Chapter 2009: Prince Allure (41)

Chapter 2009 Prince Allure (41)

Prince Allure 41

Cha Cha accidentally saw Ye Dabao's eyes and was almost disgusted.

did not wait for the mother leaf to speak.

Pulling Ye Ming back directly, he looked at Ye Dabao indifferently, "Who allowed you to look at this king? How dare you look at this king with such disgusting eyes! Come on, I dug out his eyes for this king. !"

This sudden change shocked Ye Mu and Ye Dabao.

Where did Ye Dabao think that such a good-looking prince would speak so cruelly?

He almost subconsciously hid behind Mother Ye, wanting to seek protection.

Chacha didn't care at all.

Xiao Beizi directly called a dozen people over.

He is tall and big, and he looks like a trainer, the kind that is not easy to mess with.

Ye Dabao was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground.

"Ah ah ah! Mother help!"

Mother Ye, "!!!"

Mother Ye swallowed and was a little scared.

I heard that these princes are not easy to provoke. She didn't feel anything at first. Compared with Ye Ming, she was a prospective princess. Now that she saw this battle, she realized the gap between herself and the other party.

"Wang, wangye, Dabao just worships you and has no other meaning. How can I say that he is also A Ming's brother. If you really do it, A Ming will not have to quarrel with you? If it affects your relationship, it will be bad. ."

The voice of    just fell.

Ye Ming slapped his face directly, "Your Highness, you don't need to care about my emotions. Whether the two of the Ye family live or die has nothing to do with me."

Mother Ye, "...?"

"You little bastard!" Mother Ye cursed out in anger, listen to what they said!

Because she often scolds Ye Ming, she comes when she opens her mouth. She didn't think much about it at the moment. As soon as she finished speaking, Mother Ye realized that she had said the wrong thing.

She looked at King An tremblingly.

"My lord, I-I didn't mean that, I..."

Chacha was too lazy to pay attention to her.

turned his head to look at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming unfolded the blood book in his hand indifferently.

"It doesn't matter what you mean, but, you can remember this blood book, it was written by you, from now on, you and I will cut off the relationship between mother and son, and have nothing to do with you, whether I live or die, it has nothing to do with you .

Now, why did you find it? Are you greedy for glory and wealth, or do you want to come and say sorry to me and apologize to me? Shouldn't you sell me into Qili Pavilion for Ye Dabao? "

Mother Ye was taken aback by the question.

She looked at the blood book, then looked at the face of King An next to Ye Ming, and the person standing behind them, Ye Mu was scared.

She chose the latter one among the questions asked by Ye Ming.

"I, I'm here to see if you're doing well, and then apologize to you, it's my fault, I shouldn't have sold you to Qi Li Pavilion..." Having said that, Mother Ye had no regrets in her eyes.

Knowing this was the case, she sent Ye Dabao to Qili Pavilion as well.

Maybe now, the princess-to-be is the treasure of her family.

If it wasn't for her, where would Ye Ming be today?

This little beast is good, and he forced her to apologize without losing her face?

is simply too much!

However, they were so many at the moment that she didn't dare to say anything.

Mother Ye's mind turned fast.

Ye Ming tightly clenched the blood book in his hand, and then looked at Ye Dabao's trashy appearance, he couldn't help sneering in his heart, who is trash?

I'm afraid it's a delicious and lazy Ye Dabao!

A piece of waste, no brains.

Leaving Mother Ye, I don't know how to live.

Ye Ming put away the blood book and said indifferently, "I hope you two will not bother me again in the future. Of course, it's best not to let me hear crazy words and slander the princess. You two can't afford it."

(end of this chapter)