Chapter 2027: Master is on top (14)

Chapter 2027 The Master is Above (14)

Master is on top 14


Ai Qing came to the grove where he had an appointment to meet before.

"What do you need me to do for you."

When he said this, he was not even sure if the other party was there.

However, in the next instant, he really got a reply.

"Brother Ai, don't be nervous, I want you to help me deal with Tang Yu, I have a holiday with Tang Yu, and Brother Ai, your relationship with Tang Yu is probably not very good.

Help me, and also solve the enemy for you! "

Ai Qing was slightly startled.

Obviously didn't expect that the other party's purpose was the same as his.

Next, Ai Qing had no doubts.

directly negotiated cooperation with the other party.

When    left, the other party gave Ai Qing a few more pills.

Ai Qing left on his front foot, and the undercover demon sect walked out of the woods on his back foot.

This time, the mission can always be completed!

The Demon World has a new plan.

used Tang Yu to force Jiang Cha to take back the Moonfall Sword.

If Jiang Cha doesn't care about this apprentice's life or death, then let Tang Yu be buried with them first!

As for Ai Qing, as long as Ai Qing helps to cooperate with the inside and the outside, this time will definitely succeed!


Because it is uncertain when Tang Yu will survive the calamity.

So, Cha Cha stayed with Tang Yu for several days.

Tang Yu was in a complicated mood.

Master treats him extremely well.

For three days in a row, Master did not rest well.

Tang Yu sighed slightly, looking at Cha Cha's somewhat tired face, "Master, I can do it myself, you can rest first."

Cha Cha's expression was gentle, "I'm here to accompany you, don't be careless about things like transcending tribulation."

Especially in the Jindan period.

Crossing the past becomes a golden pill. If you can't get past it, some of your cultivation bases are gone, and some are lost. Many immortal cultivators have been destroyed by this catastrophe.

Therefore, Chacha is very worried.

Tang Yu responded.

suddenly got up and walked behind Cha Cha with a gentle attitude.

"Master, I'll beat your shoulders for you, it's more comfortable this way."

Seeing that he was so active, Cha Cha did not refuse.


The little apprentice also knew that he would beat her shoulders, which made her very happy.

In addition to being gratified, I also felt a bit of a headache.

just thumped a few times.


Cha Cha felt an inevitable pressure.

"Tang Yu! Get ready!"

Her voice was heavy, and Tang Yu got ready immediately.

at the same time.

Many disciples of the Immortal Water Sect with good cultivation also noticed it. I saw a golden light above the Misty Hall.

The golden light seems to carry the power of thunder, even if it is far away, it is daunting.

As soon as the undercover in the demon world saw this situation, he knew that Tang Yu was about to cross the calamity.

This thunder tribulation is extremely terrifying.

Tangyu will definitely be extremely weak after the calamity, and that is the best time to attack.

The undercover agent first hid in the room and used the magic world's unique sound transmission technique to spread the news to the magic world guardian.

At that time, the Guardians of the Demon Realm and others gathered outside the Demon River.

As soon as    received the news, he started to attack the barrier outside the magic river together.

The    enchantment has changed.

Chacha immediately felt it.

Cha Cha's complexion changed slightly.

There is a change in the enchantment of this magic river. How can there be such a coincidence in time?

No change in the morning, no change in the evening, but it happened when Tang Yu transcended the calamity?

At this moment, a thunderbolt slashed down towards Tang Yu! That thunder calamity obviously had the power to destroy everything, and according to Tang Yu's current ability, he couldn't bear it at all.

Chacha reacted very quickly, raising his hand was a substitute technique.

pushed Tang Yu away.

The thunder of the sky slammed into her.

Even a person with such a high level of cultivation as Cha Cha was spit out a mouthful of blood.

(end of this chapter)