Chapter 2064: Hello boss (19)

Chapter 2064 Hello, boss (19)

Boss Hello 19

"You don't know how to cook, so are you going to let me eat takeout every day?" Su Yubai stared at her and asked.

Chacha waved his little hand and became more confident.

"I can find a chef to cook for you. If you don't think it's convenient for people to enter here, I'll buy an apartment here, and let them deliver it to ensure that you can eat hot meals every day. !!!”

Su Yubai, "..."

She is such a clever little ghost...

He stretched out his hand and hooked her finger, "If that's the case, what do I want you to do to take care of my diet? Don't you think you're very insincere?"


Although she can't cook.


"I can feed you, so it's considered sincerity, right?" She is really a clever little ghost.

Feeding is also considered to take care of him.

Su Yubai was immediately laughed at.

He suspected that he invited a little ancestor to come back.

In the end, of course, we ordered two takeaways for breakfast.

Chacha seriously planned to feed, but was rejected by Su Yubai, "I have hands!"

Cha Cha, "Okay."

Then, Cha Cha bowed his head to eat.

Su Yubai, "..." I was so angry that I lost my temper!

After breakfast, Cha Cha simply cleaned up the table.

Given what he didn't do, Su Yubai didn't seem very satisfied.

When Su Yubai was sitting on the sofa and looking at his phone, Cha Cha diligently ran to the back of the sofa and stretched out his hand to help Su Yubai squeeze his shoulders.

"Mr. Su, are you comfortable?"

Su Yubai put down the phone, closed his eyes and enjoyed it, "It's alright." It was finally useful.

When    squeezed his shoulders, his fair and slender fingers accidentally touched Su Yubai's cheek.

Su Yubai opened his eyes suddenly, which startled Cha Cha.

Chacha, "...I pinched it hurts? Or is it uncomfortable?"

Su Yubai's voice was hoarse, "Continue."

Chacha oh, and continue to squeeze your shoulders.

After pinching for a while, Cha Cha whispered, "Mr. Su, my hands are sore..."

Su Yubai raised his eyes silently, "Then take a break."

Cha Cha put his hands away and sat on the sofa, looking at Su Yubai with bright eyes, "Is Mr. Su satisfied?"

"It's okay." Su Yubai replied perfunctorily.

Hearing this, Cha Cha said, "Then I'm going to work!"

The company still has something to deal with.

She went back to the second bedroom, turned on the computer, and looked serious.

Su Yubai raised his eyebrows, but did not embarrass her and let her work hard.

is... he seems a little boring by himself.

Su Yubai walked to the second bedroom, sat down on the bed, and watched Chacha work expressionlessly.

During Chacha, he glanced at him, smiled at him, and continued to work.

The originally boring time seems to have become less boring after seeing her.

Not long after, Su Yubai changed his position and lay down.

He supported his head with his hands and watched the little girl working nearby.

If it’s always like this, it seems… not bad?

Su Yu's white eyebrows had a little smile in his eyes, and he didn't even notice it himself.

I don't know how long.

When Chacha turned back, Su Yubai was already lying there asleep.

Chacha shut down the computer.

got up and covered Su Yubai with a quilt. In this weather, it would be bad if he caught a cold.

She leaned over and was about to give Su Yubai the quilt. Unpredictable, Su Yubai opened her eyes suddenly, clasped her wrist suddenly, and overwhelmed him.

Cha Cha blinked, looking blank.

This should be Su Yubai's conditioned reflex.

may have sensed someone approaching, and subconsciously grabbed her.

But...the situation now...seems a little strange.

Su Yubai looked at the person under him and was stunned for a moment.

(end of this chapter)