not quite right, Cha Cha patted him on the shoulder, "You rest first, I will let someone else run, but you have to write a letter to your grandfather to explain the situation, and then I will take another token of yours. , you can enter the Zhao residence and give the letter to your grandfather."

Zhao Jiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cousin, you still know that you feel distressed..."

(end of this chapter)