Chapter 2055: Hello boss (10)

Chapter 2055 Hello, boss (10)

Boss Hello 10

Fu Miao wanted to understand.

went to the crew without any hesitation.

That afternoon.

Fu Miao arrived at the place.

Shen layering forest's crew is still next door to Su Yubai.

Shen layered forest was the first Fu Miao I saw.

As soon as he saw Fu Miao, his eyes instantly became a lot excited.

Did his family Miaomiao come to see him?

But...there are so many people, isn't she afraid of being discovered?

This is not good.

Even so, Shen Shenglin took a few steps forward excitedly, intending to say a few words to Fu Miao.

However, Fu Miao glanced at him and didn't intend to ignore him at all.

walked right past him.

Shen Shenglin's expectant eyes changed.

He turned his head in disbelief and looked at Fu Miao's figure walking farther and farther. Shen Shenglin's mentality collapsed with a snap.

Didn't she come to him?

Then who is she looking for?

Expecting to fail, my heart is full of loss.

He stared at Fu Miao.

Until I saw that Fu Miao went to the crew next door.

The crew next door? Su Yubai?

Shen Shenglin's face suddenly caused a little anger!

It's Su Yubai again!

Why should everyone be attracted to Su Yubai!

Why was his light covered up after meeting Su Yubai?

Shen layer forest was angry and angry.

The unspeakable sadness and complexity, as well as unwillingness and jealousy.

Fu Cha is like this, and so is Fu Miao.

Why is it all because of Su Yubai?

Shen Shenglin lowered his head, trying to restrain his emotions, afraid of being discovered by others, so he tried his best to pretend to be indifferent.

Fu Miao narrowed her eyes when she saw Su Yubai.

First, he silently sighed at his prosperous beauty.

No wonder Fu Chahui took the initiative to run over to invite Su Yubai, this face really hangs Shen layering.

Compared with him, Shen Shenglin, tsk, suddenly became dull.

If you can fool Su Yubai over as her boyfriend, it will be more exciting than Shen Shenglin.

Fu Miao quickly concealed the emotion in her eyes.

Fu Miao's voice is as gentle as possible without losing maturity.

"Mr. Su, I'm Fu Miao, the president of Xingyue Entertainment. I want to invite you to participate in a movie. I wonder if you're interested."

"..." Jiang Zhuo was speechless.

He made it clear on the phone, and he also rejected Mr. Fu. Why did he come here again?

Jiang Zhuo looked at Brother Su, and then refused, "President Fu, I'm his manager. When I was on the phone in the morning, I made it very clear, why do you have to be so persistent?"

Fu Miao took a calm attitude, "I don't think my sincerity is enough to come here in person, so as to show my sincerity, Mr. Su, what do you think?"

Su Yubai snorted coldly.

Fu Cha came to him, that was indeed sincerity.

But when Fu Miao came to him, he was afraid that he had no sincerity at all.

His eyes were disdainful, he didn't even want to look at Fu Miao, and even... he didn't say a word from beginning to end.

His attitude was already obvious.

But Fu Miao was still a little unwilling.

"Mr. Su, my sincerity is very good..."

Fu Miao went on to say that Jiang Zhuo was not good at doing it directly.

can only have one face in black.

That's it? Pay the total?

There is no wink at all, do you not understand human words?

has already said that, if you don't participate in the show, you won't participate in the show!

How many times do I have to say it?

is simply a pit in the brain.

Fu Miao beeped a few more words there.

The implication of    is nothing more than to remind Su Yubai that Xingyue Entertainment has more potential than Xingchen Entertainment, and can crush the stars in all aspects...

Finally, Su Yubai became impatient.

couldn't help but gave Fu Miao a word, "Go away!"

(end of this chapter)