Chapter 2066: Hello, boss (21)

Chapter 2066 Hello, President (21)

Hello boss 21

the next day.

As soon as Cha Cha opened his eyes, he found himself being held by someone.

She blinked and looked at the people around her in a dazed way.

Oh, Su Yubai.

almost forgot about him.

She warmed his bed last night.

Then, he fell asleep.

Well, this time, I slept very sweetly.

Chacha was a little embarrassed, as if occupying his bed.

She tried to move, and wanted to get up and leave.

However, as soon as he moved, the people around him woke up.

Su Yubai's hand on her waist tightened and said, "Don't you want to run away?"

Chacha, "What? Why should I run away?"

How could she not understand what he said?

Su Yubai made a righteous nonsense, "Because you did something bad last night, you don't want to admit it now, so you want to run away."

Cha Cha looked blank.

His words made her even more confused.

What did she do wrong?

Wasn't it just warm the bed and then fell asleep?

What is there to admit?

Chacha, "I have nothing to admit, don't talk nonsense."

Su Yubai's eyes were meaningful, "Oh?"

"Last night, you rubbed in my arms, and then... we are all adults, you should know what the consequences were to me."

It doesn't matter what you say.

Even Chacha, even if he was prepared, was still shocked by this sentence.

"you you……"

Su Yubai continued, "Then I went to the bathroom to take a cold shower! Do you know what kind of damage this will cause to my body?"

Su Yubai did a shameless job perfectly.

Chacha asked him in a complicated mood, "Then what do you think I should do? Can I make up for the damage I caused to you?"

That's all, she won't argue with him.

It is estimated that there will be no result in the end, and he may even be beaten back by him.

Chacha knows someone's routine.

Su Yu has dry hair between diphtheria.

He lowered his head to her ear and whispered, "I want to kiss you."

Cha Cha, "..."

She tilted her head and glanced at Su Yubai.

did not refute.

tacitly agreed to his request.

Su Yubai approached cautiously.

The last time I kissed her was in the dressing room.

After he went back that day, he had a dream at night... He held her in his arms and bullied her fiercely.

Chacha suddenly said, "I haven't washed yet."

Would you like to wait?

Su Yubai's eyes gradually darkened.

"I don't despise you."

The person in   's arms is softer and sweeter than the dream.

In her dream, she was illusory and could not be caught.

But in reality, he was kissing her.

The hand on her waist also began to be dishonest...

After ten minutes.

Su Yubai hastily let go of Chacha.

and headed into the bathroom.

He didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to take a cold shower to calm down.

Cha Cha glanced at the person who fled in the desert, and clicked his tongue, look, Su Yubai did it himself.

Hey, you have to look for trouble.

Isn't it himself who suffers?

Cha Cha got out of bed happily, then went back to his room to change clothes.

Su Yubai took a cold shower for a while before walking out of the bathroom.

Chacha has already brought breakfast.

"Eat breakfast." She said calmly.

Pretty face is rosy, not too shy.

Su Yubai's eyes gradually calmed down, the little girl is not shy, why is he shy?

He sat down at the table.

After thinking about it, he pulled the little girl passing by him into his arms.

"Didn't you say you wanted to feed me breakfast?" Su Yubai's dark eyes flashed with anticipation.

It’s just that I don’t know what the little girl said, so it doesn’t count.

(end of this chapter)