Chapter 1968: The owner of the village is courteous (end)

Chapter 1968 The owner of the village is courteous (End)

The owner of the village finished courteously

Zhao Jiu was stunned when she heard the words.

Obviously did not expect Chacha to have such a plan.

He always thought that the tea party would wait until Cuiyun Village had settled down before leaving.

Unexpectedly, she had the intention of guarding Cuiyun Village.

Zhao Jiu sighed.

wanted to persuade her, but felt that the Wen family might have caused her a lot of harm.

"No matter what you decide, I support you.

Also, the Zhao family will always be your most solid backing. Without the Wen family, there is still our Zhao family. "

Cha Cha responded with a gentle smile, "Thank you, cousin, next time, I will take Xue Qingyu back to see my grandfather."

Zhao Jiu, "Okay."

Xue Qingyu did not do anything excessive except for taking him as a rival in love and deliberately angering him.

Zhao Jiu did not stay in Cuiyun Village any longer.

Chacha came back and he left.

Lvwu looked at Zhao Jiu's leaving figure and couldn't help but watch it for a while.

Cha Cha vaguely sensed Lv Mist's thoughts.

Chacha, "Big cousin is actually pretty good."

Lvwu, "Yeah, Mr. Zhao is very good, thanks to Mr. Zhao for busying himself these days."

I have been busy for so long, never said bitterness or tiredness. I work silently, and my character is really good.

Cha Cha continued, "The eldest cousin is not married, nor has he made a marriage contract, so he probably doesn't have a sweetheart."

The voice fell.

Green Mist smiled embarrassedly.

"Zhaizhu, I didn't mean that."

Cha Cha said meaningfully, "I didn't say what you mean? What are you talking about?"

Green fog, "..." The village owner is getting worse and worse!

Lu Wu was teased for a few words and left with a blushing face.

Xue Qingyu grabbed Chacha's hand and dragged the man into his arms, "The big cousin is gone, you can only see me in the future!"

Chacha, "..." I don't want to talk to you!

Cuiyun Village has two dogs besides the big dog. Does she have to close her eyes when she talks to them?

Vinegar jar!

After Green Mist ran back to the room, he sat there and sighed.

Young Master Zhao is good, but not her home.

is not someone she can delusional.

She doesn't deserve it.

After she was caught in this stockade by those bandits, she never had the chance to love someone again.

Now, the owner of the village has given her life and a new life.

All she has to do is to follow the village owner and guard Cuiyun Village.

As for Zhao Jiu, she can't be too delusional.

I just hope he can marry a woman he loves in the future.

From now on.

She will silently bury this thought in the deepest part of her heart and will never show it again.

Green fog's eyes are firm.

Hide this love silently.


Another ten days passed.

The houses outside Cuiyun Village are completely built.

Cuiyun Village also ushered in another hectic life.

They want to settle the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

So far, life has settled down.

All the people in Cuiyun Village have become good people and living Bodhisattvas in the hearts of many people.

Everyone wants to have a stable life.

rather than precarious.

Cha Cha looked at the country he had knocked down, and was extremely satisfied.

Cuiyun Village is her country!

She will work hard to make Cuiyun Village better.

In the past ten days, Chacha found that Xue Qingyu went to the study from time to time, and often saw no one all day during the day.

And the time to be jealous has also become less.

It's like there's something urgent to deal with.

Until this night.

Xue Qingyu sat on the edge of the bed, seriously waiting for tea.

Cha Cha was stunned when he saw him.

"Why are you here?"

Xue Qingyu, "...not here, where should I be?"

Chacha blurted out, "Study, you should be in the study."

Xue Qingyu smiled, "So, the master of the village thinks that I have ignored you these days? Are you unhappy?"

He said and stood up to hold Chacha.

hugged the person in his arms.

Cha Cha, "!!! I'm not unhappy."

He doesn't stick to her, she can't be happy.

Xue Qingyu sighed and put his head on her shoulder, "But I'm not happy, I'm very unhappy, I've been busy for so long, you don't care about me, do you not love me anymore?"

Listening to someone's resentful words, Cha Cha has a complicated mood.

"I'm just you, the husband of the village. I don't care who else you care about? And don't you have something to deal with? You are so busy, it must be a big deal. I will wait for you to deal with it quietly, okay?"

Chacha blinked, as if thinking about him.

She wouldn't bother him, causing him to slow things down.

Xue Qingyu thought for a moment, "Then treat what you said is true."

Chacha wanted to refute, but what she said was true.

But seeing the blue and black under Xue Qingyu's eyes, she silently swallowed the words she wanted to refute.

Okay, for the sake of his hard work, she will let him.

He carried Cha Cha to the bedside, pulled her to sit together, and looked at her with a heavy face.

"I have something to tell you."

Chacha blinked, "You said."

Seems like it’s still a big deal?

Xue Qingyu said seriously, "Chacha, I may be your little white face in the future, and I have to rely on you to support me."

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, she was a little surprised.

Suddenly, she slowly asked a question, "Didn't I keep raising you all this time? Could it be that you're raising me?"

Xue Qingyu, "..." That's all, he was sloppy.

Xue Qingyu sighed and grabbed Chacha's hand, "I mean, I...have nothing, no money, no name, no power, will you still love me?"

Chacha was a little speechless.

She felt that Xue Qingyu's head was not normal.

She sighed and asked him with a speechless face.

"When I grabbed you to Cuiyun Village, you had nothing but injuries! What I saw was your face...

Oh, and you too. "

She did not covet his beauty.

She didn't covet his body either...

Well, she is very good.

Xue Qingyu subconsciously touched his face.

"Then you are not allowed to look at other people's faces!!!"

As soon as the    voice fell, he felt that something was not right.


Did he rely on his face?

Xue Qingyu tightly grabbed Chacha's little hand, "I have never told you something, I was hunted down because my family had a throne to inherit, and I am the current prince.

My imperial brothers want to get rid of me and then **** the throne. "

Cha Cha nodded calmly, "What about now? Have your royal brothers been solved by you?"

looks well-behaved, but when he asks, he is very arrogant.

Xue Qingyu was shocked.

His family's Chacha reacted like this?

That's it?

Are you not surprised?

How calm?

Xue Qingyu finished the matter silently, "Now, those imperial brothers have been settled, and the candidates for the prince have been decided. I have cooperated with the new prince, and I will help him obtain the throne. After that, he promises not to No one bothers us anymore."

After these things are resolved, from now on, he will no longer have any worries in his heart.

Chacha, "..." Actually, I know it.

But, I didn't expose you.

He thought that his men came to Cuiyun Village, didn't she know?

She just pretended not to know.

Xue Qingyu hugged Chacha and took advantage of Chacha's reaction, and pressed the person onto the bed.

Cha Cha subconsciously pulled the quilt.

Xue Qingyu grabbed her other hand, her voice was gentle and coaxing, "Anyway, I'm also your husband, it's been so long, if you don't take this matter seriously, are you thinking of arresting a few more times? Is this little white face coming back to **** me off?"

Chacha, "I don't have it! Um..."

She loves him so much, he still thinks about it all day long! ! !

Unfortunately, the rest was blocked by Xue Qingyu...


There is no more Miss Wen family in the world, and no more seventh prince Xue Qingyu.

Only the owner of Cuiyun Village and her husband.

And Cuiyun Village became a paradise for many people later.

There is no calculation, no fame and fortune here.

There is only a piece of laughter.

(end of this chapter)