Chapter 2058: Hello boss (13)

Chapter 2058 Hello, boss (13)

Boss Hello 13

Chacha thought for a moment, nodded, and agreed.

After all, she has nothing to do here, so she might as well go back to the car and wait for him.

Cha Cha left the dressing room calmly.

Jiang Zhuo, who was standing outside, looked surprised.

came out so soon?

What did these two talk about?

Jiang Zhuo glanced cautiously into the dressing room.

Oh, his brother Su looks pretty good.

I don't know if it was an illusion. He felt that Brother Su's complexion seemed to have improved a lot. Not only that, but Brother Su, he was a little happy to come?

The corners of his eyes seemed to be slightly smiling.

Jiang Zhuo thought for a while, and then understood in seconds.

Probably because he has to finish his work today and end his work, so Brother Su is so happy.

Alas, unprofessional Brother Su!

Su Yubai prepared for the last scene.


at the same time.

As soon as Shen Shenglin arrived on the set, he heard the news that Fu Cha had come to look for Su Yubai again.

His face changed slightly.

He really doesn't like Su Yubai so much.

Especially since Fu Miao hasn't left today, it seems likely that he will visit Su Yubai again.

It was like that yesterday, but Fu Miao still wanted to find Su Yubai!

is very angry.

Shen Shenglin thought for a while, and asked someone where Fu Cha was.

Then, Shen Shenglin went to Fu Cha's car.

first knocked on the car window.

Cha Cha lowered the car window and glanced at the people outside.


Shen layered forest?

What is this dog thing doing to her?

Cha Cha looked at Shen Shenglin with cold eyes, "Is something wrong?"

Shen Shenglin had thought about a lot of things to say, but now she was caught off guard by her indifferent appearance, and those words were swallowed back in an instant.

He opened his mouth, his expression slightly arrogant.

"Why did you come to find Su Yubai again?"

Chacha, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Is the dog thing too wide?

She is the president.


is a part-time job at best.

How dare you come to ask her about it?

Shen Shenglin's eyes changed, "Of course it has something to do with me, you...I..."

He was a little hesitant in his words.

"How do you plan to deal with the matter between us...?"

Cha Cha raised her eyebrows to look at him, and suddenly became a little interested.

"Between us?"

She repeated meaningfully, "Is there something between us? You are my artist of Star Entertainment, I am the president of Star Entertainment, that's all."

The last four characters of    are very heavy.

Isn't he hooking up with Fu Miao now?

How dare you come here to ask her?

Shen Shenglin's face changed slightly, "That's all? Are you planning to easily erase the previous things in one sentence?"

How could she say such a thing?

How can she!

Cha Cha was amused by his words.

"Shen Shenglin, please feel your conscience yourself, I have never been sorry for you in the past, but what have you... done? I am a person with limited patience, such a naive me chasing you, you I'm tired of playing games that ignore me."

She is not the original owner.

The original owner threw money and resources for this shit, but what happened?

Dog things still turn around and get along with Fu Miao, and then design and destroy the original owner's company?

The original owner is stupid, but she is not stupid.

Shen Chenglin's routine, she is not interested in continuing to play with him.

I don't even want to act, because it's too low-level.

Shen layered forest, "..."

His eyes were unpredictable, "So that means, you don't want to be responsible anymore, chase halfway, turn your head and leave, what's the difference between a scumbag who deceives people's feelings?"

(end of this chapter)