Chapter 1979: Prince Allure (11)

Chapter 1979 Prince Allure (11)

Prince Allure 11

Su Shilang was speechless when he heard Su Hanxiao's words.

I don't know who gave him the confidence.

When King An first saw him, she felt that King An's eyes were not very good.

Now it seems that An Wang really has a bad eye.

Fortunately, she took advantage of the opportunity to make a profit.

Although she still wanted to continue reaping the benefits, she really couldn't bear the look of Su Hanxiao's idiot.

"If you think she wants to get your attention, that is to get your attention. Just be happy. If something happens in the future, don't come and ask me."

Su Shilang's words are serious.

She was wrong, she should have another daughter while she was young.

Since this idiot can't support the wall, she should pick a few concubines as soon as possible and have a few baby daughters!

This idiot, she doesn't want it anymore!

Su Shilang turned his head and left.

Too lazy to pay attention to Su Hanxiao.

Su smiled and didn't know why, so he was still complacent there.

He misses Alu a little now.

He was going to find Alu.

Su Han left the Shi Lang's mansion happily.

As for Su Shilang?

On the same day, I directly picked two or three concubines who looked pleasing to the eye, and locked them in the bedroom to make people.


An palace.

Su Han smiled after being thrown out.

Cha Cha went back to the yard to lie down and listen to the music.

Xiao Beizi saw that she had no intention of being sad, so he asked in a low voice, "My lord? Are you really letting go of Su Gongzi?"

Cha Cha asked back, "What else?"

She has no feelings for Su Hanxiao.

And Su Hanxiao also killed the original owner.

If she wasn't afraid of the collapse of the plane, she would have killed Su Hanxiao directly.

Xiao Beizi was full of joy, "The minions are happy, the minions are happy for you! There are thousands of good sons, and there are countless beautiful ones!

The lord is not hanging from a tree, the minions are too happy, you see, in addition to that tree, there is a whole forest waiting for you! "

Chacha, "..." doesn't have to be the case.

I just changed a tree.

She waved her hand indifferently, "I don't need the whole forest, how is the boy I asked you to watch last time? Why doesn't he come to the palace to find me?"

Xiao Beizi was stunned for a while, and immediately wanted to realize that the prince was asking Ye Ming from Qili Pavilion.

"This... may be because the people under my command are not doing well, and they also sent me news two days ago. In the past two days, there is no news."

Xiao Beizi whispered.

Cha Cha, “…”

No news for two days?

Will something happen to her poor little family?

Cha Cha jumped up from the soft couch, "Go!"

Xiao Beizi was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, the prince's figure had already drifted past him.

Xiao Beizi quickly followed.

Is this going to find that little boy?

Hey, the lord is so caring, did he fall in love with that Ye Ming?

He thought about it for a while and was shocked.

Your Highness, isn't he planning to chase this Ye Ming again?

That's really...

Another tree with a crooked neck was hanged.

Xiao Beizi wanted to cry but had no tears.

There is an entire forest, so why always pick a tree?

Sad, sad!


Ye Ming's deed of sale has an address on it.

At first glance, Chacha wrote it down, so he took Xiao Beizi directly to Ye Ming's house.

Xiao Beizi looked at the dilapidated house, and the door looked crumbling. He reached out his hand and knocked on the door in disgust.

knocked several times, but no one answered.

Xiao Beizi knocked again, but still no one answered.

Cha Cha frowned, raised his leg and kicked the crumbling door directly to the ground.

(end of this chapter)