Chapter 2045: Master is above (end)

Chapter 2045 The Master is Above (End)

Master is finished

And the apprentices of your honor, follow them and be buried together!

Even the magic river, which had always been filthy, gradually dissipated its filth.

The darkness of the sky gradually dissipated.

The violent storm near the   Magic River gradually calmed down.

When the first ray of light from the sky fell, they seemed to see two golden lights appear, and then quickly disappeared into the sky and the earth.

The disciples of the Xianshui Sect who came here all covered their faces and cried.

Liyuan stood there with a sad expression.

Xiaojiu stood there, looking at the radiant sun, he seemed to... vaguely know why the head of Liyuan has been so lost in recent days.

Probably because the Sect Master knew the choice of the Supreme Being, right?

and the devil will perish together...

dissipated in this world.

Xiaojiu trembled uncontrollably, her eyes were flushed, Zun Shang left them far away, and would never come back.

at this time.

A sword light appeared.

The Moonfall Sword, full of spiritual energy, landed steadily in front of Liyuan.

Liyuan's tears couldn't help falling.

This is your honorable Moonfall Sword.

is also... that person promised her that it would give a good ending to 'Ginger Tea Zun Shang'.

This is probably your wish.

Heaven and earth return to peace.

There is no more Demon Lord.

There will no longer be a scene where life is ruined.

It’s just that Zunshang’s figure will never appear again.

Liyuan took the Moonfall Sword and turned to leave.

The pace was hurried and lonely.

After this day.

Everyone knows that Jiang Cha Zun, for the sake of the world, perished in ashes, and perished with the devil, saving a catastrophe.

Immortal Water Sect was therefore firmly seated as the number one faction in the world of immortals.

It seems that everything is developing in the expected direction.

That was the last conversation she had with Zun Shang that day.

Oh, not your honor.

She even forgot to ask the girl's name...

And now, this ending is also the most appropriate ending.


A few days later.

In a sparsely populated town, there is one more man and one woman.

The two are talented and beautiful, and they are said to be wandering around.

A few days of rest in the town.

In the teahouse.

Cha Cha and Tang Yu quietly listened to the storyteller telling the story of Jiang Cha Zunshang's life.

"Let's talk about that Ginger Tea Venerable, a hundred years ago, he made a contribution in a battle of immortals and demons, and made it his responsibility to subdue demons and eliminate demons..."

Storytellers gushed.

When Jiang Chazun sacrificed, many people in the teahouse burst into tears.

Cha Cha smiled slightly and pulled Tang Yu away.

Now this ending is the best ending.

Ginger tea is sacrificed for the world.

Now, being admired should also be her end.

The honor in Liyuan's heart has not changed.

She and Tang Yu also escaped by suspended animation.


There will be no **** tea in this world.

And no one will know who they are.

"Chacha, when I think about the two of us going to travel the world in the future, I feel like a dream, so real." Tang Yu was a little emotional.

After all, he is still with the Master in an upright and upright relationship.

Cha Cha asked him calmly, "Are you happy then?"

Tang Yu, "Happy."

Being with her was the happiest thing in his life.


"Can you put down Xianshuizong?"

Tang Yu couldn't help asking.

Chacha thought for a while, "Almost."

Although she has feelings, she did everything for Xian Shui Sect.

Xianshuizong gained fame and fortune.

Liyuan untied her knot.

And she believes that Liyuan will work harder to make Xianshuizong flourish in the future.

became the most dazzling existence in this immortal world.

Tang Yu, "Where are we going next?"

Chacha, "...Go forward, everyone has to go forward, I prefer to go all the way to the dark, and it counts wherever you go!"

Tang Yu, "Okay."

No matter where she goes or which road she takes, he will accompany her and never part.

(end of this chapter)