Chapter 1997: Prince Allure (29)

Chapter 1997 Prince Allure (29)

Prince Allure 29

Chacha got impatient after listening to it

is not only irritable but also wants to hit people.

"..." Could her poor little one be able to beep?

Cha Cha silently raised his feet and left.

Su Han smiled and was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had talked about Chacha's mind, and that Chacha also began to dislike Ye Ming.

Su Han went ashore with a smile on his face and eyes.

This plan, he completed it very successfully!

I believe that Alu will definitely praise him.

Cha Cha went ashore and went directly back to Prince An’s Mansion.

At that time.

Ye Ming is still outside.

He deliberately was not found by Xiao Beizi.

Soon, Ye Ming felt that he was being followed.

He stopped in an alley.

"Come out." The voice was indifferent.

Suddenly, a woman came out of the dark, and that woman was an egret.

The egret has been spying in secret.

As soon as he saw that Ye Ming was having trouble with Prince An, he took the opportunity to follow him directly.

"Young Master Ye." Egret shouted with a smile.

Ye Ming looked at her vigilantly, "Who are you?"

Egret, "Young Master Ye doesn't need to know who I am, just knowing that I am here to help you is enough."

"Help me?" Ye Ming asked back, "Help me with what?"

Egret smiled slightly, "It's really unfortunate, I happened to be on the shore, and I happened to see that scene, Young Master Ye and Prince An had an unpleasant quarrel, but Prince An didn't rush to chase you, but told Young Master Su again. A few words, although I don't know what they are talking about... But I'm really worried about Young Master Ye."

Ye Ming's face changed again and again, he raised his feet and was about to leave, "It has nothing to do with you."

Egret shook his head, "It's related, let's not hide it from Young Master Ye, the first time I saw Young Master Ye, I fell in love with Young Master Ye at first sight, but it is a pity that Young Master Ye has a home.

But if the prince is considered a good person, that's all.

Now this Prince An is clearly entangled with that Young Master Su, I am afraid that in the future, Prince An's Mansion will still leave a place for Young Master Su..."

Ye Ming's emotions began to feel a little unbearable.

"Stop talking! What are you trying to do?"

Egret continued to fool around, "Young Master Ye, I just don't see you suffering, so I want to remind you.

You must know that when King An smiled at Su Han in the past, he put people on the top of his heart and held them, but didn't he say that he didn't love him anymore?

turned her head and was with you, and asked your majesty to marry her. Those who knew it thought you were in true love, and those who didn't knew she thought she was using you to eradicate emotional wounds! "

Egret's eyes showed a proud look, look, she was stimulated by her after a few words?

Since Ye Meditation wants love, she will break Ye Ming's fantasy.

"King An can empathize and don't fall in love with you, and you can fall in love with others in the future, Young Master Ye, don't you want to keep people by your side forever and let her love you alone?"

Egret's words are very seductive.

Ye Ming was quickly bewitched, "Can you help me?"

A smile crossed the corner of the egret's lips, "Of course!"

"I can help you keep people by your side forever. If you are happy and happy, I will be happy with you, and if you live happily, I will gradually forget you..." The egret fooled people simply sparing no effort.

Ye Ming nodded.

Although his eyes became blurred, his heart was really clear, so he quietly watched her fooling around.

after awhile.

Ye Ming left that path.

took a few steps and ran into Xiao Beizi.

Xiao Beizi, "Young Master Ye! I've found you!"

Ye Ming, "Let's go back."

Xiao Beizi was afraid that he would be sad, so he didn't dare to say anything else.

Egret watched all this not far away, in a very good mood, her great cause is about to be completed.

Really, it was all in her plan.

(end of this chapter)