Chapter 2050: Hello boss (5)

Chapter 2050 Hello, boss (5)

Hello boss 5

Jiang Zhuo noticed the gloom on Su Yubai's body, silently shut his mouth and stopped talking.

for fear of offending this ancestor again.

I don't know what happened, why are you suddenly angry?

Jiang Zhuo couldn't figure out what to do, but Su Yubai was always moody, so he didn't think much about it.

Chacha saw Su Yubai at a glance.

After all, that person is very conspicuous.

But, to find Su Yubai, you have to pass by the dog thing in Shen Chenglin.

Cha Cha glanced at Shen Shenglin in disgust.

It's really... bad luck.

How can I find someone and still meet him?

Cha Cha walked over in disgust.

I felt a little better when I thought of talking to Su Yubai later.

Shen layer forest snorted.

He just said, Fu Cha can't do without him.

Since he can't be separated from him, then honestly and obediently, and tossing him out of the stage, what good will it do to her?

Could it be that she thought that he was still begging her and flattering her for those rubbish?


Shen Shenglin looked disdainful.

Just as Cha Cha walked to his side, Shen Shenglin opened his mouth and said, "How come Mr. Fu has time to see me today?"

said this with a bit of displeasure.

However, Cha Cha ignored him at all.

Go straight over.

Shen Shenglin didn't wait for a reply, and was stunned for a moment.

"???"and many more!

What is Fu Cha doing? Didn't he come to find him?

Shen Shenglin's face turned black.

Then he saw Fu Cha walking in the direction of Su Yubai.

Shen layered forest, "..."

What does she want to do?

Cha Cha saw Su Yubai and went straight to the point, "Hello, Mr. Su, I'm Fu Cha from Star Entertainment. This time I came to the crew to find you, and I have something I want to tell you."

Jiang Zhuo froze in place, obviously did not expect that the person he was still beeping just now came to look for Su Yubai.

He looked at Su Yubai in horror.

Oh, wait, listen to this, these two people should not know each other.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good.

Su Yubai lifted his eyelids, "What's the matter?"

Chacha straight to the point, "Our company has a movie to shoot, and I think you are a good fit for the male lead, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Yubai raised his hand and motioned her to stop.

Chacha blinked and waited for him to speak.

Su Yubai's voice did not waver, "I only take one movie a year."

Chacha, "I know, so I came to see you personally just to see if there is room for negotiation."

Su Yubai snorted coldly.

He stared at the person in front of him for a few seconds. He was very delicate, and he didn't look like a blind person.

Why would you hold that Shen layered forest?

Su Yubai's attitude is arrogant.

Manager Yang was a little embarrassed, but he was unwilling to let this opportunity go. He took a step forward and began to try his best to tell Su Yubai about the movie, trying to impress him and make him change his attitude.

Chacha was not in a hurry and found a place to sit down.

quietly watched Manager Yang talking to Su Yubai.

The submerged forest not far away is about to explode.

Others are here, why not come to see him, ask him, care about him?

Fu Cha also said that he liked him every day.

Turned his head, didn't he still stare at Su Yubai?

Seeing Su Yubai, even the soul is gone!

It's terrible to sink into the forest, but you can't get angry at this time.

He stared at Cha Cha with a dark face.

for a moment.

Cha Cha felt his gaze and turned around, only giving Shen Shenglin a disgusting look.

Shen layered forest, "???"

Is he blind? Did he see it wrong?

Fu Cha despised him?

How dare she look at him with such eyes?

(end of this chapter)