Chapter 2000: Prince Allure (32)

Chapter 2000 Prince Allure (32)

Prince Allure 32

The streets and alleys are full of all kinds of amusing incidents between An Wang and Su Hanxiao.

The things that happened in the past were once again brought up as talking points.

When Xiao Beizi reported to Cha Cha, his face changed, "These people are too much! The prince and Young Master Ye just quarreled for a few words, and they guessed like this, clearly not expecting you and Young Master Ye to reconcile Beautiful..."

Cha Cha looked calm.

Now that this game is set, it must be played to the end.

Looks like it's time for a good show.

Chacha glanced at Xiao Beizi with a serious look, "You help me do one thing."

Xiao Beizi, "...?"

Chacha hooked his fingers, and Xiaobeizi immediately leaned over.

Hearing the words, Xiao Beizi understood in seconds.


"Your Highness? You really don't like Young Master Ye, do you?"

Chacha, "Don't screw me up on this matter, it's very important!"

Xiao Beizi responded.


Xiao Beizi called away the person serving Ye Ming.

"Your Highness said, since Young Master Ye moved to this yard, it means that Young Master Ye can be self-reliant, so there is no need to keep this maid or something."

dropped this sentence and Xiao Beizi left.

Ye Ming went back to his room in a disappointed mood.

It looks like he has fallen out of favor.

Have you been treated like this before becoming an official princess?

I'm afraid it's over.

A few people who have a good relationship with Xiao Beizi asked about the situation.

Xiao Beizi didn't hide it either.

"I am from the lord, and my attitude represents the attitude of the lord."

The servants in the palace, spread the word that night.

It seems that the rumors from the outside world are true.

The relationship between Prince Ye and Young Master Ye is really vulnerable. What Prince likes is still Su Hanxiao.

That's right, that's the person who is on the top of the prince's heart.

Does it mean that you don’t love if you don’t love it?

There was a lot of discussion in the palace.

They are all guessing when the lord will cancel his wedding with Young Master Ye.

That Young Master Ye is also pitiful.

I thought that I could fly up the branches and become a phoenix, but if I didn't take precautions, anyone should have their fate. A sparrow is still a sparrow, and it can't become a phoenix...

Then, Ye Ming was stimulated and locked himself in the yard, seemingly very sad.

The spy who placed the egret in the Prince An's mansion reported all the situation in the mansion.

The egret is overjoyed.

Everything was as she expected.

She knew that King An couldn't really put down Su Hanxiao.

It is purely Su Hanxiao's previous work, but if Su Hanxiao takes the initiative, it will not become such a scene.

Now, the timing is just right.

is just right.

was just one last blow.

Egret squinted his eyes and let the arranged spies quietly send a letter to Ye Ming.

She believed that in this case, Ye Ming would definitely be bewitched by her and put the medicine in the porcelain bottle into King An's meal.

The next day.

Ye Ming waited for the person sent by Egret.

Ye Ming nodded in agreement with Egret's proposal without hesitation.

The egret was ecstatic.

As long as there is news from Prince An's mansion again, she can enter the palace and seek to usurp the throne.

Oh, you can't say that you are trying to usurp the throne.

After all, the throne should belong to her Bai family.

The Bai family has made great contributions to Shuoyue, what's wrong with wanting the throne?

Without them fighting all over the world, would Feng Yu have a firm seat on the throne?

Egret and General Bai quietly waited for the good news from the spies.

This time, they won!

The two looked at each other, and both saw their greed for power in each other's eyes.


An palace.

Cha Cha eats the food slowly.

"Today's food tastes good." She complimented.

Xiao Beizi, "..." I don't know what medicine is in Wang Ye's gourd.

(end of this chapter)