Chapter 2018: Master is on top (5)

Chapter 2018 The Master is Above (5)

Master is on top 5

Tang Yu noticed the slightly changed aura, and silently retracted her gaze, not daring to ask any more questions.


Cha Cha took him to Xian Shui Sect.

The two landed firmly on the ground.

Immediately a disciple came to greet him.

The disciples saluted respectfully, "Your Highness."

Cha Cha maintained his image with a calm expression. After all, he was the little uncle of the head of Xian Shui Sect, so of course he had to be colder.

"Where is your head?" she asked, her voice cold.

"Return to Your Highness, the Sect Master is in the Immortal Water Hall."

Cha Cha glanced at the disciples, his eyes fell on one of them, "Xiao Jiu stay."

Tang Yu looked around in surprise.

Is this the legendary fairy water sect?

seems to be full of fairy spirit everywhere.

And the fairy who saved him seems to have a very unusual identity.

Tangyu's eyes are firm, if he can, he must stay in Xianshuizong to practice! Make yourself stronger!

Cha Cha looked back at Tang Yu and instructed, "I have something to say to the head, and I will let Xiao Jiu take you to my misty hall."

Turning, Cha Cha looked at disciple Xiao Jiu again.

"Xiao Jiu, take him to the Misty Hall, so that you can settle down."

Xiaojiu, "Yes."

Xiaojiu is sensible and clever, and can naturally handle this matter well.

Cha Cha turned around and went to Xian Shui Temple.

On the other side of the Demon River, I still have to tell Li Yuan.

Tang Yu looked at the figure that was getting farther and farther away from her, and her eyes flashed with disappointment.

Come to think of it, she doesn't need him to be a cow and a horse to repay her, right?

Xiao Jiu patted Tang Yu's shoulder, "Did you get picked up by Zun Shang? What's your name?"

Tang Yu, "My name is Tang Yu, how do you know that I was picked up by Zun Shang?"

Xiao Jiu snorted, "Hey, our honor is the most kind-hearted, and we have picked up a lot of people! Even I was picked up by the honor, and the honor said that I was a good seedling in cultivation, so let me stay. Beside the sect master, become the sect master's disciple."

Speaking of this, Xiao Jiu immediately added, "I didn't mean to say that you are not a good seedling... The honor is arranged like this, naturally she has her intentions."

Tang Yu still looked at Xiao Jiu with incomprehension.

"Is it any different to be a disciple of the sect master from going to the Piaomiao Palace?" His face was full of curiosity.

Xiaojiu snorted.

It turned out that Tang Yu didn't know the difference, maybe he didn't even know who the lord was.

Xiaojiu explained patiently.

"Your Excellency is the little uncle of the head of Liyuan, the most powerful person in our Xianshui sect, and he became famous in the battle between the fairy and the devil a hundred years ago.

It's just that there were countless casualties in the battle between the immortals and demons, and the Xianshui sect suffered heavy casualties, and the honor was very sad. After that, he was hidden in the misty hall. If there was no major event, he seldom went out.

Your Highness has never had any plans to accept apprentices. If you meet a good seedling, they will be sent to the Sect Master. There are only a few maids serving your Highness in the Misty Hall. "

So the meaning of the honor is probably because Tang Yu is unable to practice.

only let him bring people to the Misty Hall.

Xiaojiu sighed and comforted Tang Yu a few more words, "Don't be too sad, even if you can't practice, it's a good choice to be by your side.

Many of our disciples want to follow Zun Shang, but unfortunately, Zun Shang does not want to accept us..."

is very sad.

Followed by Zunshang, watching Zunshang's prosperous beauty every day, how wonderful!

Your Excellency looks a little colder, but has a good temper.

Tang Yu's expression changed slightly.

So she is the lord of Xianshuizong?

What kind of virtue and ability was he saved by her?

It seems that his initial vigilance was really overthinking.

(end of this chapter)