Chapter 1966: The village owner is polite (35)

Chapter 1966 The village owner is polite (35)

The owner of the village is polite 35

Wen Yue talked about the pain of Father Wen.

Father Wen jumped up immediately, "If it wasn't for you, why would the cold wind follow my Wen family? You are shameless, and you have no match for the cold wind. You made a big mistake. You..."

At this moment, Cha Cha couldn't listen anymore, so Yoyo interrupted Father Wen's words.

"Actually, the reason why Wen Yue met Han Feng was not because he was saved by Han Feng, but because Han Feng was the thief who wanted to harm me!

And the cold wind was invited by Wen Yue, she wanted the cold wind to murder me and ruin my reputation.

It's just that I escaped, but she didn't succeed. "

Probably, this is called the wicked man's own grind?

Father Wen was stunned for a moment.

He stood there blankly, and after a while, he realized what Chacha said.

He looked down at Wen Yue.

His eyes almost spit fire.

"It's you! It's you who killed the Wen family! You bitch!"

Father Wen went to pinch Wen Yue like crazy.

He never thought that the source of everything was because of Wen Yue's cruel heart.

wanted to harm Wen Cha, but in the end, he almost caught up with the entire Wen family.

Father Wen was angry and angry.

His eyes were filled with hatred that he had never had before.

He hates! I hate myself for raising such a daughter!

Wen Yue also hates it.

Hate Chacha saying these things at this time!

clearly wanted to watch her and Father Wen kill each other.

Next to   , Lu Renyi stared at the current situation in a stunned manner.

This development has exceeded his imagination.

He just wanted to take 10,000 taels of silver and fly away.

He didn't want to put himself in.

Seeing that Lu Renyi wanted to escape, Cha Cha raised his leg and kicked the person to the ground.

Wen Yue realized that there was Lu Renyi next to her.

She struggled to ask Lu Renyi for help.

"Brother Lu! Help me, help me!" Don't you want ten thousand taels?

Lu Renyi is now unable to protect himself.

"I want to help you too, but what can I help you with!" Lu Renyi felt bad.

He thought Wen Yue was a little white rabbit.

Who would have thought, he was more ruthless than him.

It turned out that she provoked the cold wind because she wanted to murder the eldest Miss Wen family.

Lu Renyi soon realized that he might also be tricked by Wen Yue.

Lu Renyi thought about it, and he was going to teach Wen Yue a lesson.

He grabbed Wen Yue's hand and asked her for money angrily, "Give me 10,000 taels! Quickly give it to me!"

He took the money and left immediately!

Wen Yue was restrained by her father Wen and Lu Renyi at the same time, and she had no chance to escape.

Cha Cha watched this farce expressionlessly.

I don't know if the original owner will have feelings for Father Wen after seeing such a scene...

Some people are the most tempted and tempted by unprofitable interests.

Like Father Wen, after hearing what Wen Yue had done, the first reaction was to attack Wen Yue frantically instead of caring about the original owner...

Perhaps, the original owner should not have had expectations for Father Wen from the very beginning.

at this point.

Cha Cha turned around and left with no interest.

The affairs of the Wen family have nothing to do with her in the future.

Cha Cha took Xue Qingyu's hand and walked out of Wen's house.

When he saw several officers and soldiers at the door, Cha Cha casually reminded him.

"Something happened to the Wen family, you go and have a look."

Xue Qingyu held Cha Cha's hand in return, "My family Cha Cha has a kind heart."

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at him, "Be kind? Are you sure? I'm not a good person. I watched Wen Yue marry Han Feng with my own eyes. I didn't stop it and let it develop. Do you still think I have kindness?"

Did he filter her too hard?

Xue Qingyu nodded.

"I'm pretty sure."

If his family Chacha had no kindness, they would not stay in Cuiyun Village at all, nor would they abandon a stable life for the people of Cuiyun Village.

His tea is very sweet and delicious.

"Let's go back to the inn."


After all, the big dog is still alone in the inn.

Xue Qingyu took a few steps and suddenly said, "We're changing to another inn. It's already so late. The previous inn was a little far away, so I'll find an inn nearby to stay and meet up with Da Gouzi tomorrow."

Cha Cha, "...good."

I pretended not to see that you were disgusting the light bulb of Big Dog.

Xue Qingyu took tea into another inn with a natural expression.

and only got one room.

Xue Qingyu's excuse is also very high-sounding.

"With so many things happening tonight, it's safer for us to stay in one room, so we can take care of it if something happens."

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at him, "Do you think Lu Renyi can crawl over to find trouble, or do you think Wen Yue can escape the restraint of those two and run over to attack me?"

For now, they are very safe.

Xue Qingyu coughed unnaturally.

For a moment, he leaned beside Cha Cha.

"Chacha is daring, of course not afraid of these bad people, I am afraid, just take it to take care of my emotions, give me a sense of security, and let me sleep well, can you see?"

Chacha thought for a while, "Okay."

Anyway, she is not necessarily the one who suffers by sleeping in the same room.

Xue Qingyu's lips curled into a smile.


Late at night.

Xue Qingyu put two quilts on the bed.

"We each have a quilt, don't worry, Cha Cha, I won't take advantage of you."

Cha Cha snorted with an expressionless face.

Sorry, she didn't believe him.

A man's mouth, a deceiving ghost.

If he really had no other idea, he wouldn't have just one guest room.

However, since he said so, she can cooperate with him.

Chacha got into the bed very calmly.

Then, under the eyes of Xue Qingyu, he wrapped the quilt around his body without any hassle. From top to bottom, only a small head was exposed, and even his hands were wrapped in it.

She calmly glanced at Xue Qingyu.

At this moment, Xue Qingyu's gaze changed from calm to consternation.

"..." is quite confusing.

Wrap yourself into a silkworm baby!

He really didn't expect that she would still have this hand.

Xue Qingyu forced a calm walk over.

It's ok.

He was very happy to be able to sleep in the same bed with her.

Rounding up is equivalent to having a skin-to-skin relationship!

This is a qualitative change!

Great stride!

he can!

Xue Qingyu lay beside Chacha, looking at his silkworm baby tea with a bit of sadness.

Don't ask, just ask him is a gentleman.

does not take advantage of her.

Xue Qingyu stretched out a hand and patted the quilt on Cha Cha's body, "Go to bed earlier."

All started with brocade quilts, and I couldn't catch the soft little girl at all.

Cha Cha hummed, then closed his eyes.

Xue Qingyu, "..."

He silently went to Silkworm Baby Tea, and put a huddle beside him, hey, although it wasn't cheap, he could still hug him, but the quilt was too thick, and there was no feeling of touch across the quilt.

for a moment.

Chacha opened his eyes and looked at Xue Qingyu.

"What's the matter? Do you feel cold holding the quilt?" She asked him innocently.

Xue Qingyu, "..." I'm not cold at all!

I'm just a little covet for the person in the quilt!

(end of this chapter)