Chapter 2062: Hello boss (17)

Chapter 2062 Hello, President (17)

Boss Hello 17

Su Yubai stared at Chacha for a while, but he never thought that the little girl really... stopped asking him for evidence.

is very angry.

Feeling inexplicably irritable.

Chacha noticed his changes and thought of the outside world's judgment on him: moody.

Well, it's a little moody, but it's not a big deal.

Small problem, don't worry about it.

Until lunch was over, Su Yubai's mood still didn't ease.

In the box.

Cha Cha looked at Su Yubai.

Begin a serious introduction.

"Mr. Su? This movie from our company will definitely not drag on your reputation..."

Su Yubai raised his hand to signal her to stop.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Cha Cha calmly.

"Mr. Fu, you should know that I have a principle."

Chacha hummed, "I know."

However, principles can be broken.

Isn't she trying to talk to him about this movie? Of course, if he insists on not taking over the movie, she won't stalk him.

Just change another suitable candidate.

It's just that Su Yubai is the most suitable, so I spend more time on him.

Su Yubai continued, "I only take one movie a year, if Mr. Fu wants me to break this principle, should he attract me with more suitable conditions?

Just the production team and the good script of this movie can't attract me, these, I have seen a lot..."

He said slowly with deep eyes.

Chacha paused for a while.

"Then what conditions do you want? What conditions do you think are suitable?"

So, this thing is still a chance.

What he meant, she understood.

Su Yubai had to come up with enough conditions to get Su Yubai to agree.

is not a direct rejection of the invitation.

Su Yubai clicked, the little girl didn't seem to be very stupid.

"My conditions are very simple, but not too simple. I don't know if President Fu can do it."

"You said." Cha Cha looked at Su Yubai seriously.

Next second.

Su Yubai hooked her fingers at her, like a big bad wolf coaxing a little white rabbit.

Little White Rabbit blinked and walked over to him.

Su Yubai reached out and pinched Chacha's little face.

Chacha, "?"

Su Yubai, "Well, starting from tomorrow, you will take care of my daily life for a month. If you agree, I will take over the movie immediately."

After the words were finished, Su Yubai watched the little girl's eyes expectantly.

After a while, Cha Cha asked, "Is it just for daily life? Does it not include anything else?"

"What else do you mean?" Su Yu's white eyebrows were stained with a smile.

Cha Cha calmly spit out two words, "Warm the bed."

Su Yubai's eyes suddenly darkened.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fu, I'm not so shameless."

Cha Cha nodded, "Okay."

Besides, even if it is to warm the bed, it is not necessarily her who suffers.

She has nothing to worry about.

Xu Shi Cha Cha agreed too happily, Su Yubai was surprised for a moment.

Su Yubai, "Aren't you afraid that I will plot against you?"

Chacha glanced at him, and suddenly thought of the previous kiss in the dressing room.

She smiled, the little girl who looked good and soft, suddenly leaned over and kissed him on the face, she was astonished, and she left with a touch.

Chacha, "The plot is wrong? Do you mean this plot is wrong?"

Su Yubai chuckled.

Very good, the little girl caught his attention perfectly.

is not only well-behaved, but also a bold little girl!

She made him very satisfied!

This boldness, please keep it up.

(end of this chapter)