Chapter 2021: Master is on (8)

Chapter 2021 The Master is Above (8)

Master is on top 8

Chacha didn't refute, in Liyuan's view, it was an agreement.

Liyuan looked solemn.

"Your Highness, I don't agree with you accepting him as a disciple."

Tang Yu's heart trembled when she heard this, and she looked at Master subconsciously.

Chacha was a little puzzled, "You just said you were happy for me."

Liyuan gave Tang Yu an angry look.

"I thought Zun Shang wanted to keep him in the Misty Hall, but I didn't expect that Zun Shang wanted to accept apprentices. Although he can practice, if he wants to become Zun Shang's chief disciple, his talent is still not good enough. Less.

If you want to accept apprentices, send a message to each family, and the news will spread, and there will be people with outstanding talents and excellent family backgrounds who will come to my Xianshui Sect.

Why should you spend your time on a person who is not very talented? "

Liyuan was very unhappy and strongly opposed it.

Cha Cha looked at Tang Yu, who turned pale.

She waved at him, "Come here."

Tang Yu walked over slowly, opened her mouth, did not dare to call Shizun again, and whispered to her, "Your Highness..."

Cha Cha shook his head, "Continue to call Master."

Tang Yu looked at her in disbelief. In fact, the Sect Master was right. He had no talent, no family background, and he had a **** feud, which would only bring trouble to the superior...

That's it? He also wanted to repay his kindness, for fear that he would be revenge for his kindness.

Chacha can't see her poor family being wronged.

Although what Li Yuan said is true, but for accepting apprentices, isn't one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer?

She is willing to accept apprentices and whoever she accepts as apprentices is her business.

Cha Cha's eyes were firm, "Li Yuan, I have my own decision on this matter, Tang Yu is my favorite, and you don't need to say these words again in the future."

Liyuan, "..."

Liyuan was unwilling to continue to dissuade, "But your honor..."

"No but." Cha Cha interrupted her, her pretty face full of determination.

Liyuan gritted her teeth and walked away.

Before leaving, he glared at Tang Yu.

How could your Highness accept a waste like Tang Yu as a disciple?

Liyuan left angrily.

When    left the Misty Hall, many disciples were secretly surprised.

Oh my god, this is the first time that Liyuan Sect Leader is angry with Zun Shang.

This is what happened?

After   Liyuan left, Tang Yu looked at Master.

"Master, you don't need to be angry with the Sect Master for me. The Sect Master actually said something very reasonable, you..."

Cha Cha interrupted him with a half-smile, "If what she said makes sense, then you will be thrown out of Xian Shui Sect."

Tang Yu, "..."

"Okay, I'll show you your study."

Cha Cha got up, his white clothes moved with the wind.

Tang Yu immediately followed.

"From now on, this will be your study room, and your morning classes will all be done here.

Some of the books on the bookshelf are all internal exercises, etc. I have arranged the order according to your foundation, you just need to study in order. "

Cha Cha said gently, "If you have any incomprehensible questions, you can come and ask me. If there is no major event, I will not leave the Misty Hall."

After the words were finished, Cha Cha took out another small bell and handed it to Tang Yu.

"This is a sound transmission bell. I cast a spell on it. You only need to shake this bell when you need it. You can carry it with you, and it can also protect you."

Tang Yu reached out and took the sound transmission bell, and put it in her arms seriously and solemnly, "Thank you, Master, I will work hard."

"Yeah." Cha Cha nodded in satisfaction.

and then explained a few words, "Cultivation must not be in a hurry for quick success, it is easy to go crazy, you have to learn to be prudent."

Tang Yu responded well-behaved.

What Master said, he will take it seriously in his heart.

(end of this chapter)